1914 - McNab, R. Historical Records of New Zealand, Vol. II. - RECORDS RELATING TO TASMAN'S VOYAGE, p 1-17

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  1914 - McNab, R. Historical Records of New Zealand, Vol. II. - RECORDS RELATING TO TASMAN'S VOYAGE, p 1-17
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THE accompanying records are, with one exception, taken from the official translation of Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal and papers, published in Amsterdam in 1898 to meet demands from the Australian Colonies for reliable information about the great Dutch explorer and his movements. The originals are preserved among the State archives at The Hague, and leave to reproduce them here was, at the request of the editor, kindly granted to the New Zealand Government.

The exception above referred to is the second journal of the expedition herein set forth. It is known as the "Sailor's Journal," and is supposed to have been kept on board the "Heemskerck." So far as can be ascertained, it has never before been translated into English. It should be noted that the date is exactly one month in error throughout.

For what may be regarded as the last word on Tasman, the reader is directed to Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal, by J. E. Heeres, Amsterdam, 1898; and, for an identification of the places referred to in the journal, a paper contributed by Dr. T. M. Hocken to the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, Vol. xxviii, pp. 117-140, will supply excellent material. The subject of places is also discussed in a minor degree by the editor in "Murihiku" (1909), Chapter i.

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1642 Aug. 1.

Scheme outlined.


SINCE our predecessors, the Lords Governors-General Jan Pietersen Coen, deceased, Pieter de Carpentier, Henrick Brouwer, and ourselves, pending their administration and ours, have been greatly inclined to forward the navigation to the partly known and still unexplored south and east land, in order to the direct discovery of the same and to the consequent opening up of important countries, or leastwise of convenient routes to well-known opulent markets, in such fashion that the same might in due time be used for the improvement and increase of the company's general prosperity, our worshipful masters have not only highly approved of the said plan, but also by successive general missives strongly recommended the said Governors-General to carry the same into execution; but owing to the requirements of commerce and war in this country, together with the deficiency of fitting vessels, to our regret, little has up to now been done towards the furthering of this good work, except that in the beginning of our administration we have, pursuant to the resolution of February 13, 1636, dispatched via Banda, along the coast of Nova Guinea, under the command of the Hon. Gerrit Thomassen Pool, deceased, the yachts "Cleen Amsterdam" and "Wesel", which ships have by contrary winds been prevented from proceeding so far to the east and south as we could have wished and had instructed the said Hon. Pool to attempt; in such fashion that, having up to that time obtained scant knowledge of the matters aforesaid, we have since amply and fully conferred with divers persons known to be thoroughly conversant with the matter in hand, more especially with the renowned and highly experienced pilot Frans Jacobssen Visscher, touching discoveries eventually to be made, and the direction in which they had best be undertaken; and, having received from him, as also from other experts, certain advices and opinions in writing concerning this matter, we now deem and consider it most expedient for an expedition to set out about this time from here for the Island of Mauritius, and from there to navigate southward with the sun in the beginning of the month of October, thus endeavouring to make the discoveries aforementioned from the west to the east; which matter having been diligently weighed by us, and it having been found on due estimation of the company's naval forces now available that for the furtherance of this important work

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1642 Aug. 1.

Vessels selected.

Tasman and his staff appointed.


and useful undertaking we might, without detriment to the company's ordinary trade and military interests, fit out and dispatch two able ships adapted for the purpose and at present available for the said enterprise:

