1814-1853 - The Missionary Register [Sections relating to New Zealand.] - 1815 - New Zealand--Church Missionary Society, p 155-163

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  1814-1853 - The Missionary Register [Sections relating to New Zealand.] - 1815 - New Zealand--Church Missionary Society, p 155-163
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New Zealand--Church Missionary Society.

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Proceedings of Messrs. Kendall and Hall at New Zealand.

The following Extracts are taken from Mr. Kendall's Journal.

On Monday, May 23d, 1814, the Active sailed from the river Derwent for the Bay of Islands. After a good passage, we came to an anchor near Tippoonah on Friday, June 10th. Duaterra was at his farm; but, hearing of a vessel being in the harbour, he came over to Tippoonah, and paid us a visit. We put into his hands a letter from Mr. Marsden, of which the following is a copy.

Duaterra, King-- Parramatta, March 9, 1814.

I have sent the Brig Active to the Bay of Islands to see what you are doing, and Mr. Hall and Mr. Kendall from England. Mr. Kendall will teach the boys and girls to read and write. I told you, when you was at Parramatta, that I would send you a gentleman to teach your Tamoneekees (boys) and Koeteedos (girls) to read. You will be very good to Mr. Hall and Mr. Kendall. They will come to live in New Zealand, if you will not hurt them; and will teach you how to grow wheat, and

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to make houses and every thing. Charles has sent you a cock, and Mrs. Marsden has sent you a shirt and jacket. I have sent you some wheat for seeds, and you must put it into the ground as soon as you can. I have sent you a mill to grind your corn. If you will come in the Active to Parramatta, I will send you back again. Send me a man or two to learn to make an axe and every thing. You will send the Active full of moca, potatoes, lines, mats, fish, nets, and every thing. I have sent a jacket, for Kowheetee. Tell him to assist you and Terra to lade the ship. You will be very good to all my men, and not hurt them, and I will be good to you. Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Jane, Charles, Martha, Nanny, and Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Marsden, are all well, and wish to know how you are. If you do not come to see me, send me word by Mr. Kendall and Mr. Hall what you want, and I will send it to you.

I am your Friend,

Duaterra gladly received Mr. Marsden's letter, and was very much pleased with the arrival of his promised friends. I and Mr. Hall accompanied him to his principal hipwah, or town, called Ranghee Hoo. It consisted of several small huts about five feet in height, seven in breadth, and eight or ten in length. We were presently surrounded by many natives, men, women, and children; who conducted themselves toward us in the most friendly manner: as we repeated our visits, their friendship for us became more confirmed. The Tohungho Rakoos (wood men) paid great attention to Mr. Hall. The children, who were at first afraid to come near me, would follow me, as soon as I had gained their confidence, to a great distance to take hold of my hand.

In Duaterra's store-rooms were deposited rum, tea, sugar, flour, cheese, and two chests of European raiment. One of these places was unlocked; and, although the residence of Duaterra is sixteen miles distant, yet every thing remained safe and unmolested.

In many little fenced plots of land at Ranghee Hoo, and other places, we discovered several hogs feeding. Pork is very plentiful. An axe or a good piece of iron will purchase one, and sometimes two, good sized pigs. The soil is very good near Tippoonah, notwithstanding

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the hilly nature of the country. The cultivated land produces potatoes, cabbages, turnips, carrots, onions, &c. The parts which are not cultivated are generally covered with fern.

On the Sunday after our arrival in the Bay of Islands, Mr. Hall read upon deck the Prayers of the Church. The rain prevented the natives from coming to the vessel at the time of Divine Service: two or three, who had slept on board, attended. In the afternoon the weather was fine, and I and Mr. Hall paid a second visit to our friends at the Hipwah. They wished to trade with us, but we told them it was a sacred day. Six days men were allowed to work, and every seventh day was appointed as a day of rest from labour, and of worship to Atua, or the Supreme Being. We said they might come to the ship with their property on the day following. We acquainted them with our intention of bringing our wives and children from Port Jackson, and residing among them. To some children I gave an invitation to go with us, and learn the Book, and see Mr. Marsden; for it must not be omitted that the name of Mr. Marsden is well known at the Bay of Islands. The natives speak of him with respect, and even celebrate him in their songs.

June 13, 1814. --We took a walk with Duaterra to see his farm. In passing by a Hipwah named Teepookay, some of the natives took our hands in a friendly manner, and requested us to eat with them. After some conversation we proceeded on our way, over swamps and exceeding high hills. We observed no woods near us of any magnitude. The tops of the hills were generally fertile. Plenty of good water is every where to be found. At length we came to Duaterra's farm. In an enclosure he had sown some wheat, which was already five or six inches above the ground; and his people were busily employed in clearing more land, on which he intended to plant potatoes, and to sow two bushels of wheat which we had presented to him by desire of Mr. Marsden.

