1963 - Markham, Edward. New Zealand or Recollections of it - Glossary of Maori words and phrases, p 108-109

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  1963 - Markham, Edward. New Zealand or Recollections of it - Glossary of Maori words and phrases, p 108-109
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Glossary of Maori Words and Phrases.

[Image of page 108]


References are made from Markham's renderings to the correct forms; definitions are, for the most part, as given in H. W. Williams's A dictionary of the Maori language. 6th ed. Wellington, 1957.

aka, n. Metrosideros albiflora and M. perforata, climbing plants
arrey, see haere
atie up, see taiapa
attuah, see atua
atua, n. god, supernatural being, ghost
bouca bouca, see pukapuka
cacahow, cacarhow, see kakahu
caraceer, see karaka
colly mocko, see korimako
coo couper, see kukupa
cookee, see kuki
coppre, see kopa
corpora, see kapura
corrirow, see korero
coucouper, see kukupa
coudy, courie, see kauri
couter, see kauta
cow warrie, see kuware
cracker, see karaka
cumera, see kumara
cune cunee, cunnu cunnu, see kanikani
dueterra, see tuatara
ettay, see ti
foy-dah, see toi
go ashore, go on shore, see kohua
haere, v.i. come, go, depart
Haere mail
Haere mai ki konei! Welcome hither!
hakari, n. entertainment, feast
hangareka, v.i. or v.t. jest, deceive
hapai, v.t. lift up, raise; pass,
hapainga harkatty, see hakari
hattay, see ti
haurangi, a. mad, deluded, drunken
hayroiicar, see horoeka
he, indef. art. a, an
Heoi ano! It is enough!
heremi, see Haere mai!
Heremi checony, see Haere mai ki konei!
hippar, see pa
hoccar, see aka
hoe, v.t. paddle, row
horoeka, n. Pseudopanax crassifolium, a tree
hout, see utu
how yah, see hoe
How you now, see Heoi ano!
hoy-yah, see hoe
kaheru, n. spade
kahikatea, n. Podocarpus excelsum, white pine
kahikatoa, n. Leptospermum scoparium, manuka
kaikai, v.t. and v.i. eat, eat frequently
kainga, n. unfortified place of residence, village
n. ship
kaitaka, n. cloak made of the finest flax, with ornamental border
kakahu, n. garment of fine texture
kanga, kangar, see kainga
kanikani, v.t. dance
kapura, n. fire
karaddie, see kararehe
karaka, n. Corynocarpus laevigata, a tree
kararehe, n. dog, quadruped
kareao, n. Rhipogonum scandens, supplejack
karne karne, see kanikani
karradie, see kararehe
kauri, n. Agathis australis, a forest tree
kauta, n. cooking shed
kete, n. basket made of flax
kicaitere, see kahikatea
kicaitore, see kahikatoa
kiekie, n. Freycinetia banksii, a climbing plant
kiki, see kaikai
kipooky, see kaipuke
ki tuck-er, see kaitaka
kohua, n. Maori oven
kopa, n. native oven
koraddy, see korari
korari, n. Phormium tenax, flax
korradie, korraddie, see korari
korero, n. conversation
korimako, n. Anthornis melanura, bell-bird
kuki, n. slave
kukupa, n. Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae, pigeon
kumara, n. Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato
a. ignorant, held in no estimation
ma, a. white
ma, part, used to indicate the inclusion of others
mammooe, see namu
maori, a. native, belonging to New Zealand
mar, see ma
marre, see mere
a. dead
mattie, see mate
mere, n. a short flat weapon of stone
moe, v.i. die
moiy, see moe
mourie, see maori
nammouie, see namu namu, n. sandfly
noue, nu, see nui
nui, a. large, superior, of high rank
pa, n. stockade, fortified place
pai, a. good, excellent
paipa, n. pipe
pakeha, n. person of predominantly European descent; a. foreign
papa, n. flat board
par, see pa
parkiaah, parkiah, parkiar, parkieah, see pakeha
parr, see pa
partikie, see patiki

[Image of page 109]

patiki, n. Rhombosolea plebia, sand flounder
patoo, see patu
patu, n. weapon
paua, n. Haliotis, mutton-fish
pea walker, see piwakawaka
peeter, see piro
pekow, see pikau
pi, pie, see pai
pikau, v.t. carry on the back, pick-a-back
pipi, n. cockle
pippie, see pipi
pirah, see piro
piro, a. putrid, stinking
piwakawaka, n. Rhipidura flabellifera and R. fuliginosa, fantail
po, n. night
poo, see pu
pouriedee, pouriedie, see puriri
pu, n. gun
pukapuka, n. book
puppar, see papa
puriri, n. Vitex lucens, a tree
ra, n. sun, day
rah tabboo, see ra tapu
rangatara, see rangatira
rangatira, n. chief
rangitara, see rangatira
rappoo, see raupo
ra tapu, sacred day, Sunday
raupo, n. Typha angustifolia, bulrush
roody doody, see ruriruri
ruriruri, n. song, ditty
shanrica, see hangareka
sharkatty, see hakari
showrangy, see haurangi
tabboo, see tapu
tahae, n. thief
taiapa, n. fence, wall
tai pari, flowing tide
tamaiti, n. child; pl. tamariki
tane, n. husband
tanekaha, n. Phyllocladus trichomanoides, a tree
tangata, n. man, human being
tappoo, see tapu
tapu, a. sacred
tara, a. quick, active, distant
tarne, tarnee, tarney, see tane
tarnicar, see tanekaha
taro, n. Colocasia antiquorum, a food plant
tarra, tarraw, see taro taua, n. hostile expedition
tawara, see tawhara
tawhara, n. fruit of Freycinetia banksii (kiekie)
tay, see ti
tena, ad. there
Tena ra ko koe e koro! There you are, O friend!
Tenir racky qui Ecrow, see Tena ra ko koe e koro!
tenne, see tena
ti, n. Cordyline of several species, cabbage tree
tie up, see taiapa
tihi, see tahae
ti puddie, see tai pari
toetoe, n. grass, sedge of various species, especially Arundo conspicua
toi, v.i. move quickly
toi, see tui
toie toie, see toetoe
tomitie, see tamaiti
torotoro, n. Metrosideros scandens, a climbing plant
tower, see taua
toy-dah, see toi
tuatara, n. Sphenodon punctatus, a reptile like a large lizard
tui, n. Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae, parson bird
tupara, n. double-barrelled gun
two-parra, two purra, see tupara
upanga, see hapai
utu, n. reward, price
waheinee, waheini, see wahine
wahine, n. woman
wai, n. water
waipiro, n. intoxicating liquor
waka, n. canoe
walker, see waka
walker pipe, see whakapaipai
wayheinee, see wahine
weirah, see wera
wera, a. heated, hot
whi, why, see wai
whye pi, see whaiaipo
whyhienee, see wahine
why peeter, see waipiro
wurrie, see whare
wutter, see whata
whaiaipo, n. sweetheart
whakapaipai, v.t. approve, praise
whare, n. house, hut
whata, n. elevated stage for storing food

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