1899 - Grace, M. A Sketch of the New Zealand War - XVII. SIR GEORGE GREY AND GENERAL CHUTE, p 163-166

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  1899 - Grace, M. A Sketch of the New Zealand War - XVII. SIR GEORGE GREY AND GENERAL CHUTE, p 163-166
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THE great difficulty experienced by General Cameron in conducting the war consisted in the intricate series of obstacles put in his way by Governor Grey. Sir George Grey was an extremely polished, gentlemanly, handsome man, with a soft manner and a seething volcano for a heart. He hated General Cameron, with the cold, concentrated rage of a self-devouring nature. I could tell you precisely the why and wherefore, were I in a confidential mood. I am only concerned now with my final interview with General Chute. I met him in Wellington. He came forward, and said,-- "Well, how is your good lady?" (He was himself still a bachelor.) "Very well, indeed, thank you, General. By the way, General, how did you get on with Sir George Grey?"

"I had no trouble with him whatever."

"How did you manage?"

"Sir George always sent for me, and said,

[Image of page 166]

'You know, General, we must do so and so, and so and so.'

"I replied, 'Yes, Your Excellency.'

"He invariably wound up by saying, 'Now, General, you thoroughly understand the policy unfolded and the plan of campaign?' And I replied, 'Yes, Your Excellency.'

"As soon as I had gone away, I sat down and wrote him the following letter:--

"'To His Excellency,
Sir George Grey, K.C.B.,
Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Naval and Military Forces.


"'I have the honour to inform you I am troubled with a very bad memory, and I have quite forgotten all you said to me, and will you be good enough to put your instructions in writing?

"'I have, etc.,

"He never put anything in writing, and I did whatever I liked; and so, you see, I finished the campaign in a few months."

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