Therefore, for the reasons above set forth, it has been unanimously determined and resolved to dispatch for the discovery and exploration of the supposed rich southern and eastern lands, &c, the ship "Heemskerck" and the flute "de Zeehaen," the first manned with sixty and the second with fifty of the most efficient able-bodied sailors available on the roadstead here, victualled at all points for twelve calendar months, but with rice for eighteen ditto; furthermore, amply provided with all useful necessaries, and with divers commodities, and a quantity of precious and other metals for bartering purposes in the lands eventually to be touched at; the whole under the command of the Hon. Abel Janssen Tasman, who, together with Commander Matthijs Quast, deceased, sailed east of Japan A.D. 1639, and is now strongly inclined to this discovery; seconded by the aforementioned Pilot-Major Frans Visscher, together with skippers Gerritt Janssen and Jde T'Jercksen, who have both of them approved themselves experienced navigators, and merchant Jsaack Gilsemans, who is sufficiently versed in navigation and the drawing-up of land-surveyings: supported by such able steersmen as the said Tasman shall be able to select; instructing them, as before attempted, first to sail from here to Mauritius, and, after taking in refreshments there, to sail due south about the middle of October as far as 52, or at most 54, degrees southern latitude, in order to discover and survey in an easterly direction such lands as they shall meet with in the latitude aforesaid or before it, to determine their proper longitudes and latitudes, and duly observe and note whatever requires observation for the purposes of this important voyage, without, however, running farther south than the 54th degree, even in case they should not find any land there; next to sail as far as the longitude of Nova Guinea and the Solomon Islands, or somewhat farther east, in order to ascertain whether there is any passage into the great South Sea between the said lands, the land of d'Eendracht 1 and the unknown south land; subsequently, after completion of this search, to steer east and north of the Solomon Islands and Nova Guinea through the narrows near Gilolo, in order to find out, likewise, whether the west coast of Nova Guinea already discovered is connected with the land of d'Eendracht, or divided from it by channels or straits; then to run along the whole length of the utterly unknown north coast as far as 21 degrees, near the Willems

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Aug. 1.

Instructions to be prepared.

Aug. 13.

Prior discoveries.

River; thence to return hither with the east monsoon through Sunda Straits in the month of June or July of next year.

The Hon. Justus Schouten, Councillor - extraordinary of India, is by the present directed to draw up fitting instructions with the advice of the parties concerned, and to submit the same for due examination to this Council by the time the said ships shall have completed their preparations; the Hon. Cornelis Vander Lijn being at the same time enjoined to put on board the ships bound for the south land, over and above what they shall themselves require, and what is embarked for bartering purposes, such necessaries for the Island of Mauritius as Commander Adriaen vander Stel, who arrived here with the flute "d'Eendracht" on July 26 last, requires for the said island.

* * * *

Actum in the Castle of Batavia, date ut supra, signed--


IT is well known that a hundred and fifty years ago only a third part of the globe (divided into Europe, Asia, and Africa) was known, and that the Kings of Castile and Portugal (Ferdinandus Catholicus and Don Emanuel) caused the unknown part of the world, commonly called America or the New World (and by cosmographers divided into North and South America), to be discovered by the highly renowned naval heroes Christopher Colombus and Americus Vesputius, who thereby achieved immortal praise; likewise that about the same time the unexplored coasts and islands of Africa and East India were first reached and discovered by the famous Vasco de Gama and other Portuguese captains. With what invaluable treasures, profitable trade-connections, useful trades, excellent. territories, vast powers and dominions the said kings have by this discovery and its consequences enriched their kingdoms and crowns; what numberless multitudes of blind heathen have by the same been

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1642 Aug. 13.

The unknown country should contain gold and silver.

Batavia the proper starting point.

introduced to the blessed light of the Christian religion: all this is well known to the expert, has always been held highly praiseworthy by all persons of good sense, and has consequently served other European princes as an example for the discovery of many northerly regions.

Nevertheless, up to this time no Christian kings, princes, or commonwealths have seriously endeavoured to make timely discovery of the remaining unknown part of the terrestrial globe (situated in the south, and presumably almost as large as the Old or New World), although there are good reasons to suppose that it contains many excellent and fertile regions, seeing that it lies in the frigid, the temperate, and the torrid zones, so that it must needs comprise well-populated districts in favourable climates and under propitious skies. And seeing that in many countries north of the line equinoctial (in from 15 to 40 degrees latitude) there are found many rich mines of precious and other metals, and other treasures, there must be similar fertile and rich regions situated south of the equator, of which matter we have conspicuous examples and clear proofs in the gold- and silver-bearing provinces of Peru, Chili, Monomotapa, or Sofala (all of them situated south of the equator), so that it may be confidently expected that the expense and trouble that must be bestowed in the eventual discovery of so large a portion of the world will be rewarded with certain fruits of material profit and immortal fame.

This being the case, and no European colony being better fitted for initiating these promising discoveries than the City of Batavia (which is, as it were, the centre of East India, both known and unknown), therefore the Governors-General Jan Pietersz. Coen and Henrick Brouwer (our predecessors in office) were during their periods of office seriously inclined to send out expeditions for the discovery of the unknown southern regions, although they were prevented from so doing by voyages of greater necessity. Likewise ourselves have, during the period of our office, been well disposed towards the same, our lords and masters equally recommending the said matter as a highly useful one. For all which reasons we, the Council of India, having made a proper estimate of the company's naval forces now available, and having found that, without detriment to other more important expeditions, both warlike and mercantile, two able and fitting vessels may without inconvenience be set apart for this purpose, have determined no longer to postpone the long-contemplated discovery of the unknown south land, but to take the matter in hand forthwith, using for the purpose the ship "Heemskerck," together with the flute "de Zeehaen" (duly provided with all necessaries), placing the said vessels

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1642 Aug. 13.

