1830, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1843, 1850, 1854, 1855 - Church Missionary Record [Sections relating to New Zealand only] - 1855 - New-Zealand Mission, p 229-245

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  1830, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1843, 1850, 1854, 1855 - Church Missionary Record [Sections relating to New Zealand only] - 1855 - New-Zealand Mission, p 229-245
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New-Zealand Mission.

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We continue our review of this Mission from p. 220 of our last Number.

Middle District [concluded).


Report for the year 1854, by the Rev. B. Ashwell.

The Rev. B. Ashwell's report is characterised by features similar to those of his brethren. It speaks of heavy sickness; of much declension; and yet, amidst all, of encouraging results in no small proportion; of some who continue to be a solace to their minister; and others who, having witnessed a good confession before their countrymen, have gone to sleep in Jesus. Of the three native teachers mentioned in the report as having died in the Lord, a full account has already been given in the pages of the "Gleaner" for April and June last.

The year 1854 will always be remembered by the natives of this district, by the mortality occasioned from the diseases following the measles. Although the epidemic was general throughout the country, I think its ravages were more fatal on the banks of the Waikato and Waipa rivers than elsewhere: it has decimated the population of this district. Some villages have lost nearly a third of their inhabitants. The natives residing inland, and on the coast, appear to have suffered least. It has been particularly fatal to the young. Scarcity of food, occasioned by an unusually dry season, ill prepared the native constitution for the attacks of a foreign disease. All my scholars, fifty-six in number, besides my own family, were attacked by it. Six scholars and a teacher have been removed by death. Although every effort was used to arrest the disease, and every attention paid to the children, the parents became alarmed, and our flourishing boarding school was reduced to thirty five: this has caused us much pain, as some of the children were giving us much satisfaction. Of those who died there is reason to be-

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lieve that four were prepared for their great change. Three of our native teachers in the district have been called from time to eternity: they gave evidence, in their lives and deaths, that they loved the Saviour. Although mourning their loss, the loss to the church here, I do rejoice in the power of the gospel as manifested in the dying hours of these our New-Zealand brethren. An account of their last moments I forwarded in my journal of June last. Others of my people, especially among the aged, gave me cause to believe that they had good hope in their deaths. Levi Mokoro, the noted cannibal warrior, just before his death, prayed for himself, children, tribe, his minister, and all Missionaries, and died whilst declaring that Christ was his only hope.

The immediate effect of these visitations was to produce much seriousness throughout the district. It was only, I fear, of a transient nature. Returning health, and the excitement caused by the Ngatiteata and other tribes selling land claimed by the Waikato and Waipa natives, have produced much lukewarmness in their religious feelings, more particularly among the Ngatimahuta, the Ngaungau, and the Ngatiwauroa tribes. The removal of their teachers by death has not been blessed to them. Another cause for their declension is, that their avariciousness has been excited by the immense price for native produce given by traders on the Waikato, and by the merchants in Auckland. Only those who are converted could withstand the many temptations to which our people are exposed from these causes.

In the lower part of my district there is much to encourage us in our work. Last Sunday I baptized twenty-three adults, after a long probation and many conversations with them: this, I trust, is a sign that there is still a little spiritual life among my people. There are still several candidates for baptism, who are receiving further instruction. There are thirty scholars in the girls'-school at Taupiri, and ten scholars at Pepepe, making forty scholars in these establishments. Their expenses are defrayed partly by a grant of 150l. per annum from the government, and partly by local resources and subscriptions. The expense of each scholar is 7l. 10s. per annum. The farm at Pepepe--two miles from the station--has been a considerable help, without which I must have dismissed nearly half the scholars, the price of food being treble, in many instances, what it was two years since. The only expense to the Society has been the salary of the assistant to the girls'-school, whose valuable services have set me free to visit more frequently the distant parts of my district. I have been absent from the station ninety days this year, and I have administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper ten times, viz., thrice at Taupiri and Whatawhata, twice at the Papa, and once at Opuatea and Rangiriri. At the latter place there are several young men and their wives who are desirous to join the monitors'-school at Pepepe. Should it please God to give us a plentiful harvest, I shall be enabled to receive them. When at home, I have daily attended the monitors'-school, which continues to give much satisfaction. Our Missionary prayer meetings are well attended on the first Monday in each month, some teachers coming a distance of twenty and thirty miles--a good day's journey--for that purpose. Our annual Missionary meeting was well attended, and more than six pounds collected. We feel the loss of many of our Christian chiefs, who were with us at the last anniversary, especially Levi Mokoro, William Thomas, &c, who have since joined the church triumphant. During the year I have baptized 46 adults and 30 children, and 420 communicants have partaken of the Lord's supper. Mrs. Ashwell and assistant have been fully engaged in the girls'-school.

Upon a review of this eventful year, although called to pass through many trials -- to witness of those we love -- the declension of some--the ingratitude of others--to pass through good and evil report--and to experience bitter disappointment from many of whom we had hoped better things --yet the hand of a gracious Father has been and is still with us. God is love: all His will is love, covenant love in Christ. I would therefore call upon my soul, and all that is within me, to bless His holy name, and not to forget His benefits. I would praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that is to come, for He does all things well.

Visitation of the Measles.

Mr. Ashwell's journal of this period of heavy sickness we intro-

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duce very nearly in extenso. It places us at once in the midst of this suffering period. The rapid progress of disease; the strong man disabled; the healthy cast down; some glorifying God and confessing Christ in the time of tribulation; others dark and without a hope; the Missionary amongst them as a faithful pastor and friend, ministering to the suffering body and anxious soul--we do not think it possible for any one to read all this without being stirred to earnest sympathy.

May 8, 1854 --It is just a fortnight since the measles appeared in the school. All the scholars--fifty in number--without a single exception, have been attacked.

May 9 --Heard to-day that several cases had terminated fatally among the natives visiting Auckland. We felt exceedingly anxious about the school-children, not knowing what may be the consequences to the school. The parents of the children are so foolishly fond of them, that a slight illness is often the cause of their removal to the native villages, where, by injudicious treatment, serious consequences follow.

Nay 13 --Several of the parents of the children arrived. I cautioned them not to come too near their children: in two instances the caution was disregarded. They took the measles, and returned to their homes, twenty miles up the river, against my advice. One died the day after: another is dangerously ill.

