1927 - Butler, John. Earliest New Zealand: the Journals and Correspondence of the Rev. John Butler - CHAPTER I.

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  1927 - Butler, John. Earliest New Zealand: the Journals and Correspondence of the Rev. John Butler - CHAPTER I.
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THE first authentic records we have of the Rev. John Butler are in the "Minutes" of the Grand Junction and Canal Bible Association, of which the Rev. Basil Woodd was President; Butler being an Honorary Secretary from its inception. This Association was formed in 1816, under the patronage of the Bishops of Norwich, Durham, and Gloucester.

John Butler was prepared for the Church Missionary work by the late Rev. John Bishop, of Paddington, wherein Butler had resided for twenty years.

He was ordained by the Bishop of Gloucester, in 1818, and left for New Zealand on December 15th of that year.

Dr. J. D. Lang states that Butler "previous to his ordination for foreign parts, was clerk to a large London carrying company."

His previous history is obscure; we possess this knowledge, however, that he was born in March, 1781; married in 1798 to a Miss Hitchman. His eldest son was born on November 30th, 1799, died in April, 1800. His second son, Samuel, who came to New Zealand with him in 1819, was born on December 13th, 1800; and his only daughter, Hannah, on September 5th, 1817. The latter was, therefore, but two years of age when she came out with her parents.

The Rev. John Butler was the first ordained clergyman to reside in New Zealand, taking the position of superintendent of the N.Z. Mission, but subordinate to the Society's Agent in New South Wales, at that period, the Rev. Samuel Marsden, Senior Chaplain to the New South Wales Government.

The latter was a man of domineering personality, of a querulous disposition, living in an atmosphere neither conducive to clemency, nor tolerance, administering his duties as a Magistrate, with an austerity quite incompatible with the humanitarian precepts of his profession, culminating in the curt order, "His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to dispense with the services of the Rev. Samuel Marsden as a Justice of the Peace, and Magistrate of Parramatta, and the surrounding districts."

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Butler was from London, an accountant, and conversant with business methods, of mature age and discernment, and prone to speak his mind: had he been less zealous, and not so enthusiastic in his conception of the duties of a missionary, he would have dovetailed more satisfactorily into Mr. Marsden's project; this entailed conducting the New Zealand Mission from his demesne at Parramatta, New South Wales; in those days of precarious intercourse, much too remote for such an idea.

The inevitable clash came; we find a slight break in the harmony in 1821. The N.Z. Committee, Messrs Butler, Kemp, King, and Hall, decided to send back to Sydney, for misbehaviour, an emancipated convict whom Mr. Marsden had sent to New Zealand. Butler, as chairman, forwarded the complaint to London, including Mr. Marsden's rejoinder, "We cannot introduce civilization without introducing the evils of civil life."

Marsden lodged a complaint about his cattle being shot; following this by refusing to honour a draft for timber, purchased For the Mission by Butler, who once more lodged a complaint to the Church Missionary Society against Marsden.

This was followed by the retention of the New Zealand Mission goods (and those of Butler's) in Sydney; the latter suggesting that many of the supplies, sent out for the natives, were sold to defray the wages of the seamen on the "Active." Butler, therefore, went across to Sydney to obtain necessaries for the Mission and himself, and immediately came into conflict with Marsden and his accountant Campbell, over errors by Campbell in Butler's accounts. Thoroughly exasperated with his treatment, he then wrote the letter to Marsden, dated January 8th. 1822.

Historians have had only the written statement of Marsden to dilate upon, "I have this day (January 13th, 1824) suspended Mr. Butler." The Official Records in England, which the present Society have kindly examined, do not bear this out, nor does their correspondence with Butler. The records state, "Withdrew from the Mission, February 16th, 1825, the first clergyman of the Church of England sent to New Zealand." Butler left New Zealand on November 24th, 1823.

Impedimenta of the Rev. John Butler, on board ship for New Zealand:--

1 Box, containing Hats No. 6
1 do Tin 7

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1 parcel, Mr Marsden Below 8
1 " Books Cabin 9
1 Case, Medicine Below 10
1 Case, Medicine " 11
1 Trunk, Wearing Apparel, all sorts, Below 1
1 " " " " " " 5
1 " " " " " " 2
1 " " " Cabin 3
1 D. Bed " 12
1 " " " 13
1 Box, Books " 14
1 Box, Parcels, etc. " 4
1 Parcel, Cases " 15
1 Trunk " 16
1 Tin Box " 17
1 Paper Box " 18
1 " " " 19
1 Desk " 20
1 " " 21
1 Box, Bonnets Below 22
1 Paper Trunk Cabin 23
Hoop Below  

Sailed from London, 15th December, 1818. Our ship got on the Break Sand on the 19th December, 1818, went back to Chatham, repaired and out to sea again in a fortnight.