To make for the Mauritius.

Then south to latitude 52° and 54°.

under the command of your persons, to whom, as well fitted and inclined to the same, we with full confidence commit this important voyage, trusting that you will ably and prudently manage the same with good judgment, necessary courage, and the requisite patience, so that on your return you will be able to give us a full and satisfactory account of the execution of your mandate.

We shall not here enlarge on the various methods for discovering the south land submitted to us in writing by certain experienced pilots, but will rather refer you to the appended copies of the same, of which you can avail yourselves on occasion; while in the following we proceed to give you such rules and instructions as we think best adapted to meet your case, it being always understood, however, that you will be at liberty at all times to introduce such corrections as with the advice of your council you shall deem to be required by time, place, and circumstances, with an eye to the advantage of the company and the attainment of our object; all which we confidently leave to your tried judgment and experience. To-morrow morning, after due muster, you will then set sail together, and try to get out of Sunda Strait as quickly as possible, setting your course so as to fall in speedily with the south-east trade-wind, with which you will take your way westward to the Island of Mauritius (running in sight of Diego Rodrigos), and come to anchor there in the south-east harbour before the fortress of Fredrick Henrick, where you will hand to Commander Adriaan Van der Stel our annexed letters, together with the commodities you have taken on board for the said island. While you are there you will quickly and properly provide your ships with water, firewood, and refreshments, bestowing on this no more than fourteen or fifteen days, however, or till the 12th or 15th of October at the latest, taking due care that during that time your crews be properly refreshed and dieted exclusively on fresh viands, to which end we have given the needful orders to Commander Van der Stel to assist you to the extent of his power, and if necessary to allow you to go a-hunting for wild animals.

As before mentioned, your necessities having been provided for, you will about medio October, or earlier, set sail from the Mauritius, shaping your course with the trade-wind nearly southward, as high as wind and weather shall permit, until about the southern latitude of 36 or 38 degrees. When you have got out of the eastern trade-wind you shall fall in with the variable winds, with which you will always put about on the best tack for getting to the southward, until you get into the western trade-wind, with which you will sail nearly southward

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1642 Aug. 13.

Then east to latitude of Solomon Islands.

To chart everything.

To note meteorological conditions.

To utilize the long summer days.

until you come upon the unknown south land, or as far as south latitude 52 or 54 degrees, inclusive; and if in this latitude you should not discover any land, you will set your course due east, and sail on until you get into the longitude of the eastern point of Nova Guinea, or of the Salomonis Islands, situated in about 220 degrees longitude, or until you should meet with land; and when this is the case, whether in the beginning or afterwards, when you have sailed more to eastward, you will sail eastward (as before mentioned) along the coasts or islands discovered, following the direction of the same.

All the lands, islands, points, turnings, inlets, bays, rivers, shoals, banks, sands, cliffs, rocks, &c, which you may meet with and pass you will duly map out and describe, and also have proper drawings made of their appearance and shape, for which purpose we have ordered an able draughtsman to join your expedition. You will likewise carefully note in what latitude they are situated; how the coasts, islands, capes, headlands or points, bays, and rivers bear from each other, and by what distances they are separated; what conspicuous landmarks, such as mountains, hills, trees, or buildings, by which they may be recognized, are visible on them; likewise what depths and shallows, sunken rocks, projecting shoals, and reefs are situated about and near the points; how and by what marks these may most conveniently be avoided; item, whether the grounds or bottoms are hard, rugged, soft, level, sloping, or steep; whether one should come on sounding, or not; by what land and sea marks the best anchoring-grounds in roadsteads and bays may be known; the bearings of the inlets, creeks, and rivers, and how these may best be made and entered; what winds blow in these regions; the direction of the currents; whether the tides are regulated by the moon or by the winds; what changes of monsoons, rains, and dry weather you observe; furthermore, diligently observing and noting whatever requires the careful attention of experienced steersmen, and may in future be helpful to others who shall navigate to the countries discovered. The summer season being evidently the time best fitted for the intended voyage and for the observation of all the things mentioned, on account of the length of the days and the shortness of the nights at that time of year, you will take care not to neglect time nor waste any needlessly, but make the most of the summer season and the favourable weather, when you will be able to sail on by night and by day alike, which you cannot do when the days are drawing in and there is no moon, seeing that it is of the highest importance that you should get sight of everything, if you wish to discover a great deal soon and in a short time.