May 14: Lord's-day --A Roman-Catholic party arrived here from Auckland, on their way to Rangiawhio. They had lost four of their number from this disease. I visited them: they were exceedingly glad to see me. Three were exceedingly ill: the eruption having been checked, a malignant dysentery was the consequence, which, I fear, will end fatally with all. I administered medicine, and gave rice, and spoke of the only name given under heaven whereby we must be saved, Christ, and Christ alone. At morning prayers I was pleased to find twenty out of the thirty Papists present. In the evening I visited the sick, and had service. Some of the Romanists attended, others would not. I spoke to them of the only way, the truth, and the life. No other name but Jesus, no other salvation but through Him. Peter could not save them, for he was a sinful man. The Virgin Mary could not, for she felt her need of a Saviour, and her spirit rejoiced in that Saviour. They were attentive, and did not attempt to reply. One poor ignorant man crossed himself, repeating the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and said, "That's all my religion: I know nothing more." I asked him if he thought that the mere crossing of himself would save his immortal spirit. He replied, "I cannot tell: I suppose so." I then showed him the necessity of the new birth--a real change of heart--of a simple dependence on Christ. A few minutes after this conversation one of the sick natives died, making the fifth since they left Auckland.

Eight days since I rode after dark to a pa, a few miles distant, to see the sick, two of whom are in a precarious state. With one, Jeremiah, I was much pleased: he said he now felt how vain were earthly hopes and joys. His words were--the only great thing was, the salvation brought by Christ. I returned home late in the night: felt very unwell from fatigue and anxiety.

May 15 --Visited the sick. I found Jeremiah very ill, but calm and happy. He said to me, "I have no goodness of my own: Christ alone is my righteousness, my Saviour, my all."

May 17 --Visited Joanna, a woman of rank. Whilst suffering from the fever occasioned by the measles, she bathed in the Waikato, which brought on inflammation of the lungs, which in a few days proved fatal. I was pleased with her state of mind. She told me that Christ was her only dependence. As she was exceedingly regular in her attendance at church and at the Lord's Table, I feared lest she should, unknowingly to herself, depend upon these outward ordinances. She said, "I am wicked and sinful; but Christ, and Christ alone, is my leaning-post"--i. e. dependence--"my only hope." I called upon another woman, Priscilla. I said, "You are very ill. Are you happy? What is your comfort?" She replied, "Christ is my only comfort." "Do you pray?" She said, "Yes." "What do you pray for?" She then gave me the following prayer-- "O my God! send Thy Holy Spirit to change my heart, that I may listen to Thy words. I cannot listen without Thy Spirit. Oh, give me Thy Holy Spirit to turn my heart, for the love of my only Saviour

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Christ." I used to think this poor old creature very ignorant, especially as she could not read her Testament. Another woman, named Grace, after expressing her only hope in Christ, died happily.

May 18, 1854 --Joanna died this morning. From these and similar cases it will be seen that a real work is going on in New Zealand. It is true that the love of many has waxed cold. Some who did run well have left Christ, through the love of the present world. Yet among many of the old and despised the marks of a genuine faith are seen, and its power to support on a death bed is felt. Engaged the whole of this week in preparing medicine, visiting and attending to the sick at the school and native villages; and I am thankful to say, that, in each case of measles, where attention has been paid to advice, and the medicines duly taken, recovery has followed.

May 28: Lord's-day --A thin congregation: many of my poor people ill. I felt much grieved at some of the teachers, who had neglected to visit the sick. I pointed out their sin. I gave medicine, and prayed with the sick, and rode six miles after sunset to Makiri and Waipahihi. Had evening service. Visited sick, among whom were Weteni and his wife, a chief who had grievously disgraced his Christian profession by taking another wife. He had many English comforts about him. His house, dress, habits, &c, as far as regards mere civilization, were much in advance of many around him. I said, "You have surrounded yourself with comforts which you are now leaving; what can they profit you?" "Oh! do come and talk with me," was the reply. I went in. He said, "I have given up the woman I took for a wife: God has shown me my sin: it has found me out. I am like Judas. I have betrayed my Saviour. Tell me, O my minister, tell me, may I pray?" My heart was overflowing with joy whilst hearing this proud chief thus confessing his sorrow for sin. (The last time I spoke to him he told me he would not listen to any thing I could say, but that he should join the Romanists.) I replied, "Oh, you may pray. Let us pray now." After pouring out our hearts to a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God, he said to me, "Pride has been the occasion of my fall." I rejoiced over this, I trust, returning prodigal.

May 29 --Weteni was better, but his wife fast sinking, and appears near death. She most earnestly requested baptism. On examination, I found she was acquainted with the great truths necessary to salvation. I cautioned her lest she should depend on this ordinance for salvation instead of Christ. I told her that outward baptism was not salvation. True salvation consisted in the baptism by the Holy Spirit--a new creation, without which no outward ordinance would avail. I then baptized her. I also baptized two sickly children. Last night another immortal soul was called into the presence of its Judge. This is indeed a serious time among my poor people. The mortality throughout the district has been great. More than fifty have been cut off by the after-effects of the measles, through want of care; and this will be the case with most European diseases. Nothing, under God, but schools on a large scale can save the New Zealanders as a people. Being under the Missionary's care, he can see that they are attended to, while it is impossible to visit all the cases of sickness occurring in his district. Day and night have I been employed, for the last five weeks, in visiting sick at all hours and in all weathers. My earnest prayer to God lias been that this afflictive visitation may be the means of inducing many to fly to a crucified Saviour, and not rest content with a mere nominal Christianity. After visiting the sick I reached home three hours after dark, after riding thirty miles, a merciful providence having kept me in safety whilst passing the swamps in the dark.

June 12 --The tribe of the Ngaungau returned to their pa, Tukopoto, bringing their sick with them. Visited William Otapo, suffering from dysentery. I was pleased with his state of mind. He is the native teacher, and his consistent conduct has afforded me much satisfaction. I fear he will not recover. I visited poor old Martha Wesley, the widow of Wesley Te Pake, the chief of Tukopoto, the account of whose happy death I forwarded in my journal July last. 1 I asked her what hope she had. Her reply was, "I have no hope but in the one salvation, Christ my Saviour." I said, "Martha, after your husband's death you wished some of his things to be 'tapu,' sacred." "Yes," she said, "it is true. It was wrong: great was the sin: but I am dark about it." I asked her if she prayed. She replied, "Yes, this is my prayer--O

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God! mine is a native heart. Give me Thy Holy Spirit! Change my heart! Forgive my sins in the blood of Jesus! strengthen me! take care of me, for Jesus' sake!" She died in the night

June 20 --William Otapo is still ill from dysentery, taken from his brother, the young man who died a few weeks since, which I have already mentioned. If my teachers are taken from the district it is true God can and will raise others; but--humanly speaking--I cannot tell who can supply their places. I have been hitherto speciality blessed in my fellow-helpers, many of whom have died most happily--Daniel, Jeremiah, Samuel, and others. I am much distressed and cast down. Several of my best teachers are suffering from this disorder, dysentery.

Never do I remember such a time of sickness and distress among my people: never have I witnessed brighter triumphs of faith.

