1971 - Sharp, A (ed.) Duperrey's visit to New Zealand in 1824. - [Bibliography, Index and Map] p 119-126

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  1971 - Sharp, A (ed.) Duperrey's visit to New Zealand in 1824. - [Bibliography, Index and Map] p 119-126
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[Bibliography, Index and Map]

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A Grammar and Vocabulary of the New Zealand Language. London, 1820.

A Tahitian and English Dictionary. Tahiti, 1851.

BEAGLEHOLE, J. C., ed. The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks. Sydney, 1962, 2 vols.

BEAGLEHOLE, J. C. The Exploration of the Pacific. 3rd ed, London, 1966.

BEAGLEHOLE, J. C., ed. The Journals of Captain James Cook. Cambridge, 1955-, 4 vols.

BERARD, A. MS notes, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ. 82.

BIGGS, B. 'Maori Marriage', Polynesian Society Maori Monographs No 1.

BINNEY, J. The Legacy of Guilt. A Life of Thomas Kendall. Auckland, 1968.

BLOIS, H. DE. MS journal, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ- 82.

BLOSSEVILLE, J. DE. 'Mémoire géographique sur la Nouvelle Zélande', Nouvelles annales des voyages, vol 29, pp 5-35.

BLOSSEVILLE, J. DE. MS journals and notes, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ. 82.

BLOSSEVILLE, J. DE. 'Projét d'une colonie pénale à la Nouvelle Zélande', in Bibliothèque Nationale, MS N AF 6785, fo 20-5.

BLOSSEVILLE, J. DE. 'Rapport d'une visite aux villages de Ranghihou, Tippouna & Kidikidi', and 'Visite a Payéha, Matowhi & Cororadica', MS in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ. 82.

BUCK, P. The Coming of the Maori. Wellington, 1949.

BUTLER, J. Earliest New Zealand, ed by R. J. Barton. Masterton, 1927.

CLARK, C. M. H. A History of Australia, vol 1. Melbourne, 1962.

COOK, J. A Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World. London, 1777, 2 vols.

CROZET, J. Nouveau voyage à la mer du sud, ed by A. Rochon. Paris, 1783.

DUMONT D'URVILLE, J. S. C. Voyage de la corvette L'Astrolabe exécuté par ordre du Roi pendant les années 1826-1827-1828-1829. Histoire du voyage. Paris, 1830-3, 5 vols.

DUMONT D'URVILLE, J. S. C. Voyage pittoresque autour du monde. Paris, 1834-5, 2 vols. dunmore, j. French Explorers in the Pacific. Oxford, 1965-9, 2 vols.

DUPERREY, L. I. Mémoire sur les opérations géographique faites dans la campagne de la corvette de Sa Majesté La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Reprinted with re-numbered pagination from Annales maritimes et coloniales, 1828, part I, PP 569-673-

DUPERREY, L. I. MS reports, in Archives Nationales, Marine, BB4. 1000.

DUPERREY, L. I. Voyage autour du monde exécuté par ordre du Roi sur la corvette de Sa Majesté La Coquille pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Paris, 1826-30, 8 vols. Historique, atlas, 1826.

Hydrographie, 1829, atlas, 1827.

Hydrographie et physique, 1829.

Physique, 1830.

Zoologie, 1826-30, 2 vols, vol 1 by R. P. Lesson and P. Garnot, vol 2 by R. P. Lesson and F. C. Guérin Méneville, atlas, 1826.

Botanique, 1828-9, 2 vols, vol 1 by Bory de St Vincent, vol 2 by Ad. Brogniart, atlas, 1826.

EARLE, A. Narrative of a Residence in New Zealand, ed by E. H. McCormick. 2nd ed, Oxford, 1966.

ELBERT, S. H. 'Internal Relationships of Polynesian Languages and Dialects', Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol 9, pp 147-73.

ELDER, J. R. ed. The Letters and Journals of Samuel Marsden, 1765-1838. Dunedin, 1932.

FAIVRE, J. P. L'expansion française dans le Pacifique de 1800 à 1842. Paris, 1953.

