1861 - The Church Quarterly [Christchurch] - OCTOBER, 1861, p 1-16

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  1861 - The Church Quarterly [Christchurch] - OCTOBER, 1861, p 1-16
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OCTOBER, 1861.

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OCTOBER, 1861.


THE chief object of this paper which it is proposed to publish quarterly, is to give to those, who are in communion with the Church of England, such information on Church matters as may enable them to understand more fully the position and the work of the Church in this Diocese.

And some such information seems to be necessary; since though we have here the same Church services and ordinances which we partook of in our native land, and are living under a similar form of Church Government, yet the position and work of the Church is not altogether the same. It is unconnected with the Civil Government, and only recognised and assisted by it as any other body of Christians, and it is therefore at liberty, in due subordination to the principles and laws which form its bond of union with the mother Church and the other Dioceses of these islands, to make any regulations which may be considered expedient for its own more complete organization and effectual working, and in the making of these regulations and in the general administration of the affairs of the Church, though each order of the Church retains, as heretofore, its own appropriate functions, those of the Lay-members are more distinctly defined, and more ample provision made for their exercise. There is accordingly much which must seem new in our present system of Church Government; though the principles upon which it rests are the same as they were at the beginning. A publication therefore which may serve to explain this, and to make known what regulations may have been adopted, and what offices of trust created, and which also may, from time to time, remind us of our duties and responsibilities will, it is hoped under Gods' blessing, be of some service. And again, the position of the Church here, differs from that to which we have been accustomed, inasmuch as we are under the necessity of maintaining from our own resources the ministrations of the Church. These were provided for us in England, and, in most instances, with little cost and trouble to ourselves, and we perhaps regarded them as things of course. The

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Parish Church was ours to worship in, whenever we chose to attend; and the parish clergyman was bound, not only by his ordination vows, but by the laws of the realm, to minister to us in the several offices of religion; but here it is different, we can have no Churches now, but such as are built through our own exertions, and the services in them, and the clergymen who minister in them, and who have the cure of souls in the districts around them, must be maintained by our own contributions, with such assistance as may be supplied from the Church endowments; and though clergymen who have undertaken the different cures are under the most solemn obligations to give themselves wholly to their ministry, no one, who is withholding what is wanting on his part to enable them to do this, can advance an equitable claim to their services. Such a state of things entails upon us duties which however new to us, are binding upon us in no ordinary degree. In spiritual things as in temporal we have to make provision for ourselves, and for those of our own household, and it is well that this should be fully understood.

It will be the business of this paper, therefore, to bring before the members of the Church, the religious wants of the different parts of the Diocese; to point out where clergymen, or schoolmasters, churches or schools are especially needed, and what exertions must be made to secure them; and, further, it will show what assistance is required either for districts which are thinly peopled, or for those parts of the Diocese where from long disuse of the church services, and the means of grace, their value is but little felt; and where it has become the duty of the church to plant, as it were afresh, the seed of religious truth, aided by the alms of those who are willing to assist in imparting to others what they themselves are permitted to enjoy; nor will it be unprofitable to record those exertions which have proved successful. It will be an occasion of thanksgiving, to those who have at heart the religious welfare of their fellow-men, and it may shew to those among us who are slack in our exertions, what others have been enabled to do, with means perhaps as limited as ours.

And since among those who have an undoubted claim to our aid we must reckon our Maori brethren in this Diocese, their Condition both temporal and spiritual, and what may improve it, what may and should be done for the education of their children, and for

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the setting forward among them true religion and piety, will be laid before our readers, not without the hope that their warmest sympathies will be enlisted in their behalf. Indeed this paper is put forth in the full conviction that there are many who would be ready to give their aid in such and other like works of religion and charity, if only they knew that it was wanted, and that it could be profitably bestowed. There must be many here who feel that they have been brought to this country for higher purposes than the mere acquisition of worldly riches and comforts; that, being in God's Church, they have responsibilities even beyond those that concern their own spiritual advancement; that they are bound to interest themselves in the well-being of others, and as opportunity offers do their best to promote it. Such persons will be thankful to be told what is wanting, or being done, for the better supply of the religious necessities of themselves and of others; and will esteem it a privilege to be allowed to assist either by their own personal services, or at least by their alms and prayers. Our first duty of course lies with ourselves, and with that portion of the Church in which we have been placed, and it is doubtless for this purpose that God has so ordered it, that each separate Diocese should be complete in itself--complete in its means of self-government and edification, as well as in its doctrines and ordinances; but still it must not be forgotten that though we are many members, yet we are but one body, and that it is God's will that our hearts should be enlarged towards those who are connected with us in the same holy fellowship, however personally unknown to us. Hence through the medium of this paper, intelligence will be given of matters of interest in other parts of the church, especially in the Dioceses more immediately connected with our own, whether it relates to the good government of the Church, or the measures which have been tried and found effectual to give vigour and unity to her ministrations.