I fear I shall ere long have to send the account of the death beds of some of my best teachers. Surely God has a controversy with the worldly-minded and lukewarm among our churches. O that we may "hear the rod, and Him that appointed it!"


The Rev. T. Chapman occupies this station. We are happy to find that, notwithstanding a distressing attack of hooping-cough, his health has been such as to enable him to visit the various stations throughout this part of New Zealand--Te Kaha, Omaia, Opotiki, Whakatane--for the purpose of administering the Lord's-supper. The following is his

Report for the year 1854.

The infant churches of this district, at the close of 1854, present anomalies of an unfavourable nature, difficult to realize, and equally difficult to amend. We have, perhaps, too soon relaxed the common appliances of Missionary warfare. We have succoured, with much assiduity and cost, the mother: her children -- the church of the future--are ignorant and bare. But new resources may be opening; munitions maybe--and I trust are-- preparing; and all may yet be well. Yet, as we see appearances at the present day, both in relation to adults and children, they are discouraging in the extreme. The unfavourable change which has taken place among the natives arises --mainly perhaps--from the greatly enhanced value of their produce, which, filling their minds with thoughts of gain, seems to have led to much indifference to their religious duties, unaccompanied by any apparent alteration for the better in their social condition, or any desire, in the slightest degree, to assist those who would help forward the education of their children. The war, which for about eighteen months disturbed Rotorua and Tarawera, was concluded last April by a not very satisfactory peace. The evils of this war will, I fear, long show itself in a laxity of discipline. So many were drawn away-- teachers among others, belonging to my district, that I know not, in many cases, how to proceed.

I have taken three Missionary tours during the year, occupying sixty-five days; these tours extending, coastwise, from my own location, eastward, to the limits of this archdeaconry. In reference to these visits, I found, as we always do find, causes deeply to mourn over, yet happily not causes of distress only, but little kindlings of encouragement also, lest we should have "sorrow upon sorrow."

Our boarding-school of ten -- as assumed, but varying in number, rising as high as fourteen--is of that even character, in attainments and behaviour, which calls for no remark.

Our congregations are become nearly-stationary, making due allowance for the inducements which are presented to the natives, enticing them away to various parts, many to Auckland and its neighbourhood, and some to California and Melbourne.

The past year has been marked by more severe sickness than any I remember during my twenty-four years' sojourn in New Zealand. The severe forms were influenza, measles, and whooping cough.

We have also received Mr. Chapman's journals for the year 1854, containing much of interesting detail. As the documents to which we have hitherto referred have treated principally of that portion of the year in which sickness was so prevalent, we take up Mr. Chapman's journals at a somewhat later period, after the sickness had subsided.

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Spiritual state of the congregations.

July 9, l854: Lord's day --Held services and school, which were tolerably well attended. Yet none cry out, "What must we do to be saved?" It is very difficult to know what is the general result of your labours among this people. No opposition; no earnest inquiry. You preach the blessedness of the Christian's portion: none are elated. You declare the judgments of God: none are depressed. And yet you know that the gospel has done, and is still doing, great things for New Zealand. Its moral influence is everywhere seen and acknowledged; its personal, regenerating power is rarely fully exhibited.

Rise in the price of provisions.

Much conversation among the natives upon the subject of the great rise in the price of provisions: 1l. 10s. for a ton of 2000 lbs. was the full price here of potatos. They are now worth 6s. a basket of 80 lbs.; flour from 30l. to 35l. a ton; and rice 6d. a lb., or, rather, none in the market. A young man came to-day to offer eight bushels of wheat, tolerably good, at 6s. a bushel. This I bought, and gladly received.

State of the population.

October-- Little to remark during the remainder of this month, save that war and its horrors are gradually being lost in the peaceful occupations of agriculture. Still, there are many restless heathen, whose hearts are not in accordance with the rising changes of this once dreadful country; and these still do, and will, agitate whenever opportunities offer. The plough, and a few more towns and rural European districts, would greatly benefit the natives, if such laws could be enacted, and such persons become inhabitants of the towns and villages, as would generally set the natives a good example. But seldom is this seen. Auckland probably has more of good than is found in most colonial towns; yet there are fearful characters among its inhabitants, as may be expected, and few there are among the natives visiting it who do not receive damage in some shape or other. That the natives, in most parts, are decreasing in numbers is very evident, and that districts of tens of thousands of acres should remain long desolate is unlikely. Indeed, the sooner ample portions are reserved, and allotted to the aboriginals, and the other portions sold for their benefit, the better. So thoroughly loose are many of the native claims, that investigation will soon prove to you that A, B, and C have equal claims, because neither A, B, nor C know any thing really whether they have any claim at all, beyond a vague notion of progenitorship and its ramifications: hence the endless disputes and serious quarrels among them--a very undesirable state of things, and the sooner ended the better.

We shall accompany Mr. Chapman on a

Missionary tour along the east coast. Opotiki.

Nov. 10 --Much conversation with Mr. Davies on the general state of his natives, for here, as in all other places, there is a change taking place; not in a casting off their profession of faith, but in an increasing care for worldly things, and this cannot be without damage.

Nov. 12: Lord's-day --Held morning service, baptisms, and the Lord's supper. I preached the word to a large and attentive congregation, faithfully setting before them life and death, blessing and cursing. The Lord give His blessing! Ninety-four gathered round the table of the Lord, and in quiet solemnity partook of that "bread and wine which the Lord hath commanded to be received." Held evening service as before, and, few having left the pa for their little settlements at a distance, we had again a full congregation.


Nov. 14 --Reached Tunapahore in the early part of the afternoon. The natives here are in apprehension of a disturbance relative to their land; indeed it may almost be said of every part of New Zealand--continued disturbances about land. Held evening prayers in one of the compounds, the chapel being in ruins, and the pigs having lately too frequently visited it to make it desirable to hold service there. Nearly all the people of the pa attended, and appeared willing to be instructed.


Nov. 15 --We reached Tokata early in the afternoon, and commenced examination of classes for baptism and the Lord's-supper. The natives here were ready to receive us, a messenger having preceded us. Here, at evening prayers, having well lighted up their handsome chapel, we duly administered the sacraments of

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our Lord and Master. I closed these interesting services by an address as solemn as the subject demanded, and, I hope, to the benefit of their souls. It was late when we retired to rest, and in rest and peace we passed the night, rising refreshed, and thankful both for our mercies and our privileges.

Te Kaha.

We reached Te Kaha on Saturday, and summoned the natives for examination. Here we had some difficulties, some disputes having arisen, and these may generally be called "pig and land quarrels," and are interminable. The wonder is, that a people without any acknowledged power or law should live together so quietly as they do. Admonishing some, and requiring others to keep back until the next season for celebrating the holy communion, our classes were arranged for the morrow, the Sabbath-day.