Duaterra is chief over the people of four districts. His territory is extensive. He has 400 fighting men under his command: a friend of his, whose name is Way, has 200; his uncle Kungroha 300, and his uncle Shunghee 600. Shunghee is a warrior, but of a very mild disposition, and with little appearance of the savage. He is chief over the people of seventeen places, is of a very

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ingenious turn, and anxious to learn the European Arts. He shewed us a musket which had been stocked and mounted by his own hands: it does him much credit, as he had no man to instruct him. He has several muskets in his possession. The natives procure these destructive weapons, with powder and shot, from the vessels which touch upon the coast.

June 15, 1814. --The brig James Haye put into the Bay. This afforded us an opportunity of writing to the Society. We dined with Captain Foldger. Mr. Andrews, the Surgeon, accompanied us to shore: with him we had the happiness of uniting in prayer lor the success of the Mission. He will have acquainted you, I have no doubt, on his arrival in London, with many interesting particulars.

We were soon visited by the aged Chief Terra, with his wife and one attendant. I presented to him a letter from Mr. Marsden, nearly similar to the one which I had delivered to Duaterra. Terra requested the Captain to take the vessel near to Korrorahrekka, his residence, on the other side of the Bay of Islands, about ten miles distant from Tippoonah. This was done, and presently a number of canoes came alongside. I accompanied Terra and his party to the shore. In return for the kind treatment which they had received on hoard, I was presented with five baskets of potatoes. We met with the same friendly reception here, as at other places. We observed the natives at their daily work. One day Terra and about forty others (men and women) were very busy in preparing an allotment of land for potatoes, for the ensuing year. Some of the natives were digging the soil; others clearing it of roots and rubbish, which they placed upon heaps; and others were burning the heaps. Terra appears to be near seventy years of age. He presides over the people of seventeen places.

June 17. --Whettohee (who is also called Pomarree) invited me to go to his Hipwah. On my accepting the invitation, he proposed to shew me where some timber might be procured for the vessel, if I would accompany htm. We set out; in the afternoon, in his canoe, manned by his own people. The day was very fine. After rowing several miles, as it began to be very late, the whole party went on shore. We made a good fire, and I slept by the side of Whettohee, having for, my bed some dry

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fern, and his kakkahow (outward garment) and the canopy of heaven for my covering. The night was still, and the atmosphere serene and clear: the stars shone with peculiar lustre: it was a season for contemplation, prayer, and praise!

I mention this event with great pleasure, because the natives of New Zealand have been called a most dangerous race of men, in whom no confidence is to be placed. But had they felt the least inclination to injure me, I had no means of defending myself. I had two fowling pieces, but they were unloaded. Whettohee knew this, for he had several times discharged them; so that these would only have served to strengthen the temptation: and if any thing would tempt the natives it would be a musket. But I slept secure; and felt happy that God had been pleased (for some good purpose, as I trusted) to send me among them. Though weak and sinful, I still pray and hope that God will, for the sake of his own Great Name, make me useful in declaring the glad news of His Salvation among this benighted people.

In the morning, at an early hour, we hastened to the wood. Ahourakkee, and the men which he had with him there, with all possible dispatch conveyed two good spars to the water side. This was attended with much labour, as the timber lay at the distance of two or three hundred yards from the river i but these stout active men soon cleared a path for it and drew it along. About half past ten in the evening we finished our excursion. The wood was fourteen miles or upward from the Active. Loads of excellent pine are to be found there. One piece, which the natives had cut down, measured nearly ninety feet in length.

On Sunday morning, June 19th, I read upon deck the Prayers of the Church. The weather was fine, and several canoes with natives in them were by the side of the vessel. Two or three Chiefs were also with us. The behaviour of the natives during Divine Service was very decent and commendable. It was a new thing with them to see our way of worship, and to hear of a day of rest from labour. The Union Jack was hoisted on board the Active, aad Terra displayed his colours in honour of the day. Soon after Divine Service was over the natives left the vessel.

In the afternoon we visited the Kapinghee, a place be-

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longing to Whettohee. The natives were friendly indeed. To us the interview with the men, women, and children was highly gratifying. I distributed several religious Tracts among the natives, in order to give them some idea of books: to have witnessed, the eagerness and delight with which they all received them would have excited fervent desires in a true Christian in behalf of a people whom Satan has so long held in captivity. This people never had within their reach the means of instruction. Sunk as they are in human wretchedness and misery, no voice have they yet heard proclaiming the amazing love of God through a Crucified Saviour--that voice which alone can charm the ear and console the heart of man!

Sunday, June 26th, Mr. Hall read upon deck in the morning the Prayers of the Church. The day was fine, but no natives came near us; nor did Terra hoist his colours, as he had done on the Sunday preceding.

On Sunday, July 3d, at a very early hour, some natives brought to the vessel several spars, which they had procured the preceding week, and offered to barter them with us. This gave us another opportunity of reminding them of the Lord's Day: they cheerfully conveyed the timber to the shore, where it remained until the Monday morning. The Chiefs Shunghee and Whettohee attended while I read the Prayers of the Church; and their behaviour was, as usual, strictly proper.