And as the work of the Church is not limited to those alone who are already gathered unto her, and she is commissioned to go forth into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature; care will be taken to place before our readers the missionary efforts of the Church especially those which have originated from the Church in these islands, and which are now under the direction of Bishop Patteson. These seem to have peculiar claims to our support.

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And in thus endeavouring to make known the position and the work of our own portion of the Church; and that which in other portions of it deserves our attention, it is hoped that this paper may be instrumental in promoting our own individual growth in grace. If only it serve to show us that the work of the Church is our own work, the work of each member of it, and help us to do it more earnestly in our several vocations and ministries, it will not have been published in vain. For we cannot be heartily engaged in a work which is so much for God's glory and the good of man, without being ourselves drawn nearer to God, and in him to each other.


WHY have we a General and Diocesan Synods, and all the legislation connected with them? Why are Churchmen called upon to join in organising a system of Church Goverment? Why may we not go on in the old fashioned way and let Church affairs be managed as they used to be at home? these are questions which we believe are not unfrequently asked by Churchmen in this Diocese, and we cannot expect their cordial co-operation in the work of ecclesiastical organisation so long as they are left without a reasonable answer.

There is a difference in the position of the Church of England in the Colonies and at home. In the Colonies the connection between Church and State is at an end. Hence the great body of ecclesiastical law as administered in England has become inoperative here, and the distant branches of the Church of England are thus deprived of State support while they are unable to call in the aid of English Ecclesiastical Law for their internal regulation. The chief onus of their government devolves on their Bishops who, with their own powers ill defined and unsupported by any ecclesiastical law in force within their Dioceses, must needs, in many cases, find their position both irksome and ineffective. For this state of things there can be but one remedy. As in civil, so in ecclesiastical affairs, the task of government is in our day thrown very much into the hands of the governed, and members of colonial branches of the Church are now required to bestir themselves and provide the internal organisation no longer derived from the mother Church. And this ought to be a subject of rejoicing rather than of regret. The ecclesiastical system of the

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Church at home had become complicated and unwieldy and mixed up with secular law. Comparatively few could understand it so as to recognise the connection which ought to exist between all church law and the highest religious truth. We are persuaded it will be greatly to the advantage of sincere Churchmen to see how the provisions of a visible Church polity grow out of the fundamental truths of religion in their varied aspects and applications. But the need of local organisation and self-government does not rest solely on the fact that Colonial Churches are now very much left (so to speak) to shift for themselees. We must consider the need of organization not only because we are unprovided with it, but because without it we cannot adequately fulfil our duties as a Christian community either at home or abroad. A branch of the Church left to comparatively independent action in a distant colony should not refuse to raise her voice and declare that in her corporate capacity she is ready to be an upholder of sound doctrine and wholesome discipline. Such it may be said is the scope of the proceedings of our General Synod--to declare and secure the unity of the Church in New Zealand with the mother Church both in doctrine and discipline, and to exercise such general control and direction over the various Dioceses as will contribute to unity of action and uniformity of usage throughout the Province. The Diocesan Synods on the other hand are charged with local arrangements and the carrying out in detail of the principles laid down by the General Synod. A glance at the titles of the Statutes and Resolutions passed by our own Synod of Christchurch will sufficiently indicate the functions of a Diocesan Synod. The election of the Synod itself--the formation of parishes--the disposal of patronage, that most difficult and troublesome question-- the extension of education--the promotion of Missions at home and abroad--these are some of the important matters which closely concern every locality in a Diocese, and of these and others like them it is the duty of the Diocesan Synod to take the oversight and regulation. A few examples only are mentioned for space would fail to enumerate the multiplicity of details which fall under the supervision of the Diocesan Synod or (its representative when not in Session) the Standing Commission. We earnestly hope the time will come before long when Churchmen will understand the inestimable advantage of a complete Provision for the administration of Church affairs. With such provision in efficient working order it cannot fail that the Church will shew more healthy