JANUARY 25, 26, 1819.--Experienced a heavy gale in the Downs.

WEDNESDAY, 27.--Sailed from the Downs, wind South East.

THURSDAY, 28th.--Off Portsmouth. Experienced a heavy gale in the Channel.

FRIDAY.--Off the Lizard Point, weather rather moderate.

SATURDAY, 30th.--Enter Becay Bay; saw two whales. Wind, N.N.W.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1819.--Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin, M. & E.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 1st and 2nd.--Gentle breeze.

FEBRUARY 4th.--Strong gale.

FEBRUARY 5th.--Distributed 48 Testaments.

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7th.--Divine Service on deck by Mr. Cross; in the evening by Mr. B. in Mr. Hall's cabin. Administered the Holy Sacrament to eleven Communicants, gave 300 tracts among convicts.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 8th and 9th.-- Weather very fine.

WEDNESDAY, 10th.--At 6 a.m. see Porto Santo. Arrived at Funchal, Madeira, at 5 o'clock the same afternoon; went on shore the same evening with Mr. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Cross; slept on shore at the British Hotel; next morning went to see St. Peter's Church and St. Mary's Church.

On FRIDAY, 12th--Mr. Hall, Tooi, Teterrie, Samuel Butler and myself rode 5 miles up into the mountains, to see the country, which is very much cultivated with vines. Return and buy oranges, walnuts, etc., at Funchal, and went on board our ship much gratified. Take Mrs. Butler and child, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs Turnbull to see Funchal; night came on; obliged to go to the Governor's Palace to obtain leave to go on board, as no boats are permitted to leave the shore after sunset.

13th.--Sailed from Madeira.

SATURDAY.--Fine breeze.

FEBRUARY 14th, SUNDAY.--Divine Service on deck, Mr Hall's cabin in the evening.

15th, MONDAY.--See the island of Palma. Snow on the top of the mountain. See the peak of Teneriffe. School commenced among convicts.

17th FEBRUARY, 1819, WEDNESDAY.--Upwards of 70 convicts gave their names to become scholars. Heard a class in the Testament. Began with St. Matthew's Gospel, read three first chapters; purpose going regularly through the Testament.

FEBRUARY 18th.--Heard class in Testament; spoke to them from 5th St. Matthew; several shed tears; all behaved well. Mrs Kemp very ill.

SATURDAY.--Mrs. Kemp a little better.

FEBRUARY 21st, SUNDAY.--Divine Service on deck, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Captain Lamb attended.

22nd.--Mrs. Kemp better. Sailor attended our evening prayers. Mrs. R.-----, wife of Sergeant R.-----, was tied up in

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the rigging, and kept there for some time, and a large quantity of water thrown upon her, for threatening to stab Ensign White, when commanding her to be silent, and otherwise abusing him in a shameful manner.

FEBRUARY 23rd.--School among the convicts; spoke to them from the 6th chapter of Matthew; all very attentive.

FEBRUARY 24th and 25th, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY.--School among the convicts; weather very fine, but very hot. Some sailors attend our evening prayers.

FEBRUARY 26th.--School among convicts. Sealed our guns and exercised them.

FEBRUARY 27th.--School among convicts; in 4 degs. North latitude.

28th, SUNDAY.--Divine Service on deck in morning. Mr. Hall's cabin in evening.

MARCH 1st and 2nd.--School among the convicts, weather very fine.

MARCH 3rd.--Visited a poor woman very ill; endeavoured to point her enquiring mind to Jesus. Spake the "Lowther," East Indiaman, and her consort, 2 degs., 20 minutes north latitude.

MARCH 4th.--School among convicts.

MARCH 5th.--Same; myself very poorly.

FRIDAY.--School as usual; weather continuing very fine.

MARCH 6th.--Neptune came on board; 14 sailors and several soldiers shaved; paid a dollar for each belonging to our party, to save us from undergoing the operation of Neptune's razor, viz., the tar brush and the notched hoop. The evening passed in conviviality.