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FORSTER, G. A Voyage round the World. London, 1777. 2 vols.

FREYCINET, L. C. D. DE. Voyage autour du monde entrepris par ordre du Roi... exécuté sur les corvettes de S. M. L'Uranie et La Physicienne. Paris, 1825-7, 5 vols.

GOLSON, J. 'Culture Change in Prehistoric New Zealand', Anthropology in the South Seas, ed by J. R. Freeman and W. R. Geddes, pp 29-74. New Plymouth, 1959.

HAWKESWORTH, J. An Account of the Voyages... by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret and Captain Cook. London, 1773, 3 vols.

INGRAM, C. W. N., and WHEATLEY, P. O. Shipwrecks. 2nd ed, Wellington, 1951.

JACQUINOT, C. H. MS journal, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ. 82.

KELLY, L. J. Marion du Fresne at the Bay of Islands. Wellington, 1951.

KOTZEBUE, O. VON. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Behring's Straits. London, 1821, 3 vols.

LA PEROUSE, J. F. G. DE. Voyage de La Pérouse autour du monde, ed by M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. Paris, 1797, 4 vols.

LE JEUNE, J. MS journal, and atlas, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, A4211.

LESSON, R. P. Journal d'un voyage pittoresque autour du monde. Paris, 1830.

LESSON, R. P. Notice historique sur l'Amiral Dumont-D'Urville. Rochefort, 1846.

LESSON, R. P. Voyage autour du monde entrepris par ordre du gouvernement sur la corvette La Coquille. Paris, 1838-9, 2 vols.

LESSON, R. P. Voyage médical autour du monde. Paris, 1830.

LOTTIN, C. V. MS journal, in Archives Nationales, Marine, Service Hydrographique, 5JJ- 82.

MCLINTOCK, A. H., ed. An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand. Wellington, 1966, 3 vols.

MCNAB, R. From Tasman to Marsden. Dunedin, 1914.

MARSDEN, S. Accounts of first visit to New Zealand, in Missionary Register, 1816, pp 459-71, 500-25, and accounts of second and third visits, in Missionary Register, 1822, pp 247-57, 386-96, 432-46.

Missionary Register, London. Sundry references to New Zealand events and persons associated with New Zealand in issues for 1816, 1819-26.

NICHOLAS, J. L. Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand. London, 1817, 2 vols.

OLIVER, W. R. B. New Zealand Birds. Wellington, 1955.

POWELL, A. W. B. Shells of New Zealand. Christchurch, 1962.

RIENZI, G. L. DOMENY DE. Océanie, ou cinquième partie du monde. Paris, 1836-7, 3 vols.

SHARP, A. The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman. Oxford, 1968.

SMITH, S. P. Maori Wars of the Nineteenth Century. 2ND ED, Christchurch, 1910.

SMITH, V. A. The Oxford History of India. 3rd ed, Oxford, 1958.

Sydney Gazette, 12 September 1814.

TURBOTT, E. G., ed. Buller's Birds of New Zealand. Christchurch, 1967.

VANCOUVER, G. A Voyage of Discovery. London, 1798, 3 vols.

VAYDA, A. P. 'Maori Warfare', Polynesian Society Maori Monographs No 2.

WILLIAMS, H. W. A Dictionary of the Maori Language. 6th ed, Wellington, 1957.

WILSON, O. 'Tooi and Teeterree', The Turnbull Library Record, vol 2 (ns), pp 62-7.

WILSON, O. 'Tooi, Teeterree and Titore', Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol 72, pp 267-70.

YEN, D. E. 'The Adaptation of Kumara by the New Zealand Maori', Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol 70, pp 338-48.

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Adultery, 44, 99.

Alexander Turnbull Library, holder of Duperrey records, 9.

Archives de France, 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23.

Ariki, priest-chief, 57, 58, 72, 93, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 115.

Aroliva, Duperrey's name for Stephenson Island, 27.

Artefacts, 24, 59, 67, 74, 80, facing p 80, 88, 92.

Atua, Maori deity, 43, 45, 46, 97, 98, 101.

Baptism, Maori, 41-3, 98, 99-100.