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vigorous action in her corporate capacity. Her Bishops will be left to the freer discharge of their highest episcopal functions, and private Churchmen taught to feel more deeply the weight of their collective and individual responsibility. So unused are Englishmen to any direct share in the administration of their own Church affairs--so entirely new to them is the whole subject of self-government within the Church, that a clear appreciation of its importance can hardly be expected at first. But it cannot be doubted that the work of ecclesiastical organization will be viewed with greater intelligence and interest when time shall have shewn its effects in drawing Churchmen more closely together and enabling them to work more heartily and effectually for the glory of their Lord.


IT is now two years since the Mission was commenced in the Diocese. The results though not large are satisfactory. The continued desire for instruction, the eagerness to purchase books and willingness to contribute according to their means--to the support of the Mission, and any good cause, are proofs that the Maoris appreciate what has hitherto been done for them.

The effects of the Mission may be seen in the following summary of the past two years' proceedings:--

On the twenty acres of land set apart by the Maoris from their reserve for school and mission purposes, a house has been built which is now occupied by the Clergyman of the Mission. The timber for the house and half of the expense of sawing it was given by the Maoris, the cost of erecting the building being defrayed from the General Government Grant of £200.

Little more than a year ago the natives of Port Levy resolved to put up a church, and cut ten thousand feet of timber for the purpose, but have hitherto been prevented by want of funds from accomplishing their design. At Timaru and Waimatemate the natives have timber ready and are only waiting till they have money enough to put up churches in those places. At Kaiapoi, service is held in a large Maori building; but the people are anxious to have a more commodious and sightly edifice, and have contributed, since the beginning of this year, £28 for the purpose.

The average attendance on Divine Service at the various villages when the Missionary was present is as follows:--

Kaiapoi 80
Wairewa 25
Rapaki 20
Port Levy 40
Akaroa 25

Shewing an attendance of one half the population, the population of Kaiapoi and Banks' Peninsula being 380. At other times the attendance is generally small--not from indifference to good things, but from want of confidence in the lay readers, or jealousy, &c.

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At the places mentioned above, two services are held every Sunday, and prayers read morning and evening throughout the week.

The only schools in operation are the Sunday schools, which are held during the interval between the services. One half of the congregation usually attend. Those, who can, read one of the lessons and have it explained to them. The rest repeat the Church Catechism. Before closing they are all questioned on the sermon. During the summer months a Bible class is held on two evenings in the week, they are well attended whenever the Missionary is present.

For the instruction of the children little has hitherto been done. Tamati Tikao the teacher at Little River, boarded and taught thirteen children at his own expense for nearly a year--but was compelled to dismiss them last February--the parents not contributing enough to maintain them, and his own resources being exhausted. Another attempt at a village school made by Poihipi at Port Levy failed from the same causes. Though shortlived, these schools effected some good, a few of the children having learned to read, the only Maori children in the province who can.

Nearly all the children are baptized, the parents being generally desirous they should be. Some adult candidates have come forward during the last month at Little River.

The different villages have been occasionally visited; a day or two being spent at each place.

Visits to Port Levy 9
Akaroa 5
Wairewa 7
Rapaki 14
Taumutu 2
and to Kaiapoi 15 before the Missionary resided there.

A short visit was paid to Timaru, Waimatemate and several places in Otago during the early part of last year. The latter places will again be visited if possible during the summer months. Everywhere the natives have furnished the Missionary, whenever required, with horses and boats free of charge--and have always done their utmost to make him comfortable.

Besides a grant of twenty acres of land for a School and Mission purposes, two acres for a Church site and burial ground, and an acre of bush for the use of the mission, the Maoris have contributed

£ s. d.

Towards the mission house

35 0 0

Missionary's stipend

21 0 0

Church Port Levy (exclusive of timber)

20 0 0

Taranaki Relief Fund

19 0 0

Kaiapoi Church

28 0 0

Vessel for Melanesian Mission

5 0 0

Making a total of £128 contributed for religious and charitable purposes.