MARCH 7th.--Divine Service on deck in morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Administered the Holy Sacrament to 7 Communicants, wrote to Missionary House by the "Hero," ship bound to Rio Janeiro. On Sunday night, February 28th, Mr. C----- laid a wager with Mr. Roberts, passenger, to the amount of 10/-; such a noise was made by them and Mrs. C----- as to cause them to be openly reproved for it by the Captain, at breakfast table.

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MARCH 8th.--School in Mr. Hall's cabin.

9th.--Tetteree came back to school again.

MARCH 10th.--School among convicts; all very attentive. Received a paper from Thos. Owen to take care of it; put it in my writing desk.

MARCH 11th.--Two convicts flogged; endeavoured to improve the subject of their punishment to the scholars.

MARCH 12th and 13th.--Strong breeze, S.E. School among convicts. Make it a point of speaking to them every day from chapters they read.

MARCH 14th, SUNDAY.--Divine Service on deck in morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening.

MARCH 15th.--Washing day; no school.

MARCH 16th, TUESDAY.--In 15 degrees S.L. School among convicts; after school, when I had finished speaking to them from what they had read, David Wilcock, one of the convicts, caught hold of my coat as I was leaving them, and began to weep much, and said, "Oh, sir: stay and pray with me a little longer!" This request I could not deny; I turned and asked the cause of his weeping. "Oh, sir," said he, "I feel myself such a sinner, I know not what to do; my heart is so affected with the thought of sins and the sight of them; I hope the Lord will have mercy on me, a poor sinner; I feel a desire to love Xt; I have longed to speak to you for several days past. I endeavoured to suppress my feelings, but I cannot do it any longer." I embraced the opportunity from St. Matthew 27, of speaking to him, and several others standing by, and in endeavouring to direct his mind, and the others also, to the sufferings of Xt, Who hath redeemed to God by the infinitely precious price of His own blood, and showing at the same time how welcome every poor laden sinner is to come to Xt for pardon, divine favour, and eternal life, and how certain everyone is of obtaining the blessings he desires, if he comes to Xt with an humble, penitent and believing heart. While I was speaking, he wept much. Several of the others shed tears; I concluded with short prayer for the Lord's blessing upon His own words.

In the evening, Mr. C----- and Mrs. C----- quarrelled and fought; Mr. C----- after slept on deck nearly the night.

MARCH 17th.--School among the convicts; a heavy squall in the night.

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MARCH 18th, THURSDAY.--School among convicts; 30 scholars, all very attentive; spoke to them from the chapters read.

EVENING.--Mr. C----- drunk, slept on deck all night; ran about the deck with his breeches down, and lost his hat. Dr. Halloran wrote a poem upon it. Sailors and soldiers cried, "Shame!" saying "He is drunk all right to-night, and will ape the saint to-morrow."

The little man and little wife,
Appear so fond of noise and strife,
That no one need be at a loss,
To know that each of them is cross;
So often quarrel, scold, and rail,
And box, and scratch, both tooth and nail.
--Dr. Halloran.

MARCH 19th.--Weather very fine; school among convicts, many attended, paid great attention.

SUNDAY, 21st.--Divine Service on deck in the morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Read with convicts; spoke to them from Chapter 6, John; all very attentive. Poor Wilcock seemed much comforted. There are three others, I believe, seeking the Lord in sincerity, viz., Clements, Hindhaugh, Furnival, also a lad named Thos. Owen, known to Rev. Samuel Crowther, seems very serious. I have had some serious talk with this lad several times. I hope the Lord will make it profitable to his soul.

MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, 22nd, 23rd, 24th.--Regular school, spoke to them from 12 to 15 of St. Mark's Gospel; all very orderly. May the Lord Jesus bless and multiply the seed sown, to His glory, and the salvation of their souls.

THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 25th and 26th MARCH.--Weather very fine. School among convicts. Sailor flogged for thieving. Mrs. Kemp much better.

SATURDAY, MARCH 27th.--A calm; school as usual. Mr. C----- in the evening so dreadfully inebriated, that he slept on the floor of his cabin until 3 o'clock Sunday morning, his door open and his head over the threshhold in the passage, and Mrs. C----- behind him.

SUNDAY, MARCH 28th, 1819.--Divine Service on deck. Squall arose, obliged to leave off in the middle of the service.

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Afternoon spoke to several convicts about their salvation; visited a soldier very ill. Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Captain Lamb and Captain Coates, his lady, the Surgeon, and all the officers, except those on duty, attended, several of the officers having been regular attendants for some time at our evening's Service, from the inconsistency of Mr. C-----.