Bay of Islands, chart of from official atlas of Duperrey's voyage, at back; history of, 15-21; modem map of, facing p 11.

Bérard, Auguste, officer of Duperrey, 14, 54, 71; charts made by, 20, 22, 27, 70.

Bibliography, 19-21, 119-20.

Birds, bellbird, 83 n 109; fernbird, 83 n no; kaka, 83 n 106; kiwi, 82 n 103; notes on by Lesson, 21, 53, 82-4; pigeon, 83 n 105; quail, 84 n in; robin, 82 n 102; tomtit, 82 n 102; tui, 83 n 104.

Blois, H. de, officer of Duperrey, charts made by, 15, 20, 22, 27, 70.

Blosseville, Jules de, biography of, 14-5; charts by, 20-2, 28, 70; proponent of convict settlement, 15; reports by of visits in Bay of Islands, 11, 21, 23, 71, 109-16; tribute to by Lesson, 15, 70; visit by to Orokawa, 66-9.

Botanical collections and writings, 21, 66-7, 114.

Boyd, massacre, 17, 42 n 32, 106, 112.

Brampton, wrecked in Bay of Islands, 117.

Brisbane, Governor of New South Wales, 27, 79.

Butler, John Gare, missionary, 18, 19.

Cannibalism, 63, 64-5, 67, 74, 102-4, 106.

Canoes, 23, 35, 59, 92-3, 96, facing p 96.

Carving, Maori, 92-3, 96.

Cavalli Islands, 27, 79.

Challenge, Maori, 40.

Chants, Maori, 28, 45-8, 70, 94, 95, 96.

Charts, 20-1, 27-8, 70, at back.

Chazal, Antoine, artist who had part in preparation of published atlas of Duperrey's voyage, 24.

Church Missionary Society, 17, 18, 63, 79.

Clarke, George, early missionary, 36, 36 n 18, 53, 72, 77, 113.

Cook, James, alleged violence of to Tahitians, 106; Maori names adopted by for North and South Islands, 80; probable introduction of syphilis by men of, 16, 108; supposed duels fought by officers of for women, 56; visit of to Bay of Islands, 16, 115.

Crozet, Julien, officer of Marion du Fresne's expedition, author of account of expedition, 17, 68 n 57, 70 n 65.

Dances, 28, 48, 60, 72.

Day Point, 116.

Diseases, 16, 23, 107-8.

Dog, George Clarke's, 53; Maori, 82, 91.

Dress, Maori, 58, 73, 82, 83, 87-8.

Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sébastien César, account by of Maori baptism, 41-3; account by of visit to New Zealand with Duperrey, 11, 21, 22, 31-49; biography of, 13-4; comments of on character of Tuai, 37-8; comments of on Maori adultery and prostitution, 44; comments of on missionaries, 36; explanation to of Pihe by Tuai and Kendall, 45-8; information about Hongi Hika recorded by, 35-7; information given to by Kendall, 33, 37; inspection by of tattooed head, 48-9; killing of prisoners by Hongi and Hongi's daughter discussed by Kendall with, 37; Maori funeral rites reported to by Tuai, 43-4; mentions wreck of Cossack, 34; notes by on Maori chants and dances, 45-8; notes by on Maori slaves, 38-9; refers to George Clark, 36; refers to Maori warfare, 33-4, 35, 3 8-9, 40; relations of sailors and natives discussed by, 39-40; relations of with Duperrey, 12, 14; visits by to Kahuwera, 22, 40, 48; work of as naturalist, 21; writings of, 21, 22, 85.

Duperrey, Louis Isidor, account by of visit to New Zealand, 11, 20, 22, 25-30;

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charts of Bay of Islands ordered by, 27-8; commander of La Coquille, 11-3; comments by on Hongi, 28-9; comments by on Maori warfare, 29-30; comments by on missionaries, 29-30; comments by on Pomare, 29; Maori dances and songs observed by, 28; meetings with and comments on Tuai by, 27, 29; observatory set up by, 27; value of visit of to New Zealand, 23; voyage of with Freycinet, 11-2; writings of, 19-21, 33.