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1642 Aug. 13.

The course could be varied.

A route sought to the South Sea and to Chili.

Return to Cape Keer-weer.

As already mentioned, you will explore the coast discovered on an eastward course, or, if you should not meet with any land, you will continue your eastward course as far as the longitude of New Guinea or the Salomonis Islands, unless after mature consideration you should deem it better to sail no farther than the longitude of the eastern extremity of the known south land, or of the Islands of St. Pieter and Franchoys, and then to direct your course due north, in order to run in sight of these islands; thence to follow the coast to eastward, in order to ascertain how far it extends, and whether this discovered south land joins Nova Guinea near Cape Keer-weer, or whether it is separated from the same by channels or passages; in which latter case, by passing through one of the channels as far as the Wilms River, the north coast might be conveniently explored sailing westward; but since it is most likely to be supposed that these lands join each other without a break, and it is uncertain whether you would be able to follow its south coast as far as Nova Guinea, owing to its north-east trend and your falling in with the eastern trade-wind, so that you might perhaps be compelled for that purpose to go southward in order to fall in with the westerly winds, or otherwise to return to Batavia by the westward route along the land of d'Eendracht; therefore we think the route first proposed to be the more eligible one--namely, to sail to eastward as far as the longitude of Nova Guinea or of the Salomonis Islands.

We therefore, as aforesaid, give it as our opinion that, in case you should in sailing eastwards not come upon any land in 48, 52, or 54 degrees southern latitude, you should not seek any land farther to southward, but proceed on an easterly course as far as the longitude of the east side of Nova Guinea, and, with the consent of the council, from there to the Salomonis Islands, or still 100, 150, or 200 miles more to eastward, in order to become the better assured of a passage from the Indian Ocean into the South Sea, and to prepare the way for afterwards conveniently finding a short route to Chili.

When on the course thus indicated you shall have reached the longitude of the Salomonis Islands, or have got from 100 to 200 miles more to eastward, you will, with the south-east trade-wind, and keeping a westerly course, explore the same, and otherwise sail northward and westward, south or north of the islands (if such they be), towards the east coast of Nova Guinea and along it as far as the Island of Gylolo. where we have no doubt you will discover certain passages or channels to the south, which, that you may conveniently and profitably pass through the same, you will endeavour to be near in the unsettled month of April, in order to get to Cape Keer-weer with the

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1642 Aug. 13

From Cape Keer-weer sail west to Wilms River.

Gerrit Pool's instructions supplied.

From Willems River to Java.

To keep a good look-out.


Anchor often.

variable winds, by interior passages (if practicable) east of Ceram, and the Islands of Cauwer, Quey, and Arou; all which should be effected before the east monsoon begins to stiffen, as otherwise efforts to run to the south so far to eastward would be attended with great difficulty.

Now, when you have fetched up Cape Keer-weer (in 18 degrees latitude), you will sail along the coast of this land to westward as far as Wilms River (situated in d'Eendracht's landt in 21 degrees), making use of the south-east trade-wind, and following the direction of the coast; observing, describing, and noting what above has been enumerated as regards the discovery and exploration of the unknown south land, more especially diligently endeavouring to ascertain whether between Nova Guinea and the land of d'Eendracht, particularly at the points just mentioned--Cape Keer-weer and the Wilms River--there are any channels or passages to southward, such channels or passages being of the utmost importance for getting speedily into the South Sea.

What instructions were in 1636 given to Commander Gerrit Pool for the discovery of this unknown region you will be able to see from the copy of the same which we annex, and of which you can avail yourselves on occasion.

From Willems River, which we hope you will reach about the month of May or July or next year, you will shape your course straight for the middle of the Isle of Java, then sail along its south coast with the east monsoon, and thus pass through Sunda Strait on your way to Batavia, between the western extremity of Java and the Prince Islands.

That you may avoid running against unknown land, and being cast on shoals or cliffs, and prevent accidents thereby arising so far as human precaution may go, you will cause a proper look-out to be kept without intermission, and promise a reasonable reward to the person who shall first see and become aware of unknown coasts or dangerous shoals.