MARCH 29th.--Washing day.

MARCH 30th.--School as usual. Rain in morning, wind fair.

WEDNESDAY, 31st.--School among convicts; two convicts handcuffed for stealing books, and making cards of them.

APRIL 1st.--School among convicts; spoke to them from 2nd Chapter Luke; many attended, all very attentive.

APRIL 2nd.--Fine breeze. School among convicts.

3rd.--No school. Stiff gale.

SUNDAY, 4th.--Divine Service upon deck in the morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in the evening. Myself very poorly with bad cold.

MONDAY, TUESDAY, 5th and 6th APRIL.--Obliged to keep to my cabin from severe cold in my head. Very fine breeze, going 8 knots. ----- quite left off attending evening prayers for some time.

APRIL 7th.--Unable to attend school; weather very fine.

8th.--Unable to attend school.

GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9th.--Rather better; administered the Holy Sacrament in the morning in Mr. Hall's cabin to two others, besides those of our party. Divine Service, M.U.F.

SATURDAY MORNING.--Reached the island Tristan De Cunha, and two other small islands, all of them uninhabited. Our captain intended to have sent two boats and crews on shore to forage, but found the surf running so high, as to render such a measure impracticable. Obliged to steer away without obtaining our object.

EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 11th.--Very fine breeze. Divine Service on deck in the morning; myself rather better. Divine Service in evening in Mr. Hall's cabin; administered the Holy Sacrament to ten Communicants. Mr. C----- asked me to read.

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MONDAY, APRIL 12th.--Very ill the whole of this week; unable to attend to anything.

SATURDAY, APRIL 17th.--At 4 o'clock p.m., latitude 40, long. 12 east. A very heavy gale set in from the south west, which continued to rage furiously for 30 hours, the sea rolled along in awful grandeur, ship sometimes climbing the mountainous waves, then rushing headlong into the chasm below. All leadlights put down, doors, shutters of the poop cabin windows closed, to keep out the sea.

APRIL 18th.--No public service could be performed on account of the storm. I thought of the psalmist's words, "They that go down into the sea in ships, and occupy their business in great waters: these men see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. For at His word the stormy wind ariseth: which lifteth up the waves thereof. They are carried up to the heavens, and down again to the deep: their soul withereth away because of the trouble. They reel to and fro like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end."

APRIL 19th.--Blowing a tremendous gale, ship scudding before it. Much better in health. Gale continued to rage all day most dreadful; at night the ship rolled most violently, sea coming in at the gangways, and over every part of her at times, she rolled one of her cannon off the carriage into the sea, but being fastened by a large rope to the carriage, it was got in again.

There were ten men at the wheel of the ship, and in spite of all fastenings, many things broke loose, and rolled from one side to the other. Children screaming aloud, women very much frightened, but out of all the Lord hath delivered us, blessed be His holy Name.

WEDNESDAY.--Weather very moderate.

THURSDAY.--Very fine.

FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd.--Got my trunks out of the hold, and examined my things; all in tolerably good order. The day very fine, myself fairly well, but much cold remaining upon me.

APRIL 24th.--Very fine breeze in the morning, afternoon very heavy rain, with thunder and lightning. In the night a very heavy gale carried away the foreyard and the weathercock from the top of the mainmast.

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25th.--Strong gale, sea running mountains high. Prayers in Mr. Hall's cabin in morning. No public service was able to be performed upon deck. Visited sick in the hospital; one poor man seemed very anxious about his salvation; endeavoured to point him to the blood of Xt, which cleanseth from all sin. In afternoon weather became moderate; in evening Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin.

MONDAY, 26th.--Very fine breeze; myself much better. Tooi bad eyes. School as usual.

APRIL 27th.--School among convicts; spoke to them from the 6, 7, and 8 Romans. Visited the sick in the Hospital. William Bailey, a patient, seemed very anxious about his soul. Myself quite recovered from cold.

APRIL 28th.--A fine breeze; got things up from below; examined Mr. Hassell's case, found the things very damp and mouldy. R. Stevens died on this day. May the Lord be merciful to his soul. He seemed to know but little about the way of salvation by Xt.

APRIL 29th.--Buried poor Stevens at 7 o'clock a.m. Visited the sick in hospital; endeavoured to improve the circumstances of Stevens' death for the benefit of those remaining sick. School among convicts. Spoke to them from the 15 Corinthians; several wept, all very attentive.