Nov. 19, 1854: Lord's-day --At Te Kaha. Held morning service, baptisms. and Lord's-supper. I considered it no small privilege to preach to a full congregation, in a beautifully-finished native-built chapel, the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The hearers were attentive, and at the Lord's-supper quiet and solemn. Surely our preaching and our "labour is not in vain in the Lord." The teacher here is attentive, and in himself appears to set a good example. This is a good feature. Mr. Davies preached in the afternoon a plain and practical sermon. Lord, give "the hearing ear and the understanding heart!" Quietness was observed through the whole of this Sabbath-day, and nearly all the natives were well dressed in European clothes. What a pity, that civilization and the public house should ever remove them from their present simplicity of life! More convenient and substantial houses, with the rubbish of old times--tapus and burying-places around their dwellings--removed, and cottages and gardens duly arranged, little more is desirable for them. These and the gospel would, with God's blessing, make them a singularly happy people.


Nov. 26: Lord's-day --Held morning service, baptisms, and administered the Lord's-supper. A very high wind having blown down the chapel, leaving one end resting on its post, we held service in this nook, the natives sitting round outside. But we slowly and orderly adjourned to Mr. Preece's house for the administration of the Lord's supper. We had our usual English service in the afternoon, but none of the Europeans here attended. They are nearly all a drinking set, and, generally speaking, show a very bad example. In the evening the natives were again assembled for prayers, and were addressed, the attendance being nearly equal to that of the morning. Thus the day was fully occupied in my Master's service, and I was most thankful for health and strength and opportunity to be so engaged. It is a blessed work, and I pray God that the unworthiness of the instrument may be lost in the worthiness of Him who said, "Whosoever shall do the will of my Father," &c.

Death of Maraea.

Having been absent from home nearly a month on this Missionary tour, my return brings many little matters to arrange, and these often mingled with uncomfortablenesses, trying your patience exceedingly--"the Missionary grindstone," so well expressed by that highly-valued man, Dr. Judson. Maraea, a sick married woman, I found very ill, and not likely to live many days. Maraea has long been afflicted with sickness, and has long been one of our pensioners, living with her husband on our premises for the benefit of food and medicine, and such instruction and attention as her case demanded. Finding her drawing very near to death, I led the conversation to the sacrament of the Lord's supper, requesting to know whether she desired to partake of the holy communion in humility, love, and faith. She desiring so to partake, I arranged with her husband and my principal teacher, and on the 8th we, a "little flock," having a large clean mat spread, Maraea being brought out to the front of her little cottage, on the ground, where was spread also the bread and wine, and kneeling upon the cliffy rise upon which their humble dwelling stood, with the broad Pacific stretched out before, and within loud-calling distance of Maketu pa, upon which spot many deeds of horrid barbaric warfare had taken place, and from whence the loud exulting yell of the conquerors had not long since swept over this very ground when Maketu pa fell--there did we partake with this, as I trust, believing and penitent woman the emblems of her Saviour's dying love. A few days after,

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Maraea entered into her rest. Thus she, whom I once knew as very "far off," was brought "nigh by the blood of Christ." Some years ago, and just after Maraea had been admitted to the Lord's table, I heard a noise--not a strange noise in those days--in the upper part of my settlement, which, by its volume, appeared to call for my interference. Hasting thither, I found two heathen women, relatives of my natives, who had come hither to settle some dispute, and words had become loud and angry. Maraea was present, and just as I appeared was in the act of rising to take part in the debate. The elder quarreller, putting out her hand so as to rest on Maraea's shoulder, said, in a slow and commanding tone, "Maraea, sit still. If we quarrel and use angry words, we are but heathen. You have lately eaten of that sacred food, and are therefore yourself sacred. Leave us alone: we can quarrel without you." Maraea seemed abashed, and a few words from me quieted the angry party: convincing them might have been another thing. Altogether, this reproof was so striking that I seldom saw Maraea without the scene recurring to my mind. Worse subjects have been the painter's care.

Concluding observations.

Great are the changes which are passing over us here; some for good, many, I fear, for evil. Strange for the natives of New Zealand, so soon after the opening of their country, to find themselves receiving highly-remunerating prices for every article of trade they can offer; resources thus opening to them for obtaining the comforts and conveniences of life; paying no taxes or dues of any kind, save a ten per cent, upon imports; themselves without any enemy to fear around them, or foreign enemy to provide against; their lands their own, unencumbered and untaxed; possessing a country blessed almost beyond compare with alternate sunshine and showers, abounding in rivers, and super-abounding in fructuous streams; its forests inexhaustible, if placed under proper regulations--now yearly devastated on all sides, merely to grow potatos, while tens of thousands of acres of valuable land are lying waste around them, only so because the plough and sheep are still absent; inhabiting an island whose seas teem with valuable fish, and many of whose bays are yearly visited by the whale; enjoying a climate where, save in some few parts, its cold seldom produces even surface ice, and where its summer heat, never oppressive, is almost always succeeded by a night of most refreshing coolness; "fruits of the earth" growing in luxurious abundance with the least common care and help; and where, also, the conservatory would furnish, without further assistance than its shelter and glass, the tropical fruits in all their variety; their land stored with copper, iron, and coal, waiting only the appliances of capital and the industry of the labourer and mechanic; its very swamps filled, not with desolating miasma, but with a plant destined yet greatly to supersede other and present resources for the loom and the rope-walk; its forests, its hills, and its valleys, neither the haunt of ravenous beast nor venomous reptile; by nature, by resources, and by position, a maritime country; its inhabitants--if preserved by righteous and salutary laws from the foul stain of all hitherto effects of colonization and "fire-water"--hardy, brave, and inclined to unite with the foreigner; about, perhaps, three-fifths already under the influence of, at least, a profession of Christianity; without laws--save the administration of them, in two or three isolated places where the white man rules--and yet robbery and murder scarcely known, settlers, who live away from their own countrymen, neither using shutters to their windows and scarcely a bolt to their doors--these, these are some of the features which truly belong to New Zealand, an island, which there are few who visit it, who do not wish to remain or return; whose aboriginal inhabitants, I sometimes fear, will not survive the process of amalgamation, but, engrafting the evils of their own system to the alluring vices of the wicked and unprincipled white man, may, like the millions of others who have disappeared before the Christian invader and the Christian settler, ere another century or two elapses, be found only in the pages of history; their preserved heads or whitened skulls a memento of the past to the curious, themselves obliterated, and their language forgotten. What, then, ought to be done? The Societies have already exceeded their first principles of Missionary action. University students are but little interested in the heathen world. The aged Missionary can pray, but hardly hope; and the infant churches, lately rising out of barbarism, and its many attendant soul-de-

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stroying customs and rites, see but dimly the blessings they are called to enjoy, and fail eagerly to "stretch forward to those things which are before;" assailed on the right hand and on the left by alluring follies, vices, and gain; catching at the shadow, the substance gliding away. Yes, to save New Zealand, to save a race whose history is at best only to be gleaned from legends imperfectly understood, but who were found high in bearing, sagacious in many of their views, and independent in their nature--how to save them? Let others tell us this. But truly the aspects of the present day will warrant our fears lest the course of some twenty or thirty years should hear the rising generation say, "The harvest is passed, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."