Dwellings, Maori, 44, 73, 89-90.

Easter Island, atrocities by Europeans against inhabitants of, 69.

Ecao, Maori girl in illustration, 24, facing p 48.

Edwardson, Captain, informant of Blosseville on South Island geography, 20-1.

Europeans, early arrivals of, 16-8, 23; pakeha Maori name for, 102, 102 n 163.

Face paint, Maori, 81, 89.

Fern, 74, 81, 91, 104, 114.

Fish, fishing, 58-9, 66, 70, 74, 84, 91, 92. See also Shellfish.

Flax, 58, 66-7, 73, 74, 82, 90-1.

Flute, Maori, facing p 80, 95.

Foods, Maori, 23, 58-9, 66, 74, 81, 82, 114.

Freycinet, Louis de, voyage of round the world, ii, 12, 13, 14, 33.

Funeral rites, Maori, 43-4, 45, 100-1.

Furneaux, Tobias, massacre of men of, 105, 105 n 170.

Gabert, Paul André, officer of Duperrey, 14; reputed editor of Duperrey's historical account of voyage, 19; visit of to Kerikeri, 71, 111.

Garnot, Prosper, doctor and naturalist, 15, 21.

Gloucester, name of mission settlement, at Kerikeri, 78.

Government, Maori, 64, 64 n 4 8, 101, 115.

Greenstone. See Jade.

Hall, Francis, early missionary who recorded killing of prisoners by Kerikeri Maoris, 37 n 19.

Hall, William, early missionary in Bay of Islands, 17, 78, 111.

Hauraki, district and gulf, 29 n 29, 49 n 46.

Hawkes Bay, Pomare leads expedition against, 29, 73.

Heads, preserved, 59, 74, 103-5.

Heitiki, jade ornament, 59, 80, 88.

Hihi, chief in Hongi's retinue, 48.

Hokianga, 34.

Hollyman, K. J., translator of Duperrey extract, 9, 25.

Hongi Hika, armour worn by, 36, 62, 62 n 37; character of, 28-9, 35, 36, 37, 115; illustration including, 24, facing p 32; involvement of in killing prisoners, 37, 104; lineage of, 29 n 27, 35; meaning of name of, 35 n 14; relations of with missionaries, 62-3, 72; village of at Kerikeri, 18, 23, 60, 78, 113-4, 115; visit of to La Coquille, 28, 35, 60; visit of to London, 60-2; warfare of, 18, 28-9, 49, 61-5.

Ika-Na-Maui, name for North Island, 35, 64.

Illustrations, description of, 24.

Ipipiri, name for Bay of Islands, 27.

Ipiripi, name for Bay of Islands, 64, 67, 81.

Jacquinot, Charles Henri, officer of Duperrey and d'Urville, 14, 27.

Jade, 59, 81, 88, 93.

Kahuwera, Tuai's pa, 27, 40, 44-5, 48, 57, 72-4.

Kaipara, Hongi's expeditions against, 61-2.

Kapu-oka, chief of Hauraki, 49.

Kawakawa River, 117.

Kemp, James, early missionary, 18, 113.

Kendall, Thomas, appointment of as magistrate, 17, 77-8; departure of from New Zealand for Chile, 19; early missionary in Bay of Islands, 17; informant of French visitors, 22, 36-7, 45-6, 77, 78; preparation by of work on Maori language, 18, 54, 77; residence of at Matauwhi, 19, 77, 78, 117; views of on Maori religion, 97, 98; visit of to England, 18, 60 n 34.

Kent Passage, 116.

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Kerikeri, illustration of mission settlement at, facing p 112; village of Hongi Hika and mission settlement, 18, 33, 78, 113-5, 117.

Knuckle, Cape, 27.

Korokoro, chief of Paroa, 17, 29, 40, 42, 49, 57, 74, 104.

Kororareka, Maori district and port for European ships, 18, 71, 73, 112, 117, 118.

La Coquille, Duperrey's vessel, 12-3; later d'Urville's vessel, 13.

La Pérouse, comment of on relations with savages, 69.

L'Astrolabe, d'Urville's vessel, formerly La Coquille, 13.