30th.--Very fine, almost a calm. School among convicts; read the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians; spoke to them from the same Epistle. Visited the sick in the Hospital; poor Bailey rather better, and still remains very anxious about eternal things. I hope the Lord has begun a good work in his soul.

MAY 1st, 1819.--Very fine day. School among convicts, all very attentive. Visited sick in the Hospital.

SUNDAY, MAY 2nd.--Very fine day. Public service upon deck; read prayers for the first time. Visited the sick in the Hospital. Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin in the evening. Administered the Holy Sacrament to eight Communicants.

3rd.--Very fine breeze. No school, on account washing among convicts.

MAY 4th.--Fine breeze, too strong to have school among convicts.

WEDNESDAY, 5th.--Strong breeze. No school among convicts. Visited the sick in the Hospital. Poor Bailey a little

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better, seemed much comforted, and perfectly resigned to the will of God, whether to live or die.

MAY 6th.--Visited the sick in the Hospital. Strong breeze. No school among convicts. Wind increased in the night, split several sails.

MAY 7th.--Very strong gale the whole of this day. Visited the sick in the Hospital.

MAY 8th.--Weather moderate, but very wet. No school on deck. Visited the sick in the Hospital; endeavoured to speak word in season to all present. May the; Lord bless His own Word to their benefit.

SUNDAY, MAY 9th.--Divine Service M. & E. in Mr. Hall's cabin. Visited the sick in the Hospital. Very strong breeze.

MAY 10th.--Very strong breeze. No school. Visited the sick in the Hospital. Mrs. Thorpe brought to bed, girl.

MAY 11th.--Heavy gale in the morning, 20 gallery windows drove in by the sea (with the frame), and a great quantity of water came into the ship; the rain came into my cabin and made it exceedingly wet and uncomfortable. Mrs. Watson died, aged 73, on this day--a patient I had long visited. She professed but little knowledge, but seemed earnestly to implore mercy.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, 1819.--Very strong breeze; myself very poorly, not able to attend school. Wm. Brooks died this morning. Poor man, he was accustomed to swear very much at times during his illness, yet he would readily say he was sorry for it. I think he was insane, but, however, towards the close of life, he earnestly sued for mercy. Both bodies committed to the deep this evening.

MAY 13th.--George Matthew died. This poor man seemed very penitent. I believe he is in glory. Read St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians with the convicts; spoke to them from the same, all very attentive. Visited the sick in the Hospital, endeavoured to impress their minds with the vast importance of eternal things.

MAY 14th.--Visited the sick this morning; a very heavy gale came on, which lasted the whole of the day, and continued to rage the greater part of the night. Blessed be God we are enabled to lift up our souls to Him, when the stormy billows

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rise, and when we can neither stand nor go, without having hold of some support.

15th.--Weather moderate. Visited the sick in the Hospital. School in afternoon.

SUNDAY.--Weather very fine. Divine Service on deck in morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening.

MAY 17th.--Visited the sick in the Hospital; had an opportunity of speaking to many outpatients who came for medicine.

MAY 18th.--Very fine day and a strong breeze. Visited the sick in Hospital.

MAY 19th.--Very strong breeze; myself taken very suddenly with a pain in stomach; obliged to get medical aid.

20th, 21st, 22nd.--Not able to attend school, or visit the Hospital.

MAY 23rd.--Divine Service on deck in morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Myself much better, Tooi very poorly; the day very fine, but cold. Wm. Bailey died on this day, 12 noon. With him the storms of wintry times are over, and I hope he is now in glory in the presence of his Redeemer and Lord.

MAY 24th.--The body of Wm. Bailey was committed to the deep. Visited the sick in Hospital. I hope the Lord will bless my endeavours to speak a word in season among the patients of this house of mourning.

MAY 25th.--Strong wind, but foul; the weather is now so cold and hazy, we are not able to have regular school among convicts, but we endeavour to do the best we can.

MAY 26th.--Strong wind, directly in our teeth; patience must now be exercised, and wait the Lord's leisure.

MAY 27th.--On Wednesday night a most violent outrage was committed by Mr. Roberts, Commissary, and Ensign White, belonging to the 48th Regiment of Foot, who by a false alarm, had thrown the ship and passengers in very great distress. Myself was arrested, and made prisoner by a sentinel, and after being shamefully abused by Captain Lamb for speaking in my own defence.

MAY 27th.--Very ill all day from the fright and ill-usage I received in the past night.