Eastern District.

The prominent features of the reports from this district are precisely similar to those which have attracted our attention in those portions of the island which have been reviewed. They are, on the whole, of a painful character. They are urgent as to the need of more prayer and continued effort on behalf of this people, lest "the cares of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful."

The reports of the Missionaries, from all parts of the island, bear testimony as to the increase of wealth amongst the natives, and with this, we regret to say, an increase of worldly-mindedness. Amongst the coast tribes, the evil example of English traders is found to be contagious, and the vice of drunkenness, to which the New Zealander was once a stranger, is rapidly spreading. At this dangerous season, when there is so much to excite the anxious solicitude of all who are interested in the welfare of New Zealand, sickness has rested heavily on the natives, and, with European vices, European diseases to which they have been strangers have committed great ravages. The measles, the first visit of this sickness, has been very fatal. This intelligence will pain many amongst us, but, we trust, will draw forth many fervent prayers for the revival of the work amongst this people. The fire only smoulders, and the breath of the Spirit is needed to kindle it into more vigorous action. Many remain stedfast, and persevere in witnessing a good profession.

It is evident, however, that there never has been a crisis in the history of the New-Zealand Mission when the close application of the word to the consciences of the natives, in all its awakening and sustaining power, was more urgently called, for than at the present moment. They who are engaged in the ministration of the word need to be "instant in season and out of season." Nor is the superintending agency of the European Missionary enough: there is needed the more minute and penetrative action of an effective native agency. To the want of this we are disposed to ascribe, in a great measure, this retrograde movement in the religious condition of the New Zealanders. Zealous the native teachers have been, but, with few exceptions, they have not had the advantage of special training. They were earnest men in the different districts taken up to help the Missionaries when nearly overwhelmed by the desire for instruction and baptism, which some fourteen years ago crowded upon them from every quarter. They have not now the requisite influence. A higher standard of qualification is necessary; and we therefore note, with peculiar satisfaction, the commencement of Central Training Schools, as mentioned in the report of Archdeacon W. Williams.

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We now present the reports from the different districts to our readers for their careful perusal.

General Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1854.

We so classify the report of Archdeacon W. Williams, inasmuch us it refers, not merely to his station of Turanga, but to the district generally.

In consequence of the station at Uawa being unoccupied, it has been arranged that the care of the natives of Table Cape shall he undertaken by the Rev. James Hamlin, while those of Uawa and Tokomaru shall be in connexion with the Station of Turanga.

By the appointment of the Rev. W. L. Williams to this station, the wishes of the Society are in the way of being carried out--of training up a body of effective teachers from among the natives. In the outset there are many difficulties to encounter, but a commencement has been made with every encouragement to look for success. Upon this department Mr. W. L. Williams will himself report.

The past year has been remarkable as a season of unusual sickness. The measles, which for the first time has visited the country, has affected old and young throughout the whole island. At Turanga, Uawa, and Tokomaru, there has been great mortality. Such has been the extent of the casualties, that the natives have been greatly alarmed, and have inquired why they should be thus cut off. But a sufficient answer may be found in the wickedness and indifference which prevails in many. For, indeed, God has not dealt with us according to our deserts, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. It is painfully evident that the population has seriously diminished.

The measles was quickly followed by whooping-cough, and numbers of young children have fallen victims to it, particularly where the people were far removed from the assistance of medicine.

The natives of Turanga have been generally an industrious people, and the stimulus communicated to them by the large demand for wheat at Auckland, and the high prices given for it, have led them to cultivate more extensively, and has thrown into their hands a large amount of property. Temporal prosperity has led to worldly-mindedness and all its attendant evils. An avaricious spirit has been engendered, and--grasping at more, like the dog and the shadow-- they believed that by buying vessels for themselves, and taking their own grain to Auckland, they should realise a much greater gain. About twelve of these vessels, averaging between twenty and thirty tons, have been purchased by the natives between East Cape and Turanga; but nine have been wrecked, partly for want of skill, partly because there are no proper harbours to shelter them along the coast. But this is the least evil. Those natives who have thus been led to hold intercourse with the English towns have always been injured in their morality. They copy from our own countrymen an indifference to religion, and pick up all other vices which are so common in an English community. There is now, unhappily, a disposition to indulge in drinking, which is fostered by the English traders, who, notwithstanding the heavy penalties enforced by the law upon all persons who supply the natives with spirits, nevertheless distribute great quantities among them. Thus, after a lapse of fourteen years since the gospel was brought to this part of the island, there is more apparent difficulty meeting us at every step than when we first came among them. When the gospel message was new to the people, there was astonishing favour shown towards it: "they heard the word gladly." But by-and-bye many were offended, when they found that they were still subject to tribulation and affliction; and in the case of many, we have to mourn that, under the influence of the care of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, the word is choked, and becometh unfruitful. Hence is seen the necessity of constant exertion, and of the faithful declaration of the gospel. If in an English parish much, under God, depends upon the labours of the clergyman, and, where he is remiss, the people fall back into a state of spiritual darkness, much more is care required where we have to encounter the influence of old superstitions and of new temptations. But what means have we for carrying out that which is required, where one Missionary has an extent of country to attend to which is fifty or sixty miles in

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length? Native teachers have hitherto done great service, but they are unequal to the increasing emergency. From the central training schools there is every hope, and it gives much encouragement to see a prospect of improvement in this respect; but time must be allowed for the principle to be carried out.

After what has been said of the evils which have risen up among us, it will not be expected that this part of the Mission is in the state in which it is desired that it should be. Still we take courage. There are many faithful in whom the word bears fruit. These persons are regular in their attendance at the services of public worship, and also frequent the Bible classes as often as opportunity is given them. The average number at the Bible classes has been 500. The communicants during the year have been 804, including those of Uawa and Tokomaru.

In the girls' boarding school at Turanga there has been an avarage of thirty pupils, who are instructed with great regularity. Their general progress has been satisfactory, but there still remains much room for improvement.

Of the numerous deaths which have occurred, some have been of a happy character, and there has been good evidence that the soul has passed to the heavenly inheritance. In such cases the object of our Mission has been attained, and God's name has been glorified in those who have believed. But we need a larger measure of quickening grace, by which alone the things which remain may be revived, and the Christianity of this people may become more hearty and sincere.