Whilst these things were going on, Duaterra and a party of friends were actively employed in cutting Koraddee (or flax in its growing state) on the other side of the Bay. They conveyed several boat-loads to a convenient place, which was at a short distance from a part of the Bay where there was good anchorage for the vessel.

July 5, 1814. --I attended the mourning ceremony for Towtoro, a man who had died on the 3d. The corpse was neatly wrapped up in the clothing which had been worn by the deceased. The feet, instead of being stretched out, as is customary in England, were "gathered up" in such a manner by his sides that I could not discern them. I heard the bitter lamentations of the women, and the Funeral Song or Ode of the Men. I witnessed a mock fight as a part of the ceremony; and the whole party, consisting of two or three hundred, feasting upon

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sweet potatoes by way of conclusion. The women, who were six in number, cut their faces, breasts, and arms with sharp shells, until they were covered with blood.

Sunday, July 10, Mr. Hall read the Prayers of the Church. Shunghee and Ahourakkee were present, but no other natives. The ship was too far from the shore, and the wind blew fresh from the north west.

July 11. --I went to Terra's residence, to take leave of my friends. To Terra, Ahourakkee, Whettohee, and Kiterra, I gave an invitation to accompany me to Port Jackson; but they all declined accepting it.

July 12, 1814. --Terra, Tupee, Whettohee, and Ahourakkee, seeing the Active in a state of preparation to depart, came to bid us farewell. They breakfasted with us in the cabin, and attended Mr. Hall and myself in our morning worship. They quietly kneeled down, whilst we were in prayer; not offering to stir until we had done. May the petitions which they heard, but did not understand, be accepted by the Most High! May he bless our endeavours to acquire such a knowledge of their language as will enable us to publish the glad tidings of the Gospel, and to direct the attention of these poor benighted heathens to that Saviour, who alone can enlighten their darkness by His Holy Spirit, and by His precious blood redeem their souls! O blessed Lord, fulfil thy gracious promise, that all tuitions which thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, and glorify thy Name !

From Korrorahrekka the Active was brought to a river on the Tippoonah side of the Bay of Islands.

Sunday, July 17th, I read the Prayers of the Church, Duaterra, Shunghee, and some other Natives, were present. The wife of Shunghee, five children, and some friends, came to the vessel on a visit to Shunghee, who had remained on board from the time of his introduction. I had some time before told Shunghee that I wished to see Depero and Duingho, his two little boys: they were, therefore, permitted to remain on board with their father. His wife and the rest of the family settled themselves on the shore, at a short distance from the vessel.

July 22. --The Captain signified his intention to quit the Bay. Many natives came to the vessel for the purpose of bidding farewell to Shunghee, Duaterra, Tenhahnah, and Ponahhoo, who had embarked for New

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South Wales. The women, especially the wife of Shunghee, and Dayhoo the wife of Duaterra, wept very much.

In the evening two Brothers of Toi, who were arrived at the Bay of Islands from a distant part of New Zealand (where they had been some months on a trading voyage) just in time to see their relation previous to his departure, came on board. The interview was very affecting. They embraced each other, and wept aloud for a considerable time.

July 23, 181-1. --We were under the necessity of returning to Tippoonah, from which place we had sailed the day before, on account of contrary winds. Mr. Hall read the prayers of the Church on Sunday the 24th, in the presence of Shunghee, Duaterra, Rakoo, and some other natives, who all conducted themselves perfectly well during service.

July 25. --The Active set sail for Port Jackson. Shunghee now consented that Depero, his eldest son, who is about eight years of age, should embark with us. Kurrokurro, the brother of Toi, was also received on board. Kurrokurro is a Chief: his residence is at Pahroa, on the south side of the Bay of Islands.

About one o'clock I had a most providential escape from imminent danger. The vessel was under way. I had incautiously seated myself on the top of a closet raised above deck, in order to speak to some natives who were in a canoe at the stern. On bringing the main boom from the starboard to the larboard side, I was struck by it, and forced overboard. I never had attempted to swim, and could, therefore, assist myself very little; but the natives in the canoe observing me fall, came with all possible haste, and rescued me from a watery grave. My left leg was severely bruised between the boom and the closet, but not broken. This fresh instance of Divine Care and Goodness I desire to record with humble gratitude. My life has been preserved through the kind instrumentality of the people of New Zealand. I pray that the remainder of my life may bo spent in humble endeavours to promote the glory of God and the knowledge of his salvation, among a people who have been so ready to serve me.

July 26. --Shunghee, Kurrokurro, Depero, and Ponahhoo, amused themselves by attempting to learn the

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alphabet. Shunghee was so much delighted, that he said he should continue to learn it daily. I had some cards of letters and monosyllables by me, such as are used by the lower classes in Dr. Bell's schools. I proposed to give each of the natives one fish-hook for every page they should learn correctly, upon my arrival in New South Wales. They expressed the greatest satisfaction, and my little pupil Depero seemed transported with the idea of possessing some riches, which he should have to shew his mother and his uncle Kangroha, upon his return to his native land.

On Monday, August 22, the Active came to anchor at Port Jackson.

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