La Zelée, d'Urville's vessel, 13.

Lauriston, Surville's name for Doubtless Bay, 27, 53.

Lee, Samuel, associate of Kendall in preparing Maori grammar, 18, 54.

Leigh, Samuel, Wesleyan missionary, 79 n 85, 116 n 29.

Le Jeune, Jules, artist on La Coquille, 15; atlas of, 24; visit of to mission settlements, 24, hi.

Lesson, René Primavère, account by of arrival in New Zealand, 53-5; account by of Hongi's campaigns, 61-5; account by of preserving heads, 104-5; account by of Maori warfare, 102-4; account by of Marion du Fresne's visit, 67-8; account by of visit to New Zealand, 31-108; allegation of that Hongi and associate chiefs ate seven sailors, 63, 63 n 41; biography of, 15; dances described by, 60, 94-5; descriptions by of Hongi's character, 60-5; descriptions by of Maori livestock, 82; descriptions by of Maoris and their customs, 85-108; descriptions by of New Zealand animal life, 82-4; description by of physical geography of New Zealand, 80-1; notes by on flax weaving, 73, 74, 82, 91; notes by on Maori cannibalism, 63, 64-5, 67, 74, 102-4, 106; notes by on Maori religion, 96-8; notes by on Maori slaves, 56, 75, 86, 99, 104; notes by on missionaries, 75-9; notes by on prostitution, 55-6; notes by on tattooing, 66, 75, 89; notes by on women, 55-6, 75, 86-7, 89, 97; reference by to atrocities of European sailors against Easter Islanders, 69; reference by to Tuai's brothers, 38 n 21, 57; report by of Hongi's visit to England, 60-3; theory of Indian origin of Maoris held by, 97; visit of to Kahuwera, 72-4; visit of to Orokawa, 66-9; writings of, 15, 21, 22-3.

Lottin, Charles Victor, officer of Duperrey, 14, 27.

Macquarie, Lachlan, Governor of New South Wales, 17.

Manawa, port in Bay of Islands, 20, 27, 111, 118.

Manawaora, bay in Bay of Islands, 27 n 7.

Mangonui, in Bay of Islands, 112.

Maori, adultery among, 44; artefacts of, 24, 59, 66, 74, 80, facing p 80, 81, 88-9; atua of, 43, 45, 46; baptism of, 41-3, 98, 99-100; cannibalism of, 63, 64-5, 67, 74, 102-4, 106; canoes of, 23, 59, 96; carving of, 92-3, 96; chants of, 45-8, 70, 94, 95, 96; dances of, 48, 60, 72; dress of, 58, 73, 82, 82-3, 87-8; dwellings of, 44, 73, 89-90, 112, 113-4; Eastern Polynesian origin of speeches and cultures of, 15; face paint of, 81, 89; flax weaving of, 73, 74; flutes of, facing p 80, 95; foods of, 23, 58-9, 66, 74, 91-2; funeral rites of, 43-4, 45, 100-1; furniture of, 90; government of, 64, 64 n 48, 101, 115; greenstone ornaments of, 59, 80, facing p 80, 81; language of, 15, 95; livestock of, 82; marriage among, 98, 98 n 153, 99; mats of, 58, 66, 73, 87-8, 90; medical practices of, 107-8; mourning of, 34, 57, 100-1; musical instruments of, facing p 80, 95; origins of, 15, 95, 97; ovens of, 73-4, 91; pa of, 23, 27, 28, 40, 44-5, 54, 64-5, 72-4, 93, 94; physical characteristics of, 86-7; prostitution among, 44, 54-5, 75, 99, 108; religion of, 35, 96-8; slaves of, 38-9, 75, 86, 92, 99, 101, 104, 108; tapu of, 43-4; tattooing among, 66, 75, 89; trade of in heads, 48-9, 59; tops of, 95; treatment of women among, 56-7, 98, 99-100;

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vengeance among, 37, 85, 100, 102; weapons of, 59, 73, 93; warfare among, 22, 23, 29, 34, 35, 61-4, 93-4, 98, 101, 102-4.