The above is what we have deemed needful to enjoin you regarding courses and sailing-routes in order to the discovery of the unknown southern regions; what other things may be required, according as circumstances shall present themselves, we herewith refer to your good management, experienced seamanship, and the decision of the ship's council.

Passing on to other matters which you will have diligently to observe, attend to, and pursue in the voyage now by you to be undertaken, we urgently recommend you, in discovering new coasts, to come to anchor now and then when time and place shall serve, always seeking and selecting convenient and fitting bays or roadsteads where you may lie with least danger,

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1642 Aug. 13.

Demeanour towards savages.

What to observe and note when among them.

Demeanour towards civilized races.

for which, purpose the two tinganghs you take along with you may be of great use, more especially in the discovery and exploration of bays, shoals, harbours, rivers, &c, what time you shall have come near Nova Guinea and the land of d'Eendracht, or got into smooth seas with the south-east trade-wind.

In landing with small craft, extreme caution will everywhere have to be used, seeing that it is well known that the southern regions are peopled by fierce savages, for which reason you will always have to be well armed and to use every prudent precaution, since experience has taught in all parts of the world that barbarian men are nowise to be trusted, because they commonly think that the foreigners who so unexpectedly appear before them have come only to seize their land, which (owing to heedlessness and over-confidence) in the discovery of America occasioned many instances of treacherous slaughter; on which account you will treat with amity and kindness such barbarian men as you shall meet and come to parley with, and connive at small affronts, thefts, and the like which they should put upon or commit against our men, lest punishments inflicted should give them a grudge against us, and by shows of kindness gain them over to us, that you may the more readily from them obtain information touching themselves, their country, and their circumstances, thus learning whether there is anything profitable to be got or effected.

So far as time shall allow, you will diligently strive to gather information concerning the situation of their country, the fruits and cattle it produces, their methods of building houses, the appearance and shape of the inhabitants, their dress, arms, manners, diet, means of livelihood, religion, mode of government, their wars, and the like notable things, more especially whether they are kindly or cruelly disposed; showing them various specimens of the commodities you have taken with you for that purpose, so as to learn what commodities and materials are found in their country and what things they are desirous of obtaining from us in return: all which matters you will carefully note, correctly describe, and faithfully set forth in drawings, keeping for the purpose an ample and elaborate journal, in which you will set down an exact record of all that may befall you, that on your return you may be able to lay a proper report before us.

If, unlikely as it may be, you should happen to come to any country peopled by civilised men, you will give to them greater attention than to wild barbarians, endeavouring to come into contact and parley with its Magistrates and subjects, letting them know that you have landed there for the sake of commerce, showing them specimens of the commodities which you have

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1642 Aug. 13.

If shown gold say, "It is naught."

Respect all rights.


The ships and their equipment.

The commander and his duties.

taken on board for the purpose, for which we refer you to the specified invoice; closely observing what things they set store by and are most inclined to; especially trying to find out what commodities their country yields, likewise inquiring after gold and silver, whether the latter are by them held in high esteem; making them believe that you are by no means eager for precious metals, so as to leave them ignorant of the value of the same; and if they should offer you gold or silver in exchange for your articles, you will pretend to hold the same in slight regard, showing them copper, pewter, or lead, and giving them an impression as if the minerals last mentioned were by us set greater value on.

You will prudently prevent all manner of insolence and all arbitrary action on the part of our men against the nations discovered, and take due care that no injury be done them in their houses, gardens, vessels, or their property, their wives, &c.; nor shall you carry off any of the inhabitants from their country against their will; should, however, any of them be voluntarily disposed to accompany you, you are at full liberty to bring them hither.

If in the course of this voyage there should be discovered any rich countries or regions, islands, or passages profitable to the company, we shall not be found ungrateful towards the managers of the expedition and all the well-behaved men taking part in it, duly recompensing the pains and trouble they have been at, and honouring them with such rewards as their services done shall be found to have deserved; on all which all of you may rely to the fullest extent.

The ships are manned with 110 able-bodied men--to wit, the "Heemskerck" with sixty and the "Zeehaen" with fifty. They are victualled and provided with all necessaries for twelve and with rice for eighteen calendar months; out of these you will have the ordinary rations regularly and properly served out, with two meat-days and one bacon-day every week, and one mutchkin and a half of arrack every day; all which you will cause to be properly arranged and seen to. Of strong arrack each of the ships will take on board two hogsheads, to be in moderation served out in cold weather for the sake of the men's health. But, above all, you will carefully husband the fresh water, that you may not come to be in want of it, or be forced to delay your voyage in order to seek it, or return from such search unsuccessfully.

