1866 - Clark, A. A Sketch of the Colony of New Zealand - Hints to Emigrants, p 37-42

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  1866 - Clark, A. A Sketch of the Colony of New Zealand - Hints to Emigrants, p 37-42
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We have endeavoured in the preceding pages to give you but a simple outline of the progress of this colony,

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as well as to give you an idea of its valuable resources, so that you may judge for yourself, if such a place is likely to be suitable for you, should you desire to emigrate.

We have not overdrawn in the least the advantages or prospects of the colony, nor are we anxious to urge any to settle there without they decide after mature and careful consideration for themselves, and feel it to be their duty to do so.

We can, however, assure the emigrant, that if he is able and willing to earn his daily bread by means of daily labour, he will find in New Zealand a congenial field on which a good livelihood can always be had, if not, after several years, a competency.

The country is well adapted for all kinds of workmen, it is indeed the place for the stout agricultural labourer, for the industrious artizan, the domestic servant, the small hard working farmer, with a thrifty wife, and stalwart sons and daughters, and for every class of our countrymen.

Discouragements and difficulties of various kinds will have to be encountered and endured at the first; but if the emigrant has perseverance, patience, steadiness, and above all, a good moral character, no matter in what line of business he may be, he will, without doubt, ultimately succeed.

It is to be deplored that amongst the emigrants who arrive in the colony, we always see some, whom we may call "ne'er-do-weels," men who, by birth and education, ought to be gentlemen, not merely sunk to the condition of day labourers, but even too enfeebled in mind and body, by a long course of intemperance, to be not worth employing at any wages at all. If young men given to this habit at home come out to New Zealand under the idea of "turning over a new leaf" there, it is a hopeless case. There are more temptations to vice in every form in the Colonies than at home; besides, the emigrant being far from the home roof and its parental influence, is more likely to be careless as to his conduct, until, like many others before him, he ruins his constitution, and dies a complete wreck among strangers, soon to lie forgotten. Widely different is he whose steadiness and perseverance enables him to pursue his calling, and conduct himself well; and he who is there strict in attendance to the principles and services of our grand Christian religion, will not in the least fail of success or respect.

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We easily recognise a new comer in the colony. His would-be knowing looks and gestures betray him, and we would advise every one to take care of this. In the colony no one can long pass for what he is not, and many who, on landing, move confidently on with buoyant step and lofty mien, may soon be seen passing modestly along, undistinguished from the common crowd. The people of New Zealand are very clear sighted, and are not slow in forming a true opinion of the character of the new arrival. If the emigrant exercises common sense, prudence, and strict integrity, he will not be long in forming an acquaintance, but if he makes a false step at starting, he will find some difficulty in recovering his position.

On arrival in any colony the emigrant should have as much funds as possible. Circumstances may arise that will prevent him going to work, or from getting work, and at such times, money is valuable and desirable.

Accept the first situation, whatever it is, if offered to you on arrival. Going about in search of a better place will spend your funds and encourage repining and home sickness; but by working at anything you can get to do, will ingratiate you into the favour of the colonists, who above all things, detest lazy people, and will give you an insight into the habits and customs of the place and people.

Every information respecting the voyage, and things necessary for the emigrant on board, can be easily obtained on application at either of the London Shipping agents, who despatch vessels to the colony.

The time on board is very monotonous, and, to those who have been accustomed to regular labour at home, it will be a long period of idleness. They should, however, lend a willing hand with the sails, and learn as much as they can of ships, and rigging, and steering, on the way. This would not only afford amusement, but they would acquire much valuable information about things so very desirable for a country like New Zealand, where boating and coasting form a large item in all transactions of the place. Attention to cleanliness, and courtesy to one another, will render the voyage pleasant and improving to the health.

With these few remarks we come to a conclusion, feeling confident that if the emigrant properly conducts himself, and acts conscientiously with all he comes in contact, he will not be unsuccessful in the land of his adoption. So, farewell, and God speed.

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Although the Emigrant is separated far from friends he holds dear at home, and from Associations with which in his early years he was connected, he has every reason to feel very comfortable and thankful, from the fact of there being so many opportunities now of keeping up correspondence by letter and newspaper, with his relatives in the old country.

In the early days of the colony, communication was rare. There were but few opportunities of sending or receiving letters. Some letters then were known to have taken more than two years in their delivery. Fortunately, such a state of matters does not exist now. For several years past the Peninsular and Oriental Company have run their steamers into Sydney with the English mails, in connection with which the New Zealand Government subsidized a steamer to run monthly, and thus kept up pretty regularly a monthly communication with England. Another route has recently come into operation, which will outdo all the old systems. It is more direct, and certainly will be more punctual, than the mail via Sydney. This route is through the Isthmus of Panama. The Royal Mail Company have definitely arranged with the Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Company to open a communication with England and New Zealand, and in June, 1866, the steamers of these lines commenced to run. The length of passage to Wellington in New Zealand from the outward port, Southampton, is forty-nine days, in which time, or shortly thereafter, letters and newspapers can now be expected to arrive in every part of the colony. New Zealand is the first port of arrival in the colonies, and the last of departure.

The intercourse between the home country and the colony will not only be more regular than it has ever been, but the quickness of the route will doubtless add considerably to its future prosperity, and make its inhabitants believe that they are not far from home.


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