They have purchased several pounds' worth of testaments and prayer books at two shillings per copy, and have quite exhausted the small stock we began with. A supply of books is much needed.

The arrangement now being made by the General Government for the equal division of the Kaiapoi reserve amongst the Maoris claiming a share in it, will not only lead to a permanent increase of the population, but will be followed by many other beneficial results. We may expect to see

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better houses, and better fenced and cultivated farms. Many are impatient to begin these improvements. We may hope, too, that the morals of the people will indirectly be improved by this measure. Instead of crowding together in a few houses; each man will then have his own cottage situated on his own little farm.

To effect permanent good it is necessary that the children should be removed at an early age from the vitiated moral atmosphere of a Maori village, and placed under Christian instruction. An effort is now being made to raise funds to establish a boarding school at Kaiapoi. Though it is not likely we can board a tithe of the Maori children, we may hope that those in the neighbourhood will attend as day scholars--and that some adults may be trained to act as teachers in the villages, and thus spread the beneficial influence of the school. If funds can be raised, the services of a competent Native Teacher from Auckland will be secured to assist in the school and in the visitation of the natives in the diocese.

We trust this brief account may excite an interest in behalf of our Canterbury Maoris, and may induce our readers to aid in some way the improvement of this people.

The sum collected last year for the Maori Mission in the several Churches of this province, on the two Sundays set apart for that purpose, together with that collected at Lyttelton at the ordination of the Rev. J. M. Stack amounted to £82 16s. 8d., and from all sources to £108 3s. 11d.


WHEN the scheme of the Canterbury Association was first originated it was the intention of its founders to establish a College, and at least twenty Church Schools, among the fifteen thousand emigrants whom they calculated on forwarding to the settlement. The funds, however, of the Association falling far short of the estimate, that body found itself unable to carry out its views in many respects, and especially as regarded Education, and its actual work in this respect comprised only the founding of Christ's College, and the payment of the stipends of schoolmasters in Lyttelton and Christchurch for some years, until their charter was brought to an end by the Home Government.

After some desultory assistance granted by the Provincial Government and the proposal, consideration, and rejection of various educational schemes, the Provincial Council in its eighth Session in the year 1857, passed an Education Ordinance on which the public education of the Province is at present based. By this Ordinance, founded on the Denominational System, as it is called, it was enacted that a sum of £1,700 should be paid every year during the five years ending on the 31st of March, 1862, to

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the Bishop of Christchurch, or acting head of the Church of England for the support of Church of England Schools in the Province of Canterbury. The apportionment of which sum, the appointment or removal of the masters, the management of the Schools, and the entire control over the instruction given, was vested in him, the Council stipulating that every school receiving aid from this grant should be open for inspection to a Government Inspector of Schools, and that no child belonging to such schools should be required to attend at such times as are peculiarly set apart for instruction in the doctrines of religion, if any objection to such instruction should be made by its parents. The Ninth Clause of the Ordinance gives power to the Executive to withhold the grant from any school for any breach of these regulations, and also if it has ascertained from the report of the inspector that the secular instruction given is unsatisfactory.

This is a brief sketch of the regulations under which our schools are at present conducted.

At the meeting of the Diocesan Synod in May last, we find from papers laid on the table by the Bishop of Christchurch, that about seven hundred children were receiving education in Church of England Schools aided by the Government grant. On a discussion taking place on the subject of Church Schools it was shewn that the present funds are quite inadequate for the work of education called for by the members of the Church of England-- that more schools are required in new districts--that the existing schools in most cases are too small, and almost unfit for the purpose for which they are used, being mere shells of buildings, unlined, and devoid in many respects of those comforts and conveniences which are so needful for the health and training of the children--and that in all the schools throughout the Province there is a great want of furniture--such as desks, books, maps, and other necessary apparatus.

As the present Government grant expires next March, the Synod petitioned His Honor the Superintendent to recommend to the Provincial Council for its adoption at the next Session a fresh Education Ordinance in which a larger provision may be made for the maintenance of a staff of teachers competent to the instruction of adults in Evening Schools, as well as children in the Day Schools, and for the erection and adequate furnishing of proper school buildings. A petition was also framed to be presented to the Provincial Council.