With respect to the distant parts of this district, I have paid two visits to Uawa, Tokomaru, and Waiapu--viz. in the months of April and November-- for the purpose of administering the Lord's-supper, in which I was assisted by the Rev. Rota Waitoa at Hicks' Bay, and by the Rev. C. Baker at Waiapu. The communicants at the former place have been 224; those at the latter 681; and those at Uawa and Tokomaru 102. I also visited Wairoa and Table Cape in September, and administered the Lord's-supper there, assisted by the Rev. J. Hamlin, to 410 natives.

I am happy to report of our native clergyman, the Rev. Rota Waitoa, that he labours steadily at Te Kawakawa; but he has had his portion of difficulties to contend with, and needs encouragement and support.


Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1854.

The report of the Rev. W. L. Williams bears more specifically on the proceedings at this station.

Before speaking of the work in which I have been engaged during the past year, I would first record my thankfulness to Almighty God for the kind care and protection which He has afforded us in bringing us safely to our destination, which we reached on February 18th, receiving on our arrival a most hearty welcome from the natives of the district, to all of whom I was personally known before my departure for England in 1847.

Soon after my arrival, I was much struck and disappointed to see a marked difference in the manner of the people in their attendance on the service of God, as compared with what it was when I knew them before. Great numbers of them now seem altogether indifferent and careless about religion, openly showing their disregard of it, without respect to time or place; whereas, seven years ago, there was always the outward appearance of devotion at least, if not the reality, in the congregations generally throughout the district. In the numbers of the congregations, too, there is a great falling-off; for though the morning service is generally well attended, the Sunday-school and the afternoon service are very much neglected. This indifference may perhaps be traced, partly, to their increased temporal prosperity, which has engendered a more eager desire after this world's wealth, and so drawn off their hearts from the the pursuit of the only true riches. Another circumstance, too, which must give pain to all who have the interests of the natives at heart, is the great prevalence of drunkenness among them, a vice which was almost unknown among them a few years ago, and which they held in great abhorrence, though they had frequent examples before their eyes in many of the European traders.

These things would almost tempt us to despair of doing any good, if we had not known that the work is God's, and that, how much soever Satan may exert

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himself against it, God's work must and will be advanced in the end. He has doubtless permitted these discouragements for wise purposes. May they stir us up to greater fervency and diligence in the prosecution of those labours to which He has called us!

The teachers' school, I am thankful to say, has proceeded so far in such a way as to give me every encouragement. There is no lack of pupils who are ready to offer themselves; but our numbers are kept down from want of accommodation, as we have only one building at present, which has not room for more than seven. We began in May, soon after the archdeacon's return from Auckland, but the measles coming on soon afterwards proved a serious interruption. It was its first visit to this country, and therefore both old and young were attacked; and the mortality in our immediate neighbourhood was so great, that for several weeks in succession we had funerals almost every day. Humanly speaking, much suffering, and many deaths, might have been avoided but for the recklessness and want of attention on the part of the natives themselves; for it is difficult to get them to take even the most ordinary precautions against sickness; and yet they wonder why it is that they do not see the same amount of suffering amongst the English residents as there is amongst themselves.

We commenced school again after the measles in July, with four pupils, and in the beginning of August we received a reinforcement of four more from the Waiapu district; one in the middle of September from Wairoa; and six more, on the 29th of November, from Waiapu, making in all a total of fifteen; but of these two have left us, reducing our number to thirteen. Eight of these natives are married, and their wives attend the girls'-school. The hours of school have been from half-past eight to half-past eleven A.M., and from six to seven P.M. Instruction has been given in portions of the Holy Scriptures--viz. in part of the Book of Genesis, and in part of the Gospel of St. Matthew--in the English language, writing, arithmetic, singing, and geography.

May God grant an abundant blessing on this and on all similar institutions, and qualify His servants engaged in them for their important work, since on the character of these undertakings, under His blessing, will depend much of the usefulness of a native ministry, and the future welfare of the Maori church!


Report for the year ending Dec 31, 1854.

From the Rev. James Hamlin, who has been in charge of Table Cape, lying to the south of Turanga, the following report of that portion of the district has been received--

The work of the Lord, in any country or district, cannot long go on without opposition. In appearance it ebbs and flows according to adverse or favourable circumstances, the number and kind of enemies it has to oppose, and the zeal or lukewarmness of its friends.

This year has been one of trial. Afflictions have been permitted to assail, and through the lukewarmness of some of the professed disciples of Christ, the enemy of souls has been permitted to gain an advantage over us.

The various outposts belonging to the station have been visited with as much regularity as circumstances would permit; and I am thankful in being able to report, that at each the attendance at divine service, on Sundays and other days, and at Sunday-schools, Bible classes, and adult schools on week days, has on all occasions been good when I have been present. I may also add that the conduct of the inland tribes has, generally speaking, been encouraging. Our discouragements lie on the coast, where our fellow-countrymen reside. The schools, however, at the native villages, conducted by the native teachers, have, with one or two exceptions, been nearly discontinued. The high price the natives now obtain for their produce has opened new fields for procuring the things for the body, and has drawn them from the settlements, and scattered them in various directions. The native teachers, in many places, can no longer, with any regularity, assemble their people for school on weekday mornings: they do not now possess that influence over them which they formerly did; but they themselves require to be constantly urged on and encouraged in their work. At Mohaka, and at Te Waiau, the native teachers continue to maintain their position, and the work of the Lord goes on more steadily than at some other places.

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When I returned from the northward, in February, I learnt that plans had been laid and steps taken, by the whaling party, to bring a grogseller into the midst of the natives amongst whom we are located. The first liquor was brought on shore in June, and drunkenness, with its attendant evils, were on all sides of us. One white man lost his life in consequence. Liquor is now brought on shore on all opportunities, and is hawked about by both whites and natives for the sake of the profits. Two other houses are now in the course of erection by whites, whose object, as report states, is the sale of liquors. This state of affairs in this bay has been several times represented to the government. I wrote a letter in June to the resident magistrate of Ahuriri, complaining of these irregularities, but no remedy has yet been applied. Instigated by the whites, three or four of the worst of the natives have declared that they owe no subjection to the Queen, governor, or magistrates: their land is their own, and they will do as they like; and that the whites have assured them that no magistrate would ever come to this place to take cognizance of what was done here.

The number of children that have attended the day-school since June has varied considerably; and when the liquor has been about, for a fortnight or three weeks none have attended. The fact is, it is now discovered that the Mission-house is much too near these scenes of riot for any thing to be done successfully in the way of schools; and if this state of affairs is to go on unrestrained, there remains no alternative but to withdraw the station altogether, or to remove it to some other spot.

