1814-1853 - The Missionary Register [Sections relating to New Zealand.] - 1852 - Recent miscellaneous intelligence, p 327

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  1814-1853 - The Missionary Register [Sections relating to New Zealand.] - 1852 - Recent miscellaneous intelligence, p 327
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Recent miscellaneous intelligence.

[Image of page 327]

New-Zealand Mission: Mr. James Booth and Mr. James W. Stack, Students from the Metropolitan Training Institution, Highbury; and the Chief Tamahana Te Rauparaha--For the North- West-America Mission: the Rev. Edwin Arthur Watkins, Student from the Institution, Islington, and Mrs. Watkins; and Mr. William Kirkby, Student from the Metropolitan Training Institution, Highbury, and Mrs. Kirkby. The Instructions having been acknowledged by the Missionaries, they were addressed by the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem and the Rev. Francis Close, and were commended in prayer to the favour and protection of Almighty God, by the Rev. J. H. Stewart-- The Rev. Stephen Hobbs and Mrs. Hobbs left Madras on the 19th of February, and arrived at Gravesend on the 13th of June.

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