And to the end that this voyage may be well regulated and performed in accordance with these instructions and our good intentions, that proper order may be maintained among the men, law and justice be administered in conformity with the

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1642 Aug. 13.

The council.

Its procedure.

general regulations, and, furthermore, everything that in so long and dangerous an expedition shall occur and be required be done and executed to the best advantage and service of the company, therefore we have appointed the Honourable Abel Jansz. Tasman commander of the two ships, by the present authorising him to carry the flag on the maintopmast of the "Heemskerck," to convene the council, and permanently to occupy the chair in the same; in consideration thereof commanding and enjoining all officers and sailors, excepting none, who have been ordered on board the ships "Heemskerck" and "Zeehaen" to acknowledge the aforesaid Abel Tasman as their commander and chief, to respect and obey him, and likewise on all occasions to assist him with their good advice and diligent service, for the furtherance of the voyage and the discovery of unknown lands, in such fashion as befits vigilant and faithful servants, and as on their return they can conscientiously answer for to ourselves.

The council of these ships will consist of the persons following, to wit:--
The Commander Abel Jansz. Tasman, permanent President.
The Skipper Yde T'jercxsz, on board the "Heemskerck."
The Pilot-major Francois Jacobsz do.
The Skipper Gerrit Jansz, on board the "Zeehaen."
The Supercargo Isaack Gilsemans do.
The Subcargo Abraham Coomans, on board the "Heemskerck," who will also act as Secretary.
The first steersman Henrick ... on board the "Zeehaen."

In this council all matters relating to the progress of this voyage and the execution of our instructions will have to be discussed and determined, the commander to have a double vote in case of equality of votes; in matters touching the administration of justice the master boatswains will also have to be summoned, according to the orders of our masters; but in matters relating to navigation, such as the courses to be held and the discoveries of lands to be made, the Pilot-major Francoys Jacobsz will give his vote immediately after the commander, and his advice be duly attended to, the plan of the voyage having been drawn up in conjunction with him; in these cases the second mates will also have to be summoned to attend the council, in which they will have an advisory vote; the commander will have to collect these votes, and decisions to be determined by a majority of the same, the commander taking due care that all resolutions taken be forthwith recorded, properly signed, and efficiently executed for the service of the company.

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1642 Aug. 13.

Tasman's successor.

A code of signals.


Take possession of all countries.

In case of decease of Commander Tasman (which God in His mercy avert), Skipper Yde T'jercksen shall succeed to his place, and command, in all points replacing his predecessor, according to these our instructions, and be obeyed like him.

As soon as you shall be at sea, you will, with the advice of the council, and in order the better to remain together, draw up a proper code of signals, such code being of the utmost importance for the execution of our plan, which code should also contain arrangements necessary for enabling you to come together again, if by storm (which God avert) you should get separated from each other.

Concluding these instructions, we cordially wish you the blessing of the Ruler of all things, praying that He may in His mercy endow you with manly courage in the execution of the intended discovery, and may grant you a safe return, to the increase of His glory, the greater reputation of our country, the benefit of the company's service, and your own immortal honour.

Done in the Castle of Batavia, the 13th of August, A.D. 1642.


All continents and islands which you shall discover, touch at, and set foot on you will take possession of on behalf of Their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, the which in uninhabited regions or in such countries as have no sovereign may be done by erecting a memorial-stone or by planting our Prince-flag in sign of actual occupation, seeing that such lands justly belong to the discoverer and first occupier; but in populated regions, or in such as have undoubted lords, the consent of the people or the king will be required before you can enter into possession of them, the which you should try to obtain by friendly persuasion and by presenting them with some small tree planted in a little earth, by erecting some stone structure in conjunction with the people, or by setting up the Prince-flag in commemeration of their voluntary assent or submission; all which occurrences you will carefully note in your journal, mentioning by name such persons as have been present at them, that such record may in future be of service to our republic.

Given at Batavia, date as above.

In the name of the Hon'ble Governor-General and Councillors of India.

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1642 Aug 13.

Jan. 22.

A List of the Papers handed to Skipper Commander Abel Jansz. Tasman (with Destination for the Discovery of the South Land).

No. 1. Instructions for the commander aforesaid.