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We trust that the prayers of these petitions may be granted, and it so, that the public will liberally meet these grants by voluntary contributions.

A series of resolutions also were passed respecting the management of Church Schools. On the suppostion that the Denominational System would be still maintained, and educational grants be made as heretofore to the heads of the religious bodies (which, in the case of the Church of England, would be the Bishop of Christchurch, acting with the Diocesan Synod, or with persons appointed by the Synod) it was determined that in future, schools should be placed under the management of a committee to consist of not fewer than five communicants of the Church, chosen annually out of every parish, of which the Curate and Churchwardens were to be ex officio members. The Government grant would be paid to this committee, and the fixing the amount and the apportionment of the fees, the disposition of the Government grant--the appointment and removal of the teachers, would all rest with the committee, subject to the approval of the Bishop. A register would also be kept by the Diocesan Secretary of the names of persons arriving in the Province, and wishing to act in the capacity of schoolmasters or mistresses, and who have been approved of by the Bishop. From this register the committee of any school would be able to make their selection; but on the appointment of any teacher to any school it would be necessary that he receive a license from the Bishop.



BISHOP PATTESON and his party left Auckland on the 13th of May last for the islands in a small schooner of about 62 tons chartered for the purpose. The object of his voyage was to take back the 16 Melanesians who spent the last summer in New Zealand, and with his staff of assistant teachers, to hold his head-quarters for the winter at Mota, the small island of the Bank's group, where the Bishop and his party spent last winter in Missionary work. 1

The Melanesian scholars though not so numerous as on former occasions have been in some respects more satisfactory. They seem to have understood for the first time the great object of their visit to New Zealand, the importance of becoming acquainted with the teaching of Christianity, and the difficulty of remaining firm under the many temptations which they will have to meet in their own islands. It is interesting to know that several of them have been in the regular habit of seeking help in prayer, and that on the late voyage from New Zealand they would of their own

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accord kneel down at going to bed and getting up; and from time to time tell the Bishop in all simplicity what they had been saying. A Mota boy, named Utagilava, seems to have been especially hopeful. He had been twice before in New Zealand, but had been forced to yield to the heathen practices of his own country for a time during last winter. This summer he deeply lamented his error, and on one occcasion he said that he had had a dream more than once. "I dreamt that I was standing in a narrow path, and a great number of my countrymen were trying to draw me down it; but when they nearly pulled me over, the Bishop (Patteson) put out his hand and drew me back." There had evidently been a great struggle going on in his mind for a considerable time. May he have grace to persevere, and be a blessing to his people!

The general progress of the scholars has also been very satisfactory during the last summer.

The Bishop took with him two boats, and by their means he hoped to be able to spend a considerable portion of his time during the winter in paying visits to the neighbouring islands. In the Banks Islands there are at least six distinct dialects in a population of 9000 or 10,000, and the Bishop has compiled grammars of three of these dialects during the last year, which though not yet complete are so many steps in advance. He is hoping before long to be able to establish a still more distant station in the Solomon Islands, and has already prepared grammars of three of the dialects of those islands also.

News have been received of the safe arrival of the Misssionary party at their destination. They had spent a long time upon their passage, their chartered vessel having proved a very slow sailer; but the time had not been wasted, for the school was carried on vigorously, and the progress of the boys in every respect was very satisfactory. They first touched at Aneiteum, an island of the New Hebrides, the station of Messrs. Geddie and Inglis of the Nova Scotia Mission. There they heard a sad story. Famine and disease had carried off no less than 1200, out of a population of 4000 in four months.