The measles and whooping-cough were introduced into this district in the beginning of June, when the weather was unusually wet and cold. The measles, and diarrhoea, and dysentery, that followed, carried off many of the old careless livers, and the whooping-cough not a few of the children. Not fewer than 130 in the district have died since June, being about three-fourths more than the usual number of deaths in a year. Several of the disciples of Christ have fallen asleep, we hope, in Jesus. To the one party He has come as a thief in the night, to the other as the messenger of peace. It is worthy of remark, that in those residences where drunkenness and theft were carried on, and where the greatest lukewarmness amongst the Christian party existed, the number of deaths has been about seven to one of other places. The Lord, in His afflictive dispensations, thus warns the careless of his danger, and says to him, "He that, being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be cut off, and that without remedy." To others He repeats the exhortation, "Be ye also ready, for at such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh."

The natives of Te Reinga have rebuilt their chapel in a very neat manner, and have considerably enlarged it. Materials are also ready for the erection of chapels at Mohaka, Arakanihi, and Waihua, which we hope will be erected in the course of the autumn.

Fifty-six children have been baptized during the year, and eleven adults.

We add a few extracts from Mr. Hamlin's journal; some encouraging, others sadly the reverse.

Death of a Christian native.

Nov. 20, 1854 --The news of Aperahama Hewakewa's death reached me to-day. He was the first-fruits of Te Waiau to Christ. Ever since his baptism his conduct has been very exemplary: indeed he might be held up as a pattern of imitation to his fellow countrymen. During his last illness he was brought to the station, and remained here about six weeks, to see what could be done for him; but as soon as I saw him I told his relations that I feared there was no hope of his recovery. Consumption--the Lord's instrument by which He removes many of His children to Himself--had long ago commenced its work, and had already made considerable progress on his constitution. I conversed with him several times while he was at the station, and always found him in a very happy frame of mind. Several remedies having been tried without any apparent advantage, and it being evident to all that his end was fast approaching, his friends removed him to his own place, where, in about a fortnight afterwards, he died. The native service at his residence was yesterday conducted in the house in which he was lying, and before it was concluded his spirit had taken its flight. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."

Evil influences.

Nov. 28--We reached Opoutuma, on

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our way to Turanga, at dark this evening. Here we found only a few natives: nearly all had left, and gone to whale. The whaling is the very destruction of every thing that is good and proper: the drunkenness, the vulgarity of manners, the obscenity of language, the horrid oaths and curses which so frequently proceed from the lips of the whalers, must make such abodes the wicked place in miniature. I was in hopes many of the natives would be induced to leave these places of wickedness, and of this there was some prospect some time ago; but I believe more frequent them now than ever. Amongst those who have joined the whaling parties are several native teachers, who have made shipwreck of a good conscience if not of faith.

The Christmas season--A sad New Year.

Dec. 24, 1854: Lord's-day --A large and orderly congregation at the morning service: the responses were repeated in a very audible and devout manner by the majority present, nor did I hear one wrong letter in the whole service. These natives were the last to embrace Christianity; but the last are now first, and the first last. I preached from Acts xxiv. 24, 25. I hope the Lord was present in our midst. The evening service was well attended.

Dec 25: Christmas-day --In the morning I rode to Rangiwatima, a place about five miles distant, where were assembled from 200 to 300 natives. I held service in the open air, and preached from Luke ii. 13, 14. Had a short school, and returned to our encampments. Held service at this place, and preached from the same text as at Rangiwatima. The congregation was not so large this morning as it was yesterday. Here, and at the place from which I returned this morning, the natives had made a Christmas feast. At each place a temporary house, of about sixty feet long by twelve wide, was erected: the roof was a covering of calico. In each the food was laid out in two rows, of which the natives at each place partook without any noise or disorder.

Dec. 26 --At Ahirau I went on shore. I was requested to be present here, as a fight from our natives at the heads of the Wairoa was expected on account of Afatu's wife, who had gone astray, and it was greatly feared how it would end. After addressing a few words to the people of this place, and those assembled with them, advising them to be quiet, and to lay aside all weapons, and all words and actions calculated to irritate, I went to meet our party, who were not far off. These, I found, were well disposed, and had come to make peace and to renew their former friendship rather than to make any ado. I walked on before them till I came up to the other party, and there, between the two parties, I took up my position. A few speeches were made, and all ended in a very amicable manner. This being concluded, I went and held a Bible class with the Ahirau party. I then left, and returned home about seven in the evening. Whites and natives continually intoxicated during the week, though they gave us no personal annoyance.

Dec. 31: Lord's-day --Last day in the year. I took the services at the station, morning and evening, to day, and the school. The morning service was pretty well attended: but few were present at the evening. Whites and natives intoxicated. I preached from Matt. xxv. 34-41. May the seed sown spring up in their hearts, and bear fruit to the praise and glory of God!

Thus closes the old year. Taking a retrospective view of it, how much cause there is to humble ourselves with fasting and prayer for the many sins and wickednesses committed during the year; beseeching God to pardon what is past, and to give us grace to repent and forsake sin, and to seek more earnestly for the cleansing efficacy of His Holy Spirit. How many tares have appeared amongst the wheat this year! O God, do Thou speak, that the dead may hear Thy voice and live! Do Thou cause Thy life-giving word to take root, and it will grow!

Jan. 1, 1855: New-year's day --Most of the whites were assembled at the grogshop, and every one was intoxicated, and many natives too--no fresh natives, the same that I have mentioned several times before. One white man, who was intoxicated day after day, amused himself in interrupting travellers in the public path in front of the grog-shop, and took away one or two horses from them. The only white woman in the district, besides our family, was also there intoxicated, and several of the whites were fighting. What an introduction to the new year! No children have attended our school for several weeks past, and some of the parents have even gone so far as to say

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that their children, unless they were paid for attending, shall not attend again.

Jan. 2, 1855--At ten o'clock, P.M., two whites and a native, all drunk, came into the pa adjoining the Mission premises: their object was to drag away a young widow. One of them was living with two sisters as his wives, and he wanted this as a third: the other was living with a native woman, and wanted this as a second. The brother of the young person was favouring one party, and the native with them was standing up for the other, who was his master in the spirit affair. But being opposed by a man in the pa, the drunken native took up a fire-stick to set fire to the house of his opponent. He made several attempts, but was happily prevented. Had he succeeded in firing the other's house, the pa, the church, and every building on the Mission premises, would have been destroyed. The wind was blowing so strongly in that direction at the time that nothing could have saved them. This affair was not quieted till past midnight. We have passed nearly twenty-eight years in the land without any accident of the kind; but I now begin to fear whether we shall long escape, surrounded as we are by drunkards.