Marion Bay, name for Bay of Islands, 53, 81.

Marion du Fresne, Marc, visit of to Bay of Islands and death there, 16-7, 27, 64, 67-8, 70, 80, 106, 115, 117.

Marriage, Maori, 98, 98 n 153, 99.

Marsden, Samuel, accounts by of Maori life, 34, 61 n 36, 64 n 44, 79, 102 n 164, 115; founder of missions, 17, 18, 79, 113.

Matauwhi, Pomare's village, 18; place of residence of Kendall, 19, 22, 77, 78; visit to by Blosseville, 23, 117-8.

Mats, Maori, 45, 58, 66, 73, 87-8, 90.

Medicine, Maori, 107-8.

Missionaries, mission settlements, Duperrey's comments on, 29-30; d'Urville's comments on, 36; founding of by Samuel Marsden, 17-9; Lesson's comments on, 60, 63, 64, 71-2, 75-9; visits of Blosseville to, 11-8.

Missionary Register, 56-7, 60, 62, 79.

Mokoia, capture of by Hongi and associates, 64-5.

Motuarohia, island in Bay of Islands, 16, 54, 67, 102.

Moturoa, island in Bay of Islands, 111, 116.

Moturua, island in Bay of Islands, 16, 17, 54, 67.

Mourning, Maori, 34, 57, 100-1.

Murupaenga, chief of Kaipara, 61-2.

Muskets, 23, 33, 36, 37, 93-4.

New Zealand, visited by Duperrey, 11. See Charts, Cook, Maori, Marion du Fresne, Missionaries, Tasman.

Ngapuhi, Hongi's tribe, 35, 35 n 13.

Nicholas, John Liddiard, visitor to New Zealand, 18, 115.

Observatory, establishment of by Duperrey, 22, 27; seen by Lesson, 66.

Oihi, district in which Rangihoua was situated, in n 5.

Okahu, island in Bay of Islands, 16.

Orokawa, peninsula and village near Duperrey's anchorage, 27, 54; visited by Lesson and Blosseville, 66-9.

Ovens, Maori, 73-4, 91.

Ox's Bay, Lesson's spelling of Hawkes Bay, 73.

Pa, Maori fortified village, 23, 27, 28, 40, 44-5, 54, 64-5, 72-4, 93, 94, 111-2, 113, 118.

Paihia, mission settlement, 19, 22, 23, 78, 117; visited by Blosseville, 23, 117.

Pakeha, Maori word for European, 102, 102 n 163.

Palmer, Thomas Fyshe, probable subject of reference by Lesson, 106-7.

Paroa, Korokoro's and Tuai's district, 17, 22, 37, 44, 57, 72, 117. Patupatu, Maori club, 59, 93, 113.

Phormium. See Flax.

Pig, 58, 82, 91, 116.

Pihe, Maori chant, 45-8, 83, 95.

Pocock Point, 53, 54 n 6, 67, in.

Pomare, Maori warrior, 18-9, 22, 29, 42, 60, 64, 73, 77, 78, 118.

Portal, Baron, Minister of Marine at time of Duperrey's project, 12.

Port Jackson, in New South Wales, visited by Duperrey, 11, 14, 20, 23, 28.

Poukoura, in Bay of Islands, 70, 112.

Prostitution, Maori, 44, 54-5, 75, 99, 108.

Pukawakawa, village near Kerikeri, 114.

Pukenui, volcanic cone near Kerikeri, 114.

Quarmby, Diana, translator of Lesson extract, 9, 51.

Raki Panipati, Tuai's name for Pomare, after Napoleon, 60.

Rangi, brother of Tuai, 40, 40 n 24, 57.

Rangihoua, mission settlement, 17, 18, 23, 71, 78, hi, 117.

Rat, 82.

Reinga, Cape, departure point of spirits, 35.

Religion, Maori, 35, 41-5, 96-8.

Reptiles, 84.

Rewa, chief who accompanied Hongi, 48.

Rolland, master gunner, 71.

Rotorua, 29, 81.

Ruatara, chief friendly to missionaries, 17.