" 2. Observations by Skipper Marten Gerritsz. Vries touching the discovery of the south land. 2

" 3. Disquisition touching the same discovery by the Pilot-major Francoys Jacobsz. 3

" 4. Memoir by the same on the same subject.

" 5. Spanish description of Nova Guinea and the Salomonis Islands.4

" 6. Copy of the Instructions for Commander Gerrit Pool for the discovery of the unknown lands eastward of Banda, and of the south land. 5

" 7. Vocabulary of certain words of the languages of the Salomonis Islands, of Nova Guinea, and of the islands circumjacent.

" 8. Invoice of the cargoes of the "Heemskerck" and the "Zeehaen." 6

" 9. Inventory of the "Heemskerck." 7

" 10. Do. of the "Zeehaen." 8


In the first place, it would appear to us most suitable to set out from Batavia about the middle of August, or the 1st of September at the latest, for divers reasons--first, to use the main part of the summer season and the long days for making discoveries, since it is unknown to us what occurrences we may meet with that might take up our time; secondly, in order to take in fresh water, firewood, &c, at the Island of Mauritius, to reach which we shall require at least a month under favourable circumstances, while we shall have to lie still there from fifteen to twenty days; the sun then declines south of the equator, which is the best season for us to sail south with the sun as far as 52 or 54 degrees; by that time we shall have got to the beginning of November, when in those southern regions the longest days are approaching, together with the most favourable weather, and northern winds from time to time. It is therefore the best season both for getting southward quickest and for making discoveries, since about that time we may sail pretty fast by day and night alike; whereas, on the other hand, at the period of the short days one can never be without certain

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1642 Jan. 22.

Proposal touching the discovery, starting from Batavia, via Mauritius, sailing south and eastward.

Respecting the discovery, starting from Europe, sailing eastward from Capo de Goede Hoope.

To make the discovery, starting from the Netherlands, via Brazil, and sailing eastward from the Strait of Lemaire.

apprehensions, and is, besides, liable to be befallen by storms, with snow, hail, and cold weather.

But if we sail hence at the time aforesaid we have from three to three and a half months' time to make this discovery with minute care, both as regards large rivers, bays, rocks, shoals, sands, shallows and depths, and the nature of the inhabitants; what commodities are obtainable and what others may be disposed of there in return: all which require a good deal of time, since such people are shy, rude, and savage, and can therefore hardly be treated with and pacified within a short period. Now, in case we should have got to the latitude aforesaid of 52 or 54 degrees without coming upon land, we should, in accordance with the preceding instructions, have to shape our course to eastward until we should meet with land, or as far as the longitude of the east side of Nova Guinea, and then sail north by west in order to fetch up Nova Guinea; or, if preferred, we might run so far to eastward till we had the Salomones Islands north of us, and then keep a northward course in order to discover the said islands, which lie spread over so vast an area that we could hardly miss them; this, considering everything, appears the best way of going to work, since we do not in the least doubt that divers strange things will be revealed to us in the Salomones Islands. The return voyage might take place along the north of Nova Guinea, then along Cheramlaeut, passing between Nova Guinea and Cheram to reach Banda or Amboina.

Further discoveries might be made by starting from the Netherlands, sailing from Cape de Bonne Esperance, and from there running directly southward as far as the 54th degree aforesaid, or until land should be met with: by so doing one would begin the discovery fully 500 miles more to westward; and, should no land be found, one might, as before mentioned, sail eastward as far as the longitude of the Salomonis Islands.

We shall now propose still another method for discovering the south land still 700 or 800 miles further westward, starting from the Netherlands.

After leaving the Netherlands one might set one's course for the Bay de Todos los Sanctus or Rio Janeiro in the Brazil, there take in refreshments and provisions of all necessaries, then run for the Strait of Lameer, keeping in with the eastern side--to wit, Staten Landt--which is a high double-jagged coast, always covered with snow; and since there is no want of westerly winds there, one might easily sail eastward along Staten Landt, and in this way come to a perfect knowledge how far the said Staten Landt extends; sailing on the said easterly course as far as the longitude of the Salomonis Islands,

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1642 Jan. 22.

Indications for the discovery, starting from Chili, of the Salomonis Islands as far as the Strait of Le Maire.

Proposal for discovering the land between Nova Guinea and d'Endracht's Landt.

in which way one would become acquainted with all the utterly unknown provinces of Beach, and could return to Amboina or Banda by the aforesaid route northward of Nova Guinea.