A Christian death.

Jan. 13 --The native teacher from Mohaka arrived at the station, and gave an account of the happy death of his wife, in consequence of a fall from her horse. She died a few days ago. She told them, some days before her departure, she had no fear of death, and desired them net to take any more pains to detain her. She was going to her Saviour, in whom she exhorted them all to confide, and to be faithful to Him.


This station lies still further to the southward, in the recess of Hawke's Bay. The Rev. Samuel Williams removed from Otaki to this district in March of 1854. The circumstances of this district necessitate the formation of a new station, the commencement of which has been obstructed by various difficulties, and Mr. Williams has been, in consequence, very unfavourably circumstanced for the prosecution of his work. We introduce one brief extract from his

Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1854.

With regard to the state of the district, there have been many fearful cases of falling away, but, considering the temptations to which the people are now exposed, there is much cause for thankfulness that the larger proportion continue stedfast in their profession.


Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1954.

Waiapu, to the north of Turanga, is occupied, by the Rev. Charles Baker. He thus reports of this portion of the Eastern district--

With gratitude to an all-wise and gracious God, I have to report my restoration to a better state of health, my appointment to the Waiapu station, and admission into the ministry. I left Auckland, with the chief part of my family, in the month of February, and arrived at the station on the 24th.

The Mission premises I found greatly out of repair; and much, in many respects, that depressed the mind. It is, however, a matter for thankfulness, that the natives continued in the use of those means of grace that had been available to them.

My five visits through the district have given me a tolerable opportunity of knowing the condition of the people. Ninety two adults and 143 infants have been received into the visible church of Christ by baptism. There are a good many adults on the list of candidates for that ordinance, who are under instruction. The archdeacon has paid two visits since my arrival, on which occasions I have assisted him in administering the Lord's supper at five of the chief villages. The number of communicants was 681.

At the station, Bible classes have been attended with good regularity. Numbers come from a distance of several miles, and only were absent from sickness or bad weather.

The teachers and monitors near to the station were for some little time under daily instruction, but their plantations required their attention, and prevented a longer continuance: they continue to have, however, the benefit of one lecture weekly, with few interruptions. I regret that circumstances did not admit of the teachers and monitors from a distance coming up during any portion of the year for instruction.

There has been at the station a day

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and sabbath-school, and the attendance has been good throughout the year. I have been able to take the superintendence of the schools, and one of my family has also rendered me assistance. At most of the villages there has been an adult school for reading and rehearsing the Catechisms; but I have been grieved to see the young more generally neglected and overlooked. Sunday-schools have been kept in all the places where divine service has been held.

There is required an industrial boarding school, where a proportion of the young from all the villages should be collected. Preparatory measures have been taken with a view to effect this. There are wanting an efficient teacher, and funds to some moderate amount, to enable me to carry out this very important object.

Four young men, with their wives, have been sent to the teachers' trainirg school at Turanga; and when accommodations there will admit of more pupils, I trust I shall be able to send more. I look with deep interest upon this establishment, in the hope of obtaining therefrom a class of teachers qualified to instruct the rising generation, and to raise the tone and character of the people at large.

The natives have had to endure a severe scourge in the measles in the first place, which, with its effects, has proved fatal to many: and in the second place the whooping-cough has carried off many children. It was lamentable to witness the amount of misery in the abodes of the suffering people, increased by their own imprudence, on the one part, and want of forethought in laying up in store from their grain a sufficiency for the sick and needy.

There has been a considerable advancement in the way of agriculture, and much traffic has been carried on with the Europeans, and, as a consequence, worldliness has succeeded to some extent. Much of the simplicity observable on the first reception of the gospel has declined: some have become slack and indifferent in their attendance on the means of grace. Others have been like Issachar, crouching down between the burdens. There are, however, I trust, a good proportion who, notwithstanding the many temptations to draw them back to the world, are stedfastly fixed in purpose to serve God, and to wait for His salvation. Blessed be God! His word has not returned void in its effects. It has brought the people to an acknowledgment of His name. Not a few have been led to seek reconciliation through His Son Jesus Christ, and His word is by many regarded far beyond all earthly treasure.

Missionary Tour through the District.

The following letter from Mr. Baker, dated July 19, 1854, affords more detailed information as to his labours in this district--

Since my last I have been through my district, and you will no doubt feel interested in receiving some detail.

The natives, having notice of my object, assembled at the chief villages, where teachers are residing. At these places I examined candidates for baptism, and baptized those who appeared proper subjects. Numbers applied who did not give sufficient evidence of their fitness for the sacred ordinance.

At the Korotere I spent two days, and baptized twenty adults and six infants. This is an important place: the oldest teacher in the district is living here. He was one of the first baptized at the Kirikiri, and has been an exemplary character ever since. There was a necessity for my presence at this place. A serious misunderstanding had taken place amongst the principal residents, which was happily put to rights. The people have removed their dwellings nearly a mile from the chapel, and great inconvenience is felt from this. I advised them to take down the chapel, and put it up in the centre of their new village; and also to put up a rush hut for me, for my accommodation on my visits there. They promised to do both.

Tuparoa is the next important village, where many muster from the surrounding villages and hamlets. There is a valuable teacher here.

Between the Korotere and Tuparoa is Reporua, a village of importance. The people are numerous, and they have been a difficult party to manage; yet not indifferent about the means of grace. I found a good many candidates for baptism. The teachers of the Korotere and Tuparoa had visited this place alternately, and rendered valuable service. I found the candidates for the most part well instructed. Twenty-five adults from Reporua, and five from Tuparoa, were admitted to baptism.

At Whareponga there is a valuable teacher, who has been labouring under great discouragements. I have endea-

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voured to succour him. His Christian principles give me the highest satisfaction. The people have not treated him well, and they now appear aware of their error. Here I baptized twelve adults and five children, and married three couples.

Waipiro is the next village of consideration. At this place there is a teacher of great experience. He is advancing in years, and does not possess the amount of information that the other teachers do: still he is a valuable man, and of great service. The monitors under his charge have rendered him much assistance. Here I baptized ten adults and four infants.

I have been exceedingly desirous to send some young men with their wives to the teachers' school at Turanga. Three young men and their wives are about to go from Waipiro; also another and his wife from Whareponga: one, too, at Tuparoa, with his wife, has offered to go. I am desirous of sending not fewer than ten of each sex, believing a more important step cannot be taken to promote the extension and perpetuity of the work.

Upon the whole, I feel that there is much cause for thankfulness. God does bless the means of His appointment-- the preaching of the gospel.


From this station, where the native deacon, the Rev. Rota Waitoa, has been placed, we have had no specific report.

1   "Church Missionary Gleaner," Dec. 1853.

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