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Sentinel, Lesson's name for Tikitiki Island, 53, 54 n 6, 67.

Service Hydrographique de la Marine, 9, 21, 24.

Shark teeth, 59, 88, 101.

Sharp, Andrew, editor, translator of Blosseville extract, 9, 109.

Shellfish, emperor-trochus, probably Cook's turban shell, 84, 84 n 112; southern haliotis, probably common paua, 84, 84 n 113.

Snail, bulimus, Placostylus hongii (Lesson), 84, 84 n 114.

Surville, Jean de, early French visitor to New Zealand, 27, 27 n 3, 53, 80, 105.

Taiwhanga, brought by Duperrey to New Zealand, 34, 54.

Tangata-Maté, site of Duperrey's observatory, 27, 28.

Tapeka Point, 117, 118.

Tapu, 43-4, 88.

Tara, chief of Kororareka, 112.

Tara (Te Ara), young chief of Whangaroa, also called George, 42 n 32.

Tareha Point, 112.

Tasman, Abel Janszoon, discoverer of parts of New Zealand, 16, 80, 105.

Tattooing, 66, 75, 89.

Te Koki, chief at Paihia, 22.

Te Kuri, chief at time of Marion du Fresne's visit, 17.

Te Pahi, chief friendly to missionaries, 17; victim of vengeance for Boyd massacre, 112.

Te Puna, visited by Blosseville, 23, hi, 112.

Te Whareumu (King George), chief of Kororareka, 42, 42 n 31.

Tipo, name of Maori chief and George Clarke's dog, 53, 53 n 2.

Tipu Sahib, Clarke's dog called after, 53.

Titari, name of companion of Tuai, 37-8; Titeri probably better spelling of, 38 n 21; Tito re wrong spelling of, 38 n 21.

Top, Maori, 95.

Touao, Tuai's cousin, 40.

Tuai, association of with Hongi in wars, 64-5; brothers of, 24, 40, 40 n 24; character of, 37-8, 56-7; chief of Paroa, 19, 27, 29; death of, 74 n 73; illustration including, 24, facing p 32; letters of in Missionary Register, 56-7; main associate of French visitors, 19, 22, 45, 48, 72-4; pronunciation of name of, 19 n 28; proposes to accompany Pomare to Hawkes Bay, 73.

Vancouver, George, visitor to Dusky Sound, 80, 80 n 90.

Waianiwaniwa, waterfall near Kerikeri, 60, 60 n 30, 114.

Waikato, companion of Hongi on visit to London, later at Rangihoua, 18, 61, 112.

Waitangi River, 69, 117.

Warfare, Maori, 22, 23, 28, 29, 34, 35, 61-4, 93, 102-4.

Water, Maori use of, 74, 92.

Weapons, Maori, 59, 73, 93.

Wesleyan mission, 79, 79 n 85, 116, 116 n 29.

Whangaroa, 17, 27, 42 n 32, 64, 79, 112, 114, 115, 116.

Whetoi, Pomare's original name, 42.

White, William, Wesleyan missionary, 115-6.

Whitianga, 39 n 23, 42 n 29.

Williams, Henry, early missionary, 19, 71; founder of mission settlement at Paihia, 19, 78; visited by Blosseville, 117.

Wilson, Ormond, translation of Duperrey materials proposed by, 9.

Women, Maori, descriptions of, 55-7, 75, 86-7, 89, 97, 98, 99-100.

Wright, Olive M., translator of d'Urville extract, 9, 31.

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Map of Bay of Islands, reproduced from Chart no 19 in Voyage autour du monde... sur... La Coquille, 'Hydrographie. Atlas'
1 Kawera (Kahuwera)
2 Kolokava (Orokawa)
3 Observatory
4 Aiguade de la Coquille (Watering-place of La Coquille)
5 Mata-ouwhi (Matauwhi)
6 Payéha (Paihia)
7 Wai-Tanghi (Waitangi)
8 Cascade de Fanafanoa (Waianiwaniwa)
9 Etablissent des Missions (Missionary Establishment)
10 Ranghi-houa (Rangihoua) 11 Pokouda (Poukoura)

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