In my opinion, it would at present be impossible to discover the south land referred to, between and starting from the Salomonis Islands, eastward to the Strait of Le Maire.

Coming from the west the voyage would be too long and too difficult, nor, owing to the westerly winds, can it be done by coming from the east through the Strait of Le Maire; but if the Netherlanders possessed some fitting refreshing-station on the coast of Chili--for example, Conseption or Chillewey--one might fit out an expedition from Chili, and run westward with the trade-wind in from 12 to 15 degrees southern latitude (this being the latitude in which the Salomonis Islands are currently believed to lie), until one got sight of the Salomonis Islands, or got into the longitude in which they are marked on the globe. If in this case one could get refreshments there, it would be all the better. Starting from the Salomonis Islands aforesaid, one would have to do one's best to get to the south, and to fall in with the western winds, even if it were as far as the 50th degree, or until land were met with. Then, taking advantage of these western winds, one would have to sail eastward again as far as the Strait of Le Maire or the ancient Strait of Maggellaen, by which method one will be enabled to discover the southern portion of the world all round the globe, and find out what it consists of--whether land, sea, or icebergs; all that God has ordained there; excepting only the north side of the south land already known--viz., from 22° S.L. or from the Willems River, situated nearly south of the middle of Java, down to the Valsche Hoecq, bearing from the Island of Arnoy 9 east-south-east sixty miles.

The only part undiscovered would then, as just said, extend from the cape in 22 degrees south of the middle of Java, to the Valsche Hoecq, lying sixty miles east-south-east of the south side of Aru, in latitude 8 degrees 10 minutes south; but this coast forms a large bay here, and was partly discovered before as far as 17 degrees near Staten River in the year 1623, April 24; still, there is a large part left undiscovered from there to the cape in 22 degrees, since the coast there trends chiefly to west and west by south.

Now, in order to make a perfect chart of this remaining part, and further rectify certain parts imperfectly mapped before, it would be necessary to sail from Banda or Amboina eastward as far as Aru in the month of March; and from the

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1642 Jan. 22.

Aug. 13.

Permission granted to sail.

southern extremity of Aru to shape one's course east-south-east in order to reach the Valsche Hoecq in April, which is a doubtful month as regards the wind; in which case one might easily by sounding get as near the land as time and circumstances will allow. According to the annotations of the previous discoverers, the sea is very shallow there, so that with the wind blowing hard from the west, which would make the coast there a lee shore, one would be exposed to many perils. But if one arrived in those parts in April, I think there would be no difficulty; and this could be done without much loss of time, since the discoverers sailing westward as far as 22 degrees S. lat., and coming near or along the south land, can fetch up the coast of Java on the south side, and thus could easily come back to Batavia in the month of June or July.

Written in the castle of Batavia, this 22nd day of January, 1642.


Wednesday, August 13, 1642.

THE ship "Heemskerck" and the flute "Zeehaen," according to the resolution of the first of this month destined for the unknown south and east lands, via the Island of Mauritius, being now ready for departure, having taken on board their victuals, provisions, necessaries, and whatever more is wanted for this expedition, together with the necessaries for Mauritius itself; item, the instructions for the leaders of this voyage, drafted by the Hon. Justus Schouten, Councillor-extraordinary of India, together with the missive addressed to Commander Adriaen vander Stel in the said Island of Mauritius, and duly amplified by the Secretary of this assembly in accordance with the suggestions of the Governor-General, being drawn up in due form and now ready to be handed to the parties concerned; item, the other documents required for the said voyage being also ready; all of them having been properly examined by this council and ratified by our signatures.

It has been unanimously resolved to let the discoverers aforesaid set sail in the name of God early to-morrow after due muster, to take their course from here to Mauritius, and thence to the southward. To this end the Hon. Schouten and the Secretary aforesaid are hereby deputed to install on board the Hon. Abel Janssen Tasman as commander of these two ships, and at the same time to make promise to the officers and the

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1642 Aug 13.

crews of the two ships alike that we shall, on their, return, honourably reward them all for their good services in discovering and exploring important coasts or useful routes or passages.

Thus resolved and determined in the castle of Batavia, datum ut supra.


1   The western portion of Western Australia, discovered in 1616.
2   No longer extant.
3   No longer extant.
4   No longer extant.
5   Not reproduced.
6   Not reproduced.
7   No longer extant.
8   No longer extant.
9   Aroe.

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