1862 - Marjouram, W. Memorials of Sergeant William Marjouram - Appendix, p 377-382

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  1862 - Marjouram, W. Memorials of Sergeant William Marjouram - Appendix, p 377-382
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"They took knowledge of him that he had been with Jesus."

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THE following is a copy of the beautiful and touching address that was presented to Marjouram on the occasion of his departure from New Zealand:--


19th November 1860.

"To our beloved Friend and Fellow-soldier, WILLIAM MARJOURAM, of the Royal Artillery.

"Having heard that severe indisposition has at length made it necessary for you to leave Taranaki, the scene of your many labours, and to return to England, --We, the non-commissioned officers, petty officers, seamen, and soldiers of the various corps in camp, cannot let you depart without an expression of our deep sympathy and heartfelt sorrow at your removal from among us. Your many acts of kindness and benevolence towards the sick and wounded, command our utmost respect and gratitude. We cannot thank you, or give expression to our feelings as we desire; but were our hearts laid bare, you would see at once the sincerity and fervency of our prayers for your welfare. All our life long will your Christian teaching be remembered by us; and we humbly beg that Almighty God may restore you speedily to health, and that you may devote the remainder of your days to the cause which you have so nobly and so successfully undertaken and pursued among your fellow-soldiers. Pray remember

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that those by whom you are now addressed, appreciate thoroughly your truly Christian and benevolent character. Nor will their intercessions be wanting, when you have left us, that you may have a prosperous, safe, and happy voyage to the dear old mother-land."

The next most gratifying letter, is from two officers of high position who were with him during the whole of the campaign:--

November 18th, 1860.

"SERJEANT MARJOURAM, --Major N----- and I regret extremely to hear that your continued ill-health is likely to deprive the service of as good a soldier as it contains; and we both hope that the sea-voyage and change of climate may have the effect of restoring you to your former activity and usefulness. Should you, however, be unfortunately compelled to relinquish your profession, and should it be your wish to obtain employment as a Scripture-reader, we can most conscientiously recommend you for such a situation, from our knowledge of your character, and how well and invariably, since we have known you, you have combined the duties of a Christian and a soldier. Your example to the men under our command, both in the field before the enemy, and in camp, has been most beneficial. They have seen how well you have done your duty under all circumstances of difficulty and danger, and how, while never obtrusive in your advice, you have sincerely and earnestly endeavoured, in proper seasons, to turn their thoughts towards their Maker. You have our best wishes for your future success and happiness.

"We are, yours truly,
"T----- N-----,
Major, 40th Regiment,
Commanding the Forces, Waitara,

"F. B. S-----,
Captain, Royal Navy,
Commanding Naval Brigade."

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From his own captain:--

18th November 1860.

"Serjeant Marjouram served with the detachment under my command, through the disturbances with the natives of New Zealand, for seven months, during which time, until he was taken ill, he proved himself to be an able and active sergeant; also, from what I have seen and heard of his conduct, I think him to be a thoroughly good man. He has the credit of having done a great deal of good in this garrison, having, for some time before the disturbances, established and conducted a school for the non-commissioned officers and men of the detachment of the 65th Regiment and of the Royal Artillery, and also, with his wife, for the children, without any pecuniary remuneration. I believe his knowledge of religious works to be considerable, and his endeavours to be of service to those about him, such as are rarely to be met with.

H----- S-----,
Captain, Royal Artillery,
Commanding Royal Artillery,
New Zealand."

From Archdeacon G-

November 19th, 1860.

"DEAR MARJOURAM, --I am very sorry that you are unfit for service, and obliged to leave us. However, change of air, and rest, may perhaps restore you to a better state of health. If it should please God that you should be so restored, I trust you may find a situation as Scripture-reader, or undertake some other duty of a like nature. I have seen with much pleasure the way in which you have exerted yourself to give religious instruction to the children of the soldiers stationed here. In fact, the establishment of a school for men was brought about, I believe, entirely through your exertions; and I know very well that your example and precept have exerted a good effect upon the minds

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of many of your comrades, who have thus had a proof that it is possible for a soldier to live as a Christian. You have, I am sure, gained the good will and respect of the whole community in this place; and we should all be glad to hear that you were spared to labour some years longer in your Master's service. -- Believe me to remain, with every feeling of respect and esteem, yours faithfully,

H----- G-----."

Numerous other letters of a similar character might here be inserted; but these, from the position and influence of their writers, speak with an authority which is all-sufficient to establish his reputation for Christian consistency and blamelessness of conduct. To multiply these testimonies--which are, after all, but so many proofs that God keeps His word--would be needlessly to swell this book, to weary the reader's patience, and to add nothing either of interest or profit. Once more, may an inspiring voice be heard from these pages! On and on, right through the Red Sea, with the rocks of Pi-hahiroth on either side, and the Egyptians behind, may this simple memoir be instrumental in speaking to the children of Israel, that they go forward!

"Go, labour on--spend, and be spent--
Thy joy to do thy Master's will.
It is the way the Master went;
Shall not the servant tread it still?"



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