At Erromanga, the scene of the death of John Williams in 1839, they found that two-thirds of the population of that island had perished, and that the Presbyterian Missionary, Mr. Gordon, and his wife were dead. It does not appear from the accounts sent from Bishop Patteson how they met with their deaths, but by another channel we are told that the natives had looked upon the Missionaries as the cause of the fearful disease that had been raging among them, and had for some time determined to take their lives. Mr. Gordon became aware of their intentions but expected that they would change their purpose. They did however carry it out in a most treacherous and savage manner. After the murder of John Williams, we are told that the Bishop of New Zealand, with a Samoan teacher was the first to visit Erromanga, and when there they knelt down on the very spot where the murder took place and prayed that the blood of the martyrs might make a path for the Gospel. And now after this second and still more affecting martyrdom, another Missionary Bishop comes to add a like prayer. Bishop Patteson has in his possession the journal of Mr. Gordon, which he had evidently kept till a short time before his

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death. Some of the last entries are very touching, showing the troubles which were coming thickly upon them. Almost the last words were a prayer for increased faith in their hour of need. The Missionary party also touched at the Loyalty Islands, which they found had been visited with severe sickness, and at the Island of Nengore took up Wendrokal, one of the old native teachers, who can speak the Mota language, and was likely to prove of great value to them.

Mota was at last reached; and it was found that, notwithstanding the exertions and hopes of last year, the great majority of the people were carrying on their heathen practices. There were, however, those among them who seemed delighted at the return of the Bishop and the prospect of being left at peace by their heathen neighbours. These people of their own accord proposed to build a large school-house to which persons, young or old, might come for instruction from all parts of the Island. We hope to be able on future occasions to continue the narrative. We will only now add that the experience of the last voyage shews more and more the necessity of obtaining as quickly as possible a special vessel for these missionary voyages.


THE payment to the Clergy of a sufficient income is a matter of great importance not only to their personal comfort, but also to their efficiency among their people. It is a matter, too, of no little difficulty in a colony to find the means of raising such an income even when the people are willing contributors. Considering the difficulties which have commonly to be surmounted, we have cause for thankfulness in the fact that a system is now established among us by which something approaching to an adequate maintenance for the Ministers of the Church is regularly provided. It will be our object to show what the main features of this system are, and what have been its results.

Some previous attempts had been made to place the payment of the Clergy on a more settled footing. It was not however until the first session of our Diocesan Synod that the principles and details of a Maintenance Fund were discussed and adopted. The feeling of the Synod was clearly in favour of a general fund, i. e., a Fund collected from all quarters for the general good. This Fund it was proposed should include all endowments for the maintenance of the Clergy generally, together with such voluntary contributions as should be collected in the various parishes. It was also considered expedient to sanction as part of the financial scheme the raising of special voluntary funds for the support of the Curate of each parish. By the combination of these two funds, the general and local, it has been found practicable during the year 1860 to raise the incomes of the

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Clergy to a minimum of £200 with an allowance of £50 for house rent where no parsonage is provided. This minimum has been attained partly by guaranteed subscriptions varying in amount according to the circumstances of different parishes together with supplementary grants from the General Fund in aid of the less wealthy localities. If all that could be wished has not been accomplished (and it must be confessed, the minimum is much below what ought to be considered fair remuneration,) we may nevertheless say that a great point has been gained in equalising clerical incomes, and in acting on the rule, that the wealthier should help the poorer districts. This is as it should be, and we sincerely hope it will be found practicable to carry out the same financial scheme during the present year. It must be remembered, however, that much difficulty had to be encountered during the past year, and that increasing exertion will be needed to meet our present wants. The demand on the Clergy Maintenance Fund it is to be hoped will continually grow in proportion as the Church extends her operations by the establishment of new parishes, and by increasing Care bestowed upon her out-lying pastoral districts.

It is more than can reasonably be expected that such a plan as the above, should meet with universal approval. Objections are almost sure to be suggested, and not improbably they will most frequently come from those parishes which benefit least by the General Fund, i. e., those which are best able to maintain their clergy without assistance. It is to be hoped, however, that attention to present local convenience will not in any case hinder the effective working of the plan. The material progress of the Colony is so rapid, and it is now so uncertain where and under what circumstances population may be concentrated that the parishes most wealthy at present may easily find their position unexpectedly changed for the worse. A sudden influx of population without capital may render the division of a parish and an increase in the number of its ministering clergy necessary. Many like circumstances may bring about a change, by which those who formerly had the privilege of helping their poorer neighbours, may themselves become dependent on the General Fund to eke out their now straitened means.

It must therefore be apparent that in this as in many other things, union is strength, and that the great object of all ought to be to establish the General Fund on a firm basis, and by so

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doing provide the means both of preventing much privation to those who minister in the Church and of meeting those local changes both in population and property which the circumstances of the times give us every reason to expect.