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28th.--Wind still continued foul and strong, myself pretty well recovered from the ill-usage on the preceding day.

MAY 29th.--Visited the sick in the Hospital; several convicts very ill; endeavoured, according to my usual custom, to speak a word in season; all seemed very thankful. The scurvy at this time has made its appearance, and seems to rage violently among the convicts; water and other necessaries are growing very short. A fine day, but foul wind.

MAY 30th.--Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin in morning; taken very poorly with the colic in my stomach, and unable in the evening to perform the duties of public worship.

MAY 31st.--The wind continues very foul, but we look for help from that God Who ruleth the wind and the waves. Myself very poorly, unable to do anything in school matters.

JUNE 1st, 1819.--Wind very foul, the day very fine; myself much recovered from the recent attack of an old complaint in the stomach. We begin to hope and pray to get to our journey's end.

JUNE 2nd.--Visited the sick in the Hospital; all the patients seemed very thankful. I hope the Lord has in some measure blessed my ministry among them. Fine day, but foul wind. Our water is now getting very short. Sailors, soldiers and convicts are now reduced to a pint and a half of water per day.

JUNE 3rd.--Day very fine, wind rather more favourable.

JUNE 4th.--Wind quite foul; another reduction in water and bread found necessary. Visited the sick in Hospital; all seemed contented and thankful; our own party in good health, thanks be to God for it.

JUNE 5th, 1819.--Fine day, wind still foul.

JUNE 6th.--Divine Service on deck in morning, Mr. Hall's cabin in evening. Sent for to the Hospital by a patient named Pointon, a man whom I had visited for some time, to explain the nature and meaning of the Lord's Prayer. When I came unto him, he seemed exceeding thankful, and desired I would pray with him, and tell him something about the Lord's Prayer, for he thought there was more in it than he understood. He was very anxious to know how he could obtain mercy, and be made happy, for he said, "I am sure I shall die before midnight," and which actually came to pass, for he died the same

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evening about 9 o'clock. I endeavoured to explain the Lord's Prayer, according to my feeble ability, showing that sinners are redeemed to God by the blood of Christ; that we who are by nature far off God, are thus brought nigh, and are adopted into the family of heaven, so that God is our father in a peculiar manner, on account of what Xt has done and suffered for us; and as a father He will have mercy, and all repenting sinners who come to Him, and sincerely ask His blessing through Xt Jesus. He is gone! May the Lord remove him to His arms of mercy.

JUNE 7th.--A fine day, but a dead calm; hope the Lord will give us a breeze speedily, and waft us into our port, as all necessaries are now getting very short.

JUNE 8th.--Weather very fine, but no wind. Visited the sick in Hospital; had some very interesting conversation with a patient named Watson, who has long been ill, and on whom I have long attended. He seemed very thankful for my visits, and above all, that it pleased God to affect him; moreover, he said his sickbed had been to him the happiest thing that had ever befallen him, "for God," said he, "has led me to see the error of my way, and I humbly hope He will grant me His mercy for Xt sake, His dear Son, our Lord. I am now getting a little better, and if the Lord is pleased to raise me up in health, I hope He will give me His grace that I may live to His glory, and I fully determine so to do by His Almighty help." I endeavoured to point out the happiness of man that hath God for his portion, and besought him to pray earnestly for grace, and strength to perform all his good resolutions. I was also sent for a second time into the Hospital this day, by another patient whom I had long visited, named Bartholomew. Poor man; during the whole of his sickness he was apparently very penitent, but he possesses very little knowledge. I asked him why he sent for me again; he said to pray with me and talk with me. I sat down by his bedside about half an hour, and instructed him in the best manner I was able, and then concluded with prayer; the Lord grant His blessing.

9th.--A fine breeze sprang up in the evening of this day, which caused us to be very thankful.

THURSDAY, 10th, 1819.--Vandeeman's Land appeared in sight this morning at 7 o'clock. The day being very fine, and the ship fast approaching to the land, caused a general feeling of great joy; especially as we should soon have been reduced

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to the greatest distress both for provisions and water. Blessed be God, He sends help when hope is almost gone. We had not seen land for nine weeks and five days.

JUNE 11th, 1819.--Passed the Mewstone at 4 o'clock this morning; this is a rock in the sea several miles. Nothing can be more romantic than the west and south coast of Vandeeman's Land; the high hills are covered with immense wood, and large trees.

We experienced contrary winds the whole of this day, but effort was made to get ship up to the entrance of a passage that leads up to the Derwent River, that leads to Hobart Town. The whole of the coast is full of rocks. Visited the sick in the Hospital. Several of the patients very ill. All of them seemed thankful for my continued visits.

JUNE 12th.--Wind very strong this morning, and almost in our teeth, but we kept beating backwards and forwards, endeavouring to make some progress, and we consider it a great mercy that we are near enough to take shelter under the land, as there is beyond doubt a very heavy gale at sea at this time.

SUNDAY.--At anchor in Isthmus Bay. Day very fine and calm; Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin, morning and evening; the passage up this arm of the sea to Hobart Town is very delightful; deep bays, and high hills covered with lofty trees--a most charming scene. In evening, child taken suddenly ill.

14th.--Child much better than could be expected. Hobart Town appeared in sight at 7 a.m. Pilot came on board at 10 a.m.; at anchor in harbour at 1 o'clock p.m. The little spots cultivated here and there, as we approached the town, gave it a beautiful and picturesque appearance. Went ashore and waited on the Governor immediately, who received us very kindly.

JUNE 15th.--Went to New Town, accompanied by Mr. Mitchell, who, on seeing we were strangers, came up to us in the most gentlemanly manner, and offered his services; this offer we gladly accepted. Newtown is about two miles from Hobart Town. The land about this village is more cultivated than at Hobart Town; we went to a gentleman's house, and were received very kindly; his name is Lutterell, who also showed us his garden and farm.

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JUNE 16th, 1819.--Went on a shooting party with Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Lord; the latter is a gentleman of great property. I was informed from good authority, he is worth £100,000. Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Kemp were kindly entertained at Mr. Lord's house the whole day. We returned from our amusement about five o'clock, got refreshments at Mr. Lord's, went on board with about 70 birds, all of a pretty good sort.

17th.--Went to pay my respects to the Rev. Mr. Knopwood, Government Chaplain, who received us with every mark of respect.

JUNE 18th.--Went on shore with the rest of my brethren for a walk. I this morning received a kind letter from the Governor, to wait on him with the rest of my brethren, and Tooi, and Tetterree. We went at the time appointed (say 2 o'clock). We were all received very kindly, and took some ham and beef with him, and some wine also. We afterwards went to see Government Garden and water mill, then returned. Bartholomew, who had been ill in the Ship Hospital a long time, was taken on shore, and there died; several others were landed for the benefit of their health, and are getting much better.

SATURDAY, 19th, 1819.--Wet day; remained on board all day.

SUNDAY, JUNE 20th.--Divine Service in Mr. Hall's cabin in the morning, afternoon went on shore to dine with the Rev. Robert Knopwood. After dinner some interesting conversation took place about the moral and religious improvement of the Colony. I received a report of the Auxiliary Branch Bible Society of Van Dieman's Land, which I have forwarded with my despatches. It is a matter of the most sacred joy and gratitude to see the Holy Scriptures spreading through every land and corner of the world.

21st.--Went on shore to breakfast with Rev. Knopwood, and to bid him farewell, who also expressed his hope that the Lord would bess our Mission with His special grace and favour, and that the Gospel of Xt might soon be spread throughout the Island of New Zealand.

Another convict, named Brown, died on shore this morning.

At 10 o'clock our ship weighed anchor, and we left Hobart Town. We had a fine gentle breeze down the Derwent River,

[Image of page 18]

but, as soon as we reached the ocean, we had a very heavy gale set in, exactly from the point we wanted to sail. Split the mainsail in the night by the storm.

JUNE 22nd.--This morning many persons were very sick from the dashing and rolling of the ship, the gale continuing very strong and foul, we were obliged to return for Van Dieman's Land, which we made in the evening, when of a sudden the wind shifted and became fair. We stood off for sea; for some hours our ship pitched exceedingly on account of our having to meet the sea from the late gale.

WEDNESDAY, 23rd.--A very fine morning, and a very fine breeze in our favour.

THURSDAY, 24th.--A very stiff gale with rain, but exactly in our favour, ship running nine knots before the wind.

25th JUNE, 1819.--Fine breeze.

JUNE 26th.--Arrived at Sydney, New South Wales; went on shore, and were very kindly received by Mr. Eagar. Sent a letter immediately to Mr. Marsden, who sent his man and chaise to fetch me to Parramatta on Sunday morning.

JUNE 27th.--Arrived at Parramatta at 12 o'clock noon. Received by Mr. Marsden and family in the kindest manner; read prayers in the Parramatta Church in the afternoon.

JUNE 28th.--Returned to Sydney with Mr. and Mrs. Marsden, found all our brethren well.

TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY.--Getting stores out of the ship, found all right.

SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1819.--Returned to Parramatta.

JULY 4th.--Preached from 61 Chapter Isaiah, 1st and 2nd verse, at Parramatta Church.

JULY 5th.--All hands busily employed in putting our things to rights.

JULY 10th.--Wrote to Church Missionary Society. To Rev. Basil Woodd, to Rev. Saml. Crowther, to Mr. John Hitchman, Mr. Wm. Batchelor, to Mr. Thomas Adams, Mr. Nich. Broughton, to Lord Bishop of Gloucester.

JULY 11th.--Preached at Parramatta from 22nd Chapter Luke, 19th verse.

[Image of page 19]

29th JULY, 1819.--Left Port Jackson. Arrived at Bay of Islands on August 12th, 1819.

AUGUST 13th.--We landed some of the goods among several hundred natives, who seemed very glad to see more Europeans come among them.

AUGUST 14th.--Landed goods all this day. Natives behaved exceedingly well. Had some conversation with Shunghe, a very great chief, and with Tarrier, his chief captain. Shunghee was particularly kind, and begged we should let him have some Europeans to live in his district. He would give us as much land as we pleased for cultivation, send his children to school, and protect us in our labours.

We had conversation with several other chiefs, viz., Korokoro, Timaranghe, and others, and all of them praying for Missionaries to live among them. They are a race of people who understand men and things remarkably well; they are men of quick perception, and very large capacities. The fields are white already to the harvest, and nothing seems wanting but good and faithful labourers.

AUGUST 15th, 1819.--Divine Service at Mr. Hall's; all the settlement was collected. I read prayers. Mr Marsden preached from the 16th Verse of the 3rd Chapter of the first Epistle to Timothy.

This "copy" is in the possession of the "Hocken" Collection, and was evidently sent to the Secretary, C.M.S., London, by Butler.

SYDNEY, July 28th, 1819.
Revd. and Dear Sir,
At the point of our departure, I had the misfortune to lose my watch in Mr. Campbell's yard, in shipping goods. I should be glad if you will purchase me a good silver watch and chain and seal, and send it to Mr. Marsden, directed for me at New Zealand, and you will greatly oblige.
Dr. sir,
Your obedt. servant,

AUGUST 16th, 1819.--I, John Butler, agreed with the Revd. Samuel Marsden for £160 per annum, to be paid to me, by the Revd. Samuel Marsden, for and on account of the Church Missionary Society in England. Exclusive of my regular ration of food.
To commence 12th August. 1819.

[Image of page 20]

1819. LETTERS written to England, Nov. 9th, by the "Active," brig.
To the Society. To the Bishop of Gloucester.
To the Rev. Basil Woodd. To Mr. Hitchman.

APRIL 10th, 1820.
A journal to the Society. A letter to Mr. Pratt.
3 to Samuel Butler (N.S.W.) To Rev. S. Marsden.

APRIL 20th, 1820.
To Samuel Butler. Governor Macquarrie (two letters).

SEPT. 12th, 1820.
A journal to the Society. A letter to Mr. Pratt.
One to S. Butler, N.S.W.
By Mr. Marsden, December 4th, 1820.
A journal to the Society.
A letter to Mr. Pratt.
A letter to Mr. Broughton, and 2 Pattu.
do do Mr. Deacon and 1 do
do do Mr. Hitchman and 1 Pattu.
do do Mr. Dobman do do
A letter to Mr. Batchelor (answered Apr. 6th, 1822).

JANY. 18th, 1821.
Capt. Thompson (answered). Three letters Mr. Marsden, and 1 Samuel Butler.

per Capt. Grime, MAR. 3rd, 1821.
To Mr. Broughton, 1 comb, 1 letter, 1 whistle, 1 mat.
To Mr. Hitchman, 1 box, 1 mat.
To Rev. Crowther, 1 cup, 1 mat.
To Revd. S. Pratt, one letter.
By the "Coromandel," a letter to Mr. Pratt, a journal to the Society.

APRIL 23rd, 1821. Journal to the Society. Letter to Mr. Hooper, Chatham Dockyard.

[Image of page 21]

Stage for Native Feast. THE MISSION STATION AT KERIKERI. Mr. Kemp's House.

Stage for Native Feast.
Mr. Kemp's House.

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