Church Intelligence.


The second Session of the Synod of the Diocese of Christchurch was opened on May 29th, 1861, at the Government Buildings Christchurch, in rooms granted by his Honor the Superintendent for the use of the Synod. The Synod met during twelve days of May and June, and two days of August. The average number of members present was twenty-one. A considerable amount of important business was transacted, of which a report will be shortly published


The following acknowledgment of the Synod's address of congratulation to the Primate on the consecration of Bishop Patteson, has been received by the Bishop, "Allow me to request you to return my most sincere thanks to the Synod of your Diocese for the address with your signature attached, in which the Synod offers its congratulations to me on the Consecration of Bishop Patteson. It has been indeed an occasion of great joy and thankfulness to us all.

Allow me further to take the opportunity of thanking both the Provinces of your Diocese for their active zeal and liberal contributions in aid of the Melanesian Mission, a new instance of which I have lately received in the form of contributions to the following amounts:--

£ S. D.

Canterbury, 2nd remittance

9 0 0


26 7 0

Waikouaiti and Goodwood

4 1 4

£39 8 4"

NOTE.--1st remittance from Canterbury, 1861. £50.


The amount of the debt, on St. Luke's Church, Christchurch, March 1st, 1861, was £175 12s. 6d.; since then the following contributions have been received towards the liquidation of the debt, and the completion of the Building.

£ S. D.

Offertories and collections in St. Luke's Church, on the 2nd Sunday in the month

32 3 4


27 1 2

Donation for the completion of the Chancel and for the Communion rails

50 0 0

£109 4 6

We understand that the contract has been taken for the building of the Bridge across the Avon in Madras-street. This will give to many on the

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south side of the river a ready access to St. Luke's Church, and will relieve St. Michael's Church of a portion of its present over-crowded congregation.

The streets and roads leading to St. Luke's Church, which during the winter months were almost impassable, can now be used without inconvenience.


A small Church is about to be built on the Reserve on the Harewood Road, three miles distant from Papanui Church. The inhabitants of the District have put down their names for£100, of which£50 has been collected. A Grant in aid will be given from the Church Building Fund. When the Building is sufficiently advanced for the purposes of public Worship, Divine Service will be performed there on alternate Sundays. Subscriptions towards the maintenance of the Clergyman officiating in this Church have also been offered.


The Chapel School on the Reserve at Oxford, to the building of which the inhabitants of Oxford and the adjoining Pastoral District have so liberally contributed, will most probably be completed in a few weeks, and the Bishop proposes to open it by Divine Service, on Sunday, the 13th of October.


It is intended during the summer of the present year, to erect a church in this parish, upon the reserve made for that purpose, close to the fifth mile peg on the Lincoln road. The school-room in which Divine Service has been conducted for the last three years is now quite insufficient to accommodate the church-going population of the district. A sum of£400 has been allotted in aid of the proposed undertaking, out of the Government Grant for Church building, and subscriptions to the amount of nearly£250 have already been made in the district. A School-room is also about to be built immediately in the district of Prebbleton, (forming at present part of the parish of Upper Heathcote,) which is to serve temporarily the purposes of a church. This district is to receive£150 of Government money in aid of the contributions of the inhabitants amounting to£100. The neighbourhood is a rapidly increasing one, and the want of a school and place of Divine Worship has been much felt.


In addition to£30 8s 4d collected in Otago for the Melanesian Mission, Mr. John Jones has given, through his Honor Mr. Justice Gresson, a donation of£50 to be devoted to the purposes of the Melanesian Mission at the discretion of Bishop Patteson.

It is intended to give a table of the Churches and Church Services for Otago in the next number.

[Image of page 16]



The Thanksgiving Service, commonly called the Churching of Women, on those days when Baptism is administered.
Additional Services--The Holy Communion is adminstd. at the several churches on Christmas day, Easter day, Ascension day, & Whitsunday.
At Lyttelton on Thursdays, evening service, 7 p.m. --Saturdays, morning service, 8 a.m., afternoon, 3p.m., when Baptism is also administd.

1   Mota is situated in about 168° E. long., and 14° S. lat. It is described as a little paradise from its beauty, and as admirably suited for the purpose of a Mission Station for the group to